This was posted 3 years 3 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Amazfit GTR 47mm US$88 (~A$120) / GTS 2 Mini US$100.36 (~A$136) / T Rex US$109.99 (~A$150) Posted @ Amazfit Official AliExpress

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Few really good deals on some Amazfit watches, lowest they've been I believe, starts in about 20 hours from this post.

Amazfit GTR 47mm Smartwatch
Original Price: $111.99
11:11 Page Price: $84
Store Coupon: $4
Final Price: $80.00 USD (+GST = ~A$120)

Amazfit GTS 2 MINI Smartwatch
Original Price: $99.99
11:11 Deal Price: $91.24 USD (+GST = ~A$136)

Amazfit T-rex Smartwatch
Original Price: $115.99
1111 Deal Price: $ 99.99 USD (+GST = ~A$150)

Related Stores

amazfit Official Store
amazfit Official Store

closed Comments

  • Can stack with coupons from this deal to further reduce the prices.

    • Stack coupons wont guarantee 100% back with social good

      I personally am going to buy the GTR for $84 for guaranteed CB

  • Would anyone recommend these Amazfits over the Huawei GT2e?

    • Someone correct me if wrong, but GT2e is more equivalent to the Amzfit GTR2. This would be one generation behind and not really a bargain unless you want the old 'top model'.

  • +2

    I have the original GTR, and still love it.

    - Amazing battery life (1-3 weeks)
    - 100s of watch faces available for free
    - Looks great (subjective)

    - Don't get this for heart rate or GPS tracking
    - No apps, only really for notifications and other basic functionality

    Whirlpool thread on this watch is here:

  • it is a glorified fitness tracker, not a smartwatch.

    • agree most of these are not really smart but just focus on health fitness.
      i still wondering what is the purpose of step counting etc etc. so if you have target of 500 steps and by 11pm still short, you go out and walk ? or just ignore? so what is the point ?

      • +1

        Yeah the point is to hit a minimum amount of cardio / sustained elevated heart rate on a weekly / daily basis.

        I think most studies show… 150 minutes of medium intensity cardio greatly reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease. Something like that.

        I have an amazfit trex, I use that to track my workouts at the gym and make sure I get minimum 150 minutes a week of sustained > 130bpm for the sake of my heart. (excluding the elevated hr from resistance training)

        I have a family history of high blood pressure….and also a family history of eating like shit and treating your body like crap so that's more likely the culprit. Regardless, can't argue with statistics and it makes you feel good.

        I don't really bother with tracking steps, but it's another useful metric for people to use to ensure they're moving around enough.

  • +1

    I have a Amazfit T-Rex and I recommend it. This thing takes a pounding at work with a 3 week battery life.
    Only con is there is no stock notifications for facebook, insta etc.
    You need to install a third party app like "notify for amazfit."

    Other than that it is a great watch, gets more wrist time than my other watches.
    I use it to track cycling and walks as well.

    • Man I don't get anywhere near 3 weeks out of mine. Do you track much on it?

      I don't like notify for amazfit, too messy a UI in my opinion but I do use amazfit tools for notifications. I track 1 workout a day which is around an hour (just HR gets tracked, no GPS) and I'm seeing just above 10% drop per day.

      I'm guessing its the workouts.

      AOD is off.

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