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Kitty Flanagan's Complete Set of Rules $15 (RRP $29.99) + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Get two books for less than the price of one!

Complete Set of Rules is Kitty Flanagan's way of helping you help others to be less annoying. A two-book bundle comprising 488 Rules for Life and More Rules for Life.

Great for Kris Kringle/Secret Santa or stocking stuffers. Unless your recipient dislikes Kitty Flanagan and/or reading.

Edit: was $16, now $15!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    This should be a hilarious read

    • I read 488 and it was quite amusing.

  • +19

    You don’t need a media room or home theater
    Just watch television in the living room like a normal person.
    Or go to the movies.


    • +2

      I don't get it. That is just obvious.
      Though you can design a house so that living room has an end with good lighting and accoustics.

      • +4

        Maybe this book isn’t for you.

  • +32

    Australian, mainstream comedians are terrible. Change my mind.

    • +10

      There's no diversity in the bulk of Australian comedy, hence mediocrity exists in a small homogeneous pool. That's why Dave Hughes is somehow still in the spotlight.

      • +8

        There are definitely some very funny, clever people. (I'm thinking Chris Lilley, Tim Minchin, Shaun Micallef?) But for straight stand-up the Hughsie, Peter Helliar, Julia Morris types hurt my brain

        • +3

          I found Hughesy funny when he was self-deprecating about his shitty life 15 years ago. Then, to his credit, he got married, had kids, got fit and made a lot more money so that he is now no longer what he once was.

          I do find Kitty Flanagan funny. Or at least witty enough to watch compared to Peter 'I laugh, therefore you must laugh' Helliar.

        • +10

          Chris Lilley, Tim Minchin are comedians?

          • -1

            @pharkurnell: The ratings for Summer Heights High were very good. He got two spin-off shows from it.

        • +5

          Problem is, those comedians get rich by catering to the majority of the population with a basic/terrible sense of humour (hahahaha Julia Morris said something wacky and did a funny dance!!!! hilarious!!) - I'm sure some of those names are actually quite clever, but they've worked out that dumb comedy is what earns them money/regular prime-time TV appearances. There are loads of fantastic Aussie comedians, but unfortunately the market for clever comedy isn't a very lucrative one.

          • +8

            @ngengerous: Micallef is a good example - he's brilliant and hilarious but is nowhere near as successful as mediocre comedians like peter helliar or dave hughes

            • +6

              @DaiShan: Oh god I'd forgotten Peter Helliar even exists. Possibly the most awful comedian to get to prime-time. I don't think he's been funny even once in his entire life.

              • +4

                @justtoreply: Me too man. I was extra on the set of how to stay married. That scenario was such a bore. It should have been how to stay divorced and away from helliar

        • +3

          None of them are a Paul Hogan or a Strop though.

        • Helliar is suvh a bore. No irony or sarcasm. It's straight dry. I get only a fake smile from his material

        • Let's not forget that 95% of Julia Morris' work over the last 5 years has been sexually harassing the Bondi Vet in a treehouse to distract people from the fact that sticking a bunch of "celebrities" and has-beens in the jungle is boring 23 hours a day.

      • +4

        The hardest bit is establishing a publicity culture that gets them enough mainstream public work to hone their skills - if we had some more good quality panel style shows then they could work their way through that ecosystem. Kind of like what England has (and probably too many, really) - a seasoned bed of comedians who get a solid paycheck being shown on slightly different combinations on slightly different game shows. They learn timing, when to have their 'moment' and so on. They become good at it - perhaps a bit too good.

        The nearest we got was the original Spicks and Specks (IMHO). Trying to copy overseas formats largely doesn't work for us or showcases how amateurish our comedians are at the Panel Game Gig (compare our Celebrity Letters and Numbers with 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, for instance).

        • +11

          I really miss Thank God You're Here. If it were rebooted, I might watch free-to-air TV for the first time in years.

          • +2

            @ngengerous: I know it isn't the same sort of show but try The Cheap Seats if you can. It is really funny. I find it so much funnier than other similar shows that are currently available like Have You Been Paying Attention etc. I predict it will be the sort of show that gets copied in other countries.

            • +1

              @Quantumcat: Added to my list!

            • +3

              @Quantumcat: I actually really enjoy Have You Been Paying Attention.

              • +1

                @Homerlovesbeer: It's ok. But the contestants calling out stuff off the top of their heads that's quite random I don't find that funny. Cheap Seats has better jokes (I assume they're mostly planned in advance) and the chemistry between the two hosts is really spot on. Plus the clips from the week are picked because they're funny not because they're a fact that happened that week that is being quizzed on.

        • The hardest bit is establishing a publicity culture that gets them enough mainstream public work to hone their skills

          You should watch the episode of Comedians in Cars where Jerry chats to Eddie Murphy. They both sum up nicely why comedy these days is rubbish.

      • +4

        What about Aaron Chen? He probably fits the OzBargain demographic more?

    • +14

      Kitty Flanagan and Carl Barron are blatant exceptions to that trend.

      • +11

        Not to mention Sam Pang. I've been watching HYBPA and he brings me to tears.

      • +2

        Jefferies on abortion & guns:
        "The Democrats are like 'come on, you know you don't need a machine gun. And if your father f**** you, you don't have to keep it. Whereas the Republicans are like 'all life is precious, unless it steps on my property!'"

      • +7

        Jim used to go hard. Then he went to the US mainstream and everything got toned down.

        • -1

          Absolute tosh.
          Freedumb 2016 he starts by joking about rape for 15 minutes.
          This is Me Now 2018 he jokes about docking.
          Saying something offensive isn't comedy, it's the intellectual sharpness of its delivery.
          His joke (Honest To God??) about Noah making the door on the ark too small for dinosaurs "cause he was a thinker" was incredibly witty - no innuendo required.

          • +1

            @Boogerman: Yeah, I heard his Trump thing, was hilarious, thought let's check him out. The next thing he's making light of rape. Pass.

      • +1

        He was great before he sold out

          • +8

            @Boogerman: Or comment of people like me who followed him for years and enjoyed his work and noted the very rapid decline once he was chasing the acceptance in Hollywood, and before he was shown to be manipulating his interviews to push a narrative, that was just another fall imo

            • -3

              @Japius: Freedumb was his best - & had the extra benefit of taking the absolute puss out of conservatives (which he'd been doing for years anyway) & Donald Trump
              And that was 2016

              • +8

                @Boogerman: From the way you seem to inject politics into every topic on here You seem like a fangirl for one side of the aisle, probably why you are so attached to keeping Jeffries on a pedestal. A lot of us don’t like to be as tribal and appreciate good comedy that isn’t pushing an ideology which is something he used to be good at until he sold out. Anyway I’ve found the rusted on barnacles such as yourself are unable to discuss a topic if they think it goes against “their side” so have a good day

          • @Boogerman: Avi Yemini is a joke that’s not all that funny. He’s a dirty wife basher.

            • -2

              @bennybaubles: And another far right simpleton & politician, Tim Smith, is a dangerous drink driver.
              Expect Avi Yemini to be a Clive Palmer/One Nation Party federal electoral candidate in Victoria 2022. Although having a woman as a leader may rule Avi out of One Nation

    • +2

      This is precisely why I watch UK comedians on panel shows, stand ups and other shows like Taskmaster.

      Although I do like shows like Have You Been Paying Attention, Mad As Hell…So Australia does have some funny ones.

    • +1

      Ronny Chieng, Tom Gleeