Coupon for $15 off, with a Minimum Spend of $100 @ Harris Technology eBay
Compensation for this deal gone wrong. Could be targeted.
Best of luck!
Note: Coupon code is generic
Coupon for $15 off, with a Minimum Spend of $100 @ Harris Technology eBay
Compensation for this deal gone wrong. Could be targeted.
Best of luck!
Note: Coupon code is generic
Private use? Nah its not
the code is multi-use! got the same code in my email as well
Next email will be offering another apology and a $15 off $1000 spend
You really had to post this as a deal?
It's not so much the cancellation of the orders it's the fact that they blatantly lied on multiple occasions and then gave this as an "apology". It's essentially just marketing now given there's such jacked prices here.
Might be useful for at least one person on this site
Either Op is a Troll or has no bargain sense or is both .
100% its marketing, top lieing, own your mistake..
The flood of reviews wil be in shortly.
From memory, the original $15 off was meant to apply to orders above $100. The error was that the min spend was not applied
This "good-will gesture" is just the original promo as far as I can tell
I applied that $15 voucher and paid with my ebay giftcard for $0.50. The ended up charging my ebay giftcard $15.50 and shipped it. I contact them immediately, no response of course. I'll take them on for sure!
Can't even neg them on ebay yet as 7 days haven't passed ;)
Reminder set!
We can still write something at product review or google…
Waiting for my negative feedback!
Too soon
It's never too soon for a bargain!
Have you actually looked through their items? You haven't provided any examples of anything worth buying. You've just provided a worthless coupon.
@mlakmlak: The Christian Television Station in Ohio? Short for Witnessing the living world. Otherwise please speak in actual English, thanks.
@pennypincher98: Tough crowd.. lol no… WTLW is Welcome To Last Week… when they had their oops sale with no decent content & flopped … as expected. The Christain station probably has better deals.. But it seems you found something to order last week…
pennypincher98 on 03/11/2021 - 23:57
Lol I'll be more pissed if this is honoured because I've only done 3 orders
& yes, comparitively its a worthless coupon - but it's a coupon none the less.
Best of luck in the next oops deal that get's cancelled where you get angry & then a free coupon.
Poor excuse of an apology for mishandling business.
Nope, I felt this was not an mishandling but intentional as I've observed quite a few business having almost exactly the same behavior: posts prices hard to resist then cancel the orders just after, claiming there were mistakes. Yep, human do make mistakes, but if you make exactly the same mistake very year, or even every a couple of months, then you are deliberately doing that. And obviously, they have incentives to do that: bring lots of free traffic and don't have to pay a dime for it.
Worst seller you’ll possibly find. Send my item to 20km away from me and never bother to respond let alone help.
Haha, nice! Upvoting for the exposure!
Trying to profit from their mistake, soo smart..or not
Hard to trust a company that lies to its customers and doesn't honour it's orders.
No deals listed.
"Due to inexperience, the $15 coupon was made public and was shared across Ozbargain, when it was originally intended for private use by one person."
A coupon that was meant for one person that is a generic "DISCOUNT15A" but an apology coupon meant for everyone that is a 15 digit/alpha long … doesn't pass the BS detector test here.
Price jacking
Actually I am just glad that I will be getting my money back on the PoS that I had ordered from them. 🙄
Why bother?
Don't expect them to honor your order!
Seems I missed all the drama with the last deal but my $15 off order got shipped?
Ordered without reading these comments :( hoping my order gets shipped and I don't get screwed. Just have to wait and see I guess :/
Don't bother because they've got the apology email ready again to send out. Rather than fixing up their own mess, they blame the ozbargain community.
Still overpriced
Really? Are you serious?
Oh… can't use this and wasted my time login outside.
My order has been marked as posted, yet I have received this email?!
Their apology was a joke, and so is this deal post :)
Agree. I got a 2m ethernet cable (RRP would not have been $16), but still… if it's only a $1, I bought it. eBay shows it will be delivered between Nov 11-16, but received this lame apology from Harris Tech in my email today… I can't wait to give them negative feedback on eBay, but if they cancel the order (assuming I also get a refund), I guess I won't be able to leave feedback. Grrrr!
You can still leave feedback, but ebay doesn't make it easy you'll have to find it in your "purchase history".
The order just got canceled and refund issued - yet to appear in account.
Unable to leave feedback… which would not have been pretty.
