• expired

$5 Impossible Burgers (up to 4 Per Relish Membership) @ Grill’d


Stupidly ordered one today and they told me the promo starts tomorrow (I assume after Meat Free Mondays).

Limit of 5 per member.

That’s all I know.

Edit: it’s in the app now. And limit is 4 per member.

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closed Comments

    • +199

      Tell me you comment on 7News' posts without telling me you comment on 7News' posts

    • +33

      Those who are vegetarians / vegans don't care. This is marketing for those who can't get themselves off stuff that taste / texture like meat.

      I'd suggest the other way around. Vegetarian food should be a lot cheaper as no vegetables are $20 a kilo with exception of maybe organic mushrooms even then it would be a stretch.

      • Bill gates agrees!

    • +50

      I think this is for people who love the taste of meat, but just want to reduce the intake either for health, environmental or just balances diet reasons. Its not meant to trick you, is meant to make it easier to adopt by people who love the taste

      • +10

        Is it really healthier tho?

        • +19

          Is it really healthier tho?

          No. Because all of these types of things are highly processed foods. If you want to be healthy, eat real food.

          • +2

            @1st-Amendment: Yes and No…. Healthier than meat and not healthier than Salad or other fake meat.

            • +8

              @melb-ourne: unlikely to be healthier than meat, it is highly processed and high in fat and salt, even more so than meat. If you want healthy and vegetarian eat a salad.

            • @melb-ourne: Fake meat healthier than real meat? Melbourne username checks out.

              Do you have anything to backup your claims of synthetic foods being healthier than natural (from nature) foods we've adapted to eat over thousands of years?

              • +5

                @[Deactivated]: Evolving to eat something doesn't mean it's somehow better for you. Being natural doesn't mean it's better for you, either. We can eat pure sucrose, for starters, and it's natural.

                The absolute best you can claim is "This may have helped our ancestors to survive to an age when they could breed - so 14 or so - then live along enough to raise their young until they can breed."

                "Maybe didn't kill most people before 30, probably" isn't quite the ringing endorsement you think it is.

                • +1


                  The absolute best you can claim is "This may have helped our ancestors to survive to an age when they could breed"

                  I can give you much better than that, Meat is what allowed humans to evolve into the most advance species on earth: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5417583/

                  Now let's see your counter claim for what highly processed high salt fake meat offers…

                  • +1


                    I can give you much better than that, Meat is what allowed humans to evolve into the most advance species on earth:

                    And then they ate kale and everything went downhill since … now this vegetable meat … the end is very very near …


                • @GrueHunter: Yes and artificial meat pushed by massive corporations because it increases their margins is definitely healthier. Just green washing and dodgy corporate scientists.

              • @[Deactivated]: Not agreeing that fake meats are healthier than meat from animals.

                However, I doubt anyone would think we've adapted for thousands of years to eat animals that are pumped so full of growth hormones and other such things, that they outgrow their own skeletal structure and end up with broken limbs due to how unnaturally quickly they grow (e.g. chickens)? I think not…

                If you're interested in finding out more, watch documentaries like Dominion.

            • +5


              Healthier than meat

              No it isn't. And just repeating this claim doesn't make it true.

        • +4

          Are burgers in general healthy food?

          • +2

            @John Doh: ^^^This^^^ Some are worse than others though.

            Ooh but sooo tasty if you get a good one for a treat

          • +2

            @John Doh: Traditionally they aren't, but there's no reason why they can't be prepared healthier.

        • Who claimed it was?

      • +4

        Indeed, although I would add: it's for people who love the taste of meat but don't want someone to be killed just for a 5-minute meal.

        • +2

          The only valid reason for eating fake meat is to not support the barbarity the animals suffer.

          Anyone saying it's healthier is just bullshitting themselves.

    • +2

      If the fact that this is in the "plant based" section of the menu doesn't give it away, you might have a problem.

  • Grilld tho

    • +3

      Grill'd: where to go when you think you're too cool to go to a burger chain

  • +4

    when I was working at Maccas (happiest days of my life) we would joke about "mystery meat"

    this takes it to the next level

    impossible meat!

      • Some would even say it’s…batsh!t crazy

    • +11

      Username checks out… MAGA 2024

      • +20

        What is with the weird political/cultural debate going on in this page? It's a deal for a hamburger.

        • +12

          Vegetarian deals bring out the anti-vegetarians.

          Which is the kind of dumb stance that you only reach if you reallllly take political sides against change.

