Best Invertor Generator for 120w Power

Not sure what category this is so put it into Sports and Outdoors
I need to run a 120w appliance sporadically for a day

Need an invertor generator, for cheap ideally under $500
Ideally quiet for use in market
What model do I get?
I don't need much power just 120w for now

Will consider second hand if you can link gumtree/facebook etc close to Sydney


  • What kind of appliance? How many hours in total does it need to run? You mention a market, is it indoors or outdoors? If it's outdoors, is your car at the stall as well?

    • Outdoors, yes car will be at stall. It's a Juicer. Probably only 1 hour in total on and off.

      • +3

        a juicer with a elec motor, won't be 120w, it will be more like 1200 or 2200w.

      • My idea was a 12v to 240v AC invertor running off the car battery - much cheaper than a generator and totally silent. However, that was based on your 120W estimate, which doesn't seem to be right for a juicer.

  • What is the make/model of juicer to check the specs on it

  • If you want quiet go solar panel and battery with inverter.

    Agree 120w doesn’t sound much for a juicer. Will also need to watch the startup current if it is an electric motor under load. The wattage rating may be for running power consumption, or average not peak.

    • Power is rotational its cold press its for oranges I think 120 is right…

      • +1

        Assuming 120w, you’ll need 10amp out of a 12v source. Add some losses for an inverter and say 15amps. An average car battery is about 50ah. 50/15=3.33 hours running time off a car battery. Aim for an inverter that will do at least double your 120w. Only issue is some cheap inverters may not run a motor.

        Talk to someone who supplies power for caravanners. Should be able to set up a completely silent power source. For the same $ as a generator and you won’t need to buy fuel.

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