Reason for cancelation: “Issue with buyer’s delivery address’
My fault? Err… no. What a bunch of a-holes. Is there any way to report them to eBay?
@Graffin: you can still leave feedback for cancelled items! here's the link:…
@I Smell Pennies: Thanks, but it says I have to wait 7 days before I can leave negative feedback for the seller.
The weird thing was they left me positive feedback. I just assumed they would honour it for a lousy 2m Ethernet cable that was grossly overpriced anyway and that it would arrive Nov 11-16 as indicated.
Nope. Instead, they claim there was an issue with my delivery address. Liars!
I’ll try again in 7 days. Thanks for the link!
@Graffin: Yeah, 7 days from date of purchase, so should be today or tomorrow.
Their feedback is probably automatic. What a shit company blaming our address. Yw
@Graffin: Yeah, tonight or tomorrow I'm going to leave feedback, it won't be pretty either but it will be true.
I don't see why Harris Tech are lying on their cancelations about incorrect addresss, just be honest with your customers.
I'm astonished they still have a 99.3% eBay rating given the complaints I've seen across ozbargain deals.
The negs will come in a weeks time as per ebay guidelines. Ebay gives sellers a chance to respond and fix the issue before a neg vote sticks.
No deal, don't support companys that try and blame others, take ownership for your mistake Harris Technology
I've ordered 2 Motherboards in the past 3 months from their eBay store with zero issues fast postage… 100% Ebay
They also emailed me the tax invoices when i asked for them to submit my MSI $40US steam gift cards..
B550 Tomahawk $168
B550 Mortar $147
Got both and i'm happy. and the $115 worth of steam gift cards was awesome.
You either work for HT, or you didn't read the above comments.
I even posted the DEAL on here and its got 32+ 's
Work for HT? lol
[Afterpay] MSI MAG B550M MORTAR $148.66 Delivered @ Harris Technology eBay
My 12 year post history has only 1 HT ebay deal and 1 HT amazon deal both MSI B550 boards lol
Didn't work out for them lol.. lucky u didn't actually need the item
shame shame harris technology
Fam we can still leave feedback after our order is cancelled:…
I hope this works when the 7 days are up. eBay chat were adamant feedback can only be left for "successful" transactions and that Harris had followed the correct procedure to cancel the sales and avoid negative feedback. If so, I will stalk every Harris OzB "deal" and downvote-bomb it :)
Hell has no fury like an ozbargainer scorned
I agree, marketing failure to the extreme.
It will cost them more in goodwill than they would have on some small discount code.
Honesty is always best.
From my ebay chat re: Harris Technology using a dodgy cancellation reason to avoid a statistic on the Seller's performance.
"I have checked the details and I can see that we had buyers who had the same concern like yours from this seller. So, do not worry, we will look after this matter and check the seller's account. Please be advised that the seller's refusal to sell the item you've committed to buy is a breach of our Seller Non-Performance policy.
Also I can see that you have already been refunded so once again I am assuring you that we will definitely review the seller's account.
As we do not tolerate this kind of behaviour, I have taken the initiative to report your trading partner to our relevant department who will fully investigate the seller and take the appropriate action. Breaches of eBay's policies can lead to consequences that range from issuing the seller an informational alert, a temporary suspension, an indefinite suspension or terminating the member's account. Due to privacy concerns, we’re not at liberty to discuss the details of any action taken"
I don't really believe they will do anything, but everyone getting on the chat and lodging complaints has at least caught their attention!
Thanks and yes you can leave feedback of a negative nature. Get to it people.
Hello <…>,
My name is Grace from eBay and I received your case regarding the item “Logitech” (184390477721 ) that you recently purchased. I understand that you're not happy with the outcome of this transaction since seller cancelled your order because of address issue. No worries, let me handle this.
First of all, I hope you are safe with your whole family. I appreciate you in exerting your time and effort in bringing this matter to our attention. I know it's quite disappointing knowing seller cancelled the transaction with no prior notice. I check your address and it seems seller choose address issue to cancelled the transaction. This is not valid.
According to this circumstances, first, seller should make a clearer listing regarding location. Next, seller should not have cancelled items because of address. They need to inform first all their buyer before payment. And now seller is unresponsive.
Right now, since refund already issued, we highly advised to check for same item available on our site. Just an assurance, we will take care of the seller.
Let me send these details to our Trust and Safety Team which will conduct investigation on the seller's account, review their activities, and come up with any action that may result on the possibility of suspending or terminating the account.