          It's like how anti-environmentalist Americans have such a problem with improved fuel economy they've started "rolling coal"

          • -1

            @crentist: I think it’s a bit more to do with “artificial meat” than with vegetarianism.

            I like vegetarian food. I do pescatarian Fridays and it’s often easier to just eat vego. Even in general, there are a lot of nice vegetarian dishes (e.g. spinach and ricotta cannelloni). Personally, I will never eat this artificial trash pushed onto the lower class by large multinationals. Ditto for Grill’d anyway so I guess it’s all a bit beside the point.

    • +45

      wait.. the animal product patties aren't processed? ok mate

      • +10

        These burgers are the bomb, even if you aren't vegetarian or vegan, which I'm not. They are made from Beyond Meat, which I now buy from the supermarket also.
        I'll definitely be heading there with some mates tomorrow, thanks OP 👍
        I actually prefer the taste of these over meat for burgers.

        • +11

          These are from Impossible, not Beyond. Grill'd have replaced the Beyond range with these 'Impossible 2.0' burgers, flavour is pretty different.

          • @algy: Ohhh, well there you go. It still mentions Beyond on their site but perhaps that's an old page. Thanks for the heads up, I haven't seen this brand anywhere before in supermarkets, so it'll be good to see what it's like.

            • @SimAus007: I think Grill'd is one of two stores in Australia selling the Impossible 2.0, keen to give it a go.

              • @algy: Likewise :)

              • @algy: Artificially made… this is no where natural. Why are the vegans eating it?

                • +1


                  Why are the vegans eating it?

                  'cause they are told is meat free …

          • @algy: Dayum! Hadn't realised they got rid of beyond, I ordered impossible on the weekend and thought they were not even close to beyond (or maybe not cooked properly since it's new).

            But for 5 bucks I can give it another shot

            • @Juggernauto: Yeah, not super pleased about it either. I like the less-meaty taste of the Beyond.

            • @Juggernauto: i could still get beyond the other day but they weren't advertising it (maybe sometime to do with this company coming in).

              but yeah $5…

      • -2

        some are some aren't. Processed refers to the preservatives and additives added. simply processing meat into a pattie doesn't necessarily make it processed in the sense being discussed. So you absolutely can have burger that would be considered not processed.

        • ["Processed refers to the preservatives and additives added. simply processing meat into a pattie doesn't necessarily make it processed."]

          Directly from Food Standards Australia, the definition of Processed Foods…. "Processed foods are any foods that have been MODIFIED from their ORIGINAL fresh or whole state."
          I've never seen a cow produce minced meat before, so it's processed, it's that simple. Sure, other things may or may not be added to processed food, but that is not the definition of processed food.
          More here: https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/consumer/generalissues/Page…

          • +3

            @SimAus007: perhaps you should have read more than the first line to see examples and what they consider processing. By your definition everything is a processed food, including steak.foodstandards use examples like meat products, such as bacon, sausage, ham, salami and paté.

            and from the legislation "processed meat means a meat product containing no less than 300 g/kg meat, where meat either singly or in combination with other ingredients or additives, has undergone a method of processing other than boning, slicing, dicing, mincing or freezing, and includes manufactured meat and cured and/or dried meat flesh in whole cuts or pieces."

            Note mincing is specifically excluded from the classification as processed meat.

            • -4

              @gromit: Nice try yourself. Read facts.
              A piece of steak is simply cut meat, it hasn't been transformed into something else, ie minced, it is still in its natural form.
              All minced meat is processed, if you think it's not, read the link again.
              You can't educate some people.

              • +3

                @SimAus007: LOL so first you want to use foodstandards Australia, but now that you see it disagrees with you you want to make up your own standard. Mince is not considered processed, nor is sliced or diced or boned. It has not modified the meat and is not considered processed, foodstandards Australia bases its defintion on the legal enforced definition which is drawn from the legislation.

                I will quote again for you " processed meat means a food which has, either singly or in combination with other foods, undergone a method of processing other than boning, slicing, dicing, mincing or freezing."


              • +2

                @SimAus007: Minced meat isn't processed. There's nothing added to it.

                You're looking up the wrong definition of "processed" in the context of things.

                Here, I Googled it for you

  • +5

    Thanks for sharing op! Can't wait to try this out

  • +9

    Keen to try the impossible burger, took advantage of the 2 for 1 beyond for the last 12 months or so

    • +2

      Tried one in merica when it first came out. I'd say it was superior to beyond meat by quite a bit.

      • Can't wait to give it a whirl.

