Not all taxis have infant seats. I wonder how people manage with infants when they need to take taxi? I see there a online taxi services with specific needs but what if that’s not an option? Say you are travelling back from airport- can you take any regular taxi there?
Is It Legal in NSW to Ride a Taxi/Uber with an Infant without The Infant Seat?

Planes don’t have infant seats afaik. But you can book seats designated specifically for infants. There are no seats assigned to infants as they are carried on the passenger lap however in a long flight, they are provided with a bassinet.
Plane and car seatbelts perform very different jobs.
Road rule 266, (5-1) deals with children, seatbelts and taxi travel.
Children under 12 months need to be in a baby seat in a taxi, older than that and they can just use a seatbelt.
Bring your seat with you, it's normally free check in, and back in the day you could stuff it full of personal items as well, if you needed extra luggage allowance. Not sure the case these days though
Is It Legal in NSW to Ride a Taxi/Uber with an Infant without The Infant Seat?
Taxi = Yes if they are 12 months or older
Uber = No because they are a private vehicle and normal seating rules apply.
taxis/uber are not immune to having accidents
i wouldn't risk it
does the plane have infant seats?
this isnt me being a dick btw, generally curious because iv never seen them