Card comes with free shipping. Says weekend sale so don't know how much longer this deal will last for. (Changed to on sale now.)
Read: Up to 100MB/s.
Write: Up to 90MB/s.
Card comes with free shipping. Says weekend sale so don't know how much longer this deal will last for. (Changed to on sale now.)
Read: Up to 100MB/s.
Write: Up to 90MB/s.
Gonna be a while still. Annoyingly hovering around $200.
Such a good deal imo!
Thanks so much!
Been holding out to get the 512GB ones for awhile. Will do nicely with my BaseQI adapter for my surface book.
Now just to make sure the 3 year old doesn't redecorate the screen the same way he did to my Surface Pro, by dropping it on the floor.
I had this debate for Nintendo Switch and landed on Samsung based on research I did about a year ago… Been awesome
If you benefit from a faster write speed then there is no question IMO, have both cards, the write speed on the Sandisk is around 40-45. It's a noticeable difference
Samsung, based on read/write speeds.
Marginally more expensive per GB.
My SanDisk Ultra appears to write at about 35MB/s from memory.
Samsung for quality
I tend to have trouble with the Sandisk. Will still go with the Samsung,
Wish they made a TRUE 512gb SD card though instead of short changing us by calculating 1Mb=1000Kb instead of the 1024Kb it actually does. But ALL storage media has this problem…
Thanks got one for new gopro10 that shipped today
Picked one up for the future MBP, thanks.
Anybody know if is this good for the BlackVue dashcams?
512GB is overkill for a dash cam. This card should work fine but note that the warranty may be voided as this card is not designed to be used in a dash cam. You are better to go with a 64GB or 128GB Sandisk High Endurance
Thank you
Have one of these as a general storage drive in an older MacBook Pro. Works great, highly recommend.
Apparently there are a tonne of fake SD cards out there.. Besides buying from a reputable seller, how else can you tell the difference between a genuine and fake?
A program like H2testw will test speeds, capacity and if the card has any errors.
Thanks mate
Bought one for my switch, thanks!
deal expired back to $105
Need that 1tb to come down