        I was massively suprised by how good beyond was.

    • +2

      Did you take advantage of them….

      Or did they take advantage of you my friend?

      • +1

        In terms of ozbargain they tlhad my pants down.

        But every now and then it's nice to eat something other than mi goren.

    • Tried today - the whole mimicking meat thing aside, it actually tasted pretty good.

  • -5

    After all the free Grill'd I grabbed I can't imagine paying for grilld even at $5.

    • +1

      Same, after watching a Grilld member in one of the Canberra restaurants use the same tongs to put raw chicken on the hot plate to then immediately grab a patty off and place on the burger, Grilld for me, NO MORE!

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I was planning to get the 2 for 1 deal today but will wait tomorrow for this deal instead.

    • +2

      Damn, I thought they stopped that deal? I got an email a while ago saying "It had to end sometime" and it ended on the 30/08/2021?

  • -6

    It will be Impossible for me to eat that burger

    • +5

      impossible meat. impossible to beat! impossible to eat.

      I'll see myself out

      • -6

        since its Vegan .. I'll also see myself out !

        • +3

          It's not vegan though that's the thing

          • +3

            @shaibankek2: Yeah lol, neither this post nor the website says it's vegan. Why all the vegan haters jumping to conclusions just to point out their distaste for veganism.

  • +1

    What is the 2 for 1 deal?

    • +1

      You buy one get one free meat-free burgers on Mondays. I think it's for relish members only.

      • How to become a relish member?

        • Visit the website and register.


        • +1

          It's kinda a secret but if you take a bottle of relish to any Grill'd local store you will get free relish membership for life

        • +2

          special invitation from the ceo

          or just go on the website

    • -6

      "you get to eat the burger" and then "get to brag about being a Vegan"

      • +6

        We heard you the first two times

        We get it

        You're edgy and you're just keeping it real

  • Is meat free monday's 2 for 1 still on?

    • +3

      No, It stopped around 2 months ago.

      • +3

        It shows expiry 31/Dec/2021 for me. Maybe it's different for WA

        • +2

          It says that for me too and I'm in QLD. I tried to use it last week though and it didn't work. Person who worked there tried it twice, then asked someone else and they said it's a glitch in the system that it still shows up for some people, but it's not valid. I couldn't be bothered pressing the issue, so just left with no burgers.

      • Yeah I remember getting the email that the deal was finishing a few months ago.

      • 29th August - email from grilld

        "It had to end sometime
        For months we’ve been making Mondays bearable with our 2-for-1 on Meat-Free burgers. It was time we called it, but not before we gave you one last plant-based feast.
        You, this Monday, our final 2-for-1. We’ll see you there."

    • +2

      It's definitely still on in VIC until end of year. But the Impossible won't be part of that (so I was told).

      • It is? The ozbargain page here says it already expired and I couldn't find anything otherwise.

      • +1

        Still in my app too for Victoria..expires Dec 31

        • Interesting…. might be targeted then. It's not showing in my app (VIC)

        • I tried it in September, even though the app says expiry Dec, the system weren't able to recognise it :(

  • +7

    I'm not vegan / vego but have def enjoyed some of these types of burgers. Thx for posting.

    • -1

      I read it as "I am an animal abuser, but have def enjoyed some of these …"

    • I'm vegan and I told another vegan I was eating impossible burger they would take away my vegan powers. They test their products on animals which makes it "not vegan" despite having vegan ingredients. But I still eat it because it was a good price and ethics of animal testing are usually saturated. You do you.

  • +11

    Had one yesterday. To my taste buds Impossible is the best meat-free simulation of a burger.

    • -1

      How would you say this compares to the rebel burger? The beyond burger was extremely mediocre. The rebel burger is essentially the Aussie version of the US impossible burger. My partner and I both agreed that the rebel burger was good but if that was the quality of all their burgers they wouldn't be be in business.

      • -1

        As in the one at Hungry Jack's? Impossible is streets ahead. Apples to oranges really.

        • Ok i was just curious drive Burger King in the US uses impossible burger patties. So I thought maybe the rebel whopper was the sand.

        • Jeez I hope it's not like the rebel whopper because that was horrible tasting.

  • Just letting vegans know that this burger isn't considered vegan, as some ingredients were tested on rats, who were then killed.

    • +26

      I heard some rats died in the construction of the restaurant too.

      • +8

        A good point!

        We can only do our best.

        Enjoy your day :)

        • +3

          To a point! You can split your hairs, trying to split hairs lol.

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