Can I use google wifi system with Telstra fttp? Telstra have said no and that’s the reason I get very slow speed with it. Speed does reach advertised speeds when using the smart modem but I want something that can cover the house and I can use vpn.
Any other routers that may work?
Telstra FTTP Router Replacement

Google wifi will work with FTTP.
As summoner mentioned any router will work with FTTP. I had just replaced my existing router with a Deco X68 mesh wifi router and it was an easy swap.
Unless you need the 4G backup, or the voice, you don't even need the modem. You can connect the Google Wifi directly to the NBN NTD
Sounds like you need to read up on what FTTP actually is and how it works. Once you do this you will be allot more knowledgeable about what options you have.
A starting point is: don't really need a modem with FttP, but a router, the NBN wall unit (NTD) is effectively the modem part, which is already permanently installed on your wall.
Any router will work with Telstra NBN FttP, however, if you want something future proof (at least for a few years), I'd look at a WiFi 6 router.
If you want coverage over a larger area of your home or have any dead spots in your home for WiFi, search for a "WiFi 6 Mesh Router".You will need to use the telstra modem in bridge mode as telstra has an additional authentication protocol. But yes you can use any third party router. VPN will slow your speed down. Maybe you should make sure you are getting the correct speeds with the telstra modem first before you invest in google wifi, there may be a service fault.
Note you may have wifi interference. Test the speed with an ethernet cable and then look into changing your wifi bands
Nah you don't use bridge mode on the Telstra modem with FTTP. Only for the initial setup the Telstra modem is needed. After that you can plug in Google Wi-Fi to the nbn NTD.
Hey Twix, I am curious for new Telstra FTTP NBN connection, what kind of initial setup specifically requires the Telstra modem? Asking because I want to avoid using the Telstra modem at all.
Telstra does some extra authentication. Plug in the Telstra modem to the nbn NTD for a few days. After that unplug the Telstra modem, wait at least 30 minutes for the DHCP lease to expire and then plug in any router you want.
@Twix: Interesting. So is this step essential for the NBN to work? Say if I just plug in my own router to the NTD from the beginning when Telstra activate my NBN, my internet won’t work?
@brick007123: It will work but you might not get full speed. I can't remember the specifics apart from it being a Telstra thing.
Telstra have said no
What they meant is they won't provide tech support over the phone for you, if you internet connection is not working. The Telstra supplied modem, IIRC, allows them to remotely initiate diagnostic test/reset, but don't quit me.
Solution? You use the Telstra modem as a bridge, turn of its wifi and plug your Google Nest with it. If you don't know what I said means, please save yourself some heartache and not replace the Telstra modem.
Edit: replied to wrong comment.
Telstra can do remote diagnostics on the Telstra modems.
I wouldn't recommend putting Google Wi-Fi behind a double NAT. It doesn't play nice.
Ouch re double NAT.
Having reread what OP wrote, I thought OP was saying using the Telstra modem wifi was the reason why the internet speed was slow. I'm actually unsure which topology OP found slow with - with Google Nest connected to the internet directly (what I assumed OP wanted to do but Telstra said no) or via Telstra modem (what I suggested, which may lead to double NAT problem).
pm me your @bigpond username, and i'll run a speed test on it (i work for Telstra)
Is this a work approved channel? I'd be careful.
Google Wi-Fi doesn't allow you to run a VPN on the router itself. What speeds do you get with Google Wi-Fi? What plan did you signup for?
I am not with Telstra, but any NBN FTTP would be same. You just need to buy a router that supports FTTP.
I am with Origin Broadband which is maintained by Aussie Broadband and replaced existing router with D-Link mesh few days ago as the router i got from aussie broadband died on me. No trouble with the replacement. It was just a matter of plugging in the new router and follow the set-up. Everything is working great.