Once our Trust and Safety team receives this report or get a record of it in our system, they will conduct investigation right away and come up with a further action for you. Rest assured that your concern will not be taken for granted.
You can also check this link: <hided link> for leaving feedback to your sellers.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. And I wish you all the best in your future eBay transactions. Take care always NgocHieuThuan!
Grace C.
eBay Customer Support
Nicely done, you can also report them via this link if you don't feel like talking to a customer service rep and your order gets cancelled like my last one did with the lying excuse.
7 days is up, you can now leave negative feedback too even if your order was cancelled thanks to everyone who posted the link to do so get to it people…
This is the link I used to give feedback on my cancelled orders, they don't show the normal way.
Thank you!
It was driving me crazy finding the feedback link for a cancelled order. They cancelled mine like 1 hour ago.
haha, order cancelled by them today and refund back to Paypal, apart from order status has been Posted for days.
Wow I can't believe they tried to cancel the orders with "buyer address problem". It sounds like their customer service rep at ebay advised them to do it this way to avoid the seller defects that would normally accrue. It also makes it harder to leave feedback.
It takes a special kind of company to stuff up this bad.
same bloody reason the email stated "Something was wrong with the buyer's delivery address.", which is a total joke.
Do not fully trust or rely on any Harris Technology coupon codes to be honoured > they will hold and use your money for a week, then cancel your order by claiming that you gave them a incorrect delivery address … This company has no integrity or morals, and should not be trusted to do the ''right'' thing when something goes wrong!
Remember to leave negative feedback to their eBay account if you participated in the previous coupon. Link via eBay
I'm not sure that $15 per order was worth destroying the reputation of your business, i'm sure that many of your share holders must now be very concerned and worried about their investments because of the now possible down-turn in future sales!
People never forget the name of a business that does wrong by them and when they do not own up for their own mistakes, to make matters even worse your company then blames the people with the excuse that they gave you a false delivery address and that was the reason why you cancelled their orders ( that reason was a lie and you know it ) and has now made a bad situation even worse for you!
The people running Harris Technology clearly have NO integrity to do the ''right thing'' when mistakes are made and would rather scapegoat it and BLAME everyone else > it would of been much cheaper in the long run to just honour the sales, cut your losses and except your mistake and learn from it … you would have had so many GOOD reviews, such great advertising and exposure with that $15 sweetener! as Harris Technology would of gained so many more new customers who would've purchased from you in the future, but now you have lost them FOR EVER and have given you business a shocking reputation not to be trusted … You still have a early chance to repair the damage and turn a bad situation into a positive one by honouring all the sales regardless of the price as most people can be forgiving, just saying!
I agree, the damage to thier goodwill is now far greater than the cost of some $15 discounts.
This is the internet age, the history will always be there, googleing Harris Tech will bring up these threads.
It is only a matter of time before one of the news papers picks this story up.
If there was no cancellation for "voucher related option" perhaps you should have honored the sales and not tried to avoid seller defects by lying.
meant for a one-time use by one customer only
The code DISCOUNT15A was promoted and avertised eBay wide. At what stage did HT believe using eBay's "Promoted Listings" was the same as creating a "…one-time use by one customer only…"?
Suggesting this was meant for one user doesn't make any sense.
About us
Harris Technology (HT) wishes to explain that an internal administrative error has resulted in the cancellation of approximately 6,000 customer orders and led to many negative reviews.
The incident occurred when a $15 promotional coupon for HT products listed on eBay, which was meant for a one-time use by one customer only, was inadvertently not made ‘unique’ to that customer enabling it to be used generally.
Upon discovery of the administrative error, HT cancelled the discount coupon and notified all customers who are affected. As part of the seller cancellation process on these affected orders, HT used the ‘Buyers Address’ checkbox as the reason for cancelling the order as there was no voucher-related option.
HT acknowledges that the voucher error and have been in regular communication with eBay to ensure affected customers would have their purchase refunded and these have now been processed.
Measures have been taken to ensure the mistake does not occur again.
Measures have been taken to ensure the mistake does not occur again.
Fair enough so they issued a one off code again as compensation that is not unique again .
In an interesting twist I was able to provide feedback on the cancelled order in Ebay. Go to the leave feedback section on ebay and it might be there.
Thanks, I'll make sure to negative feedback
no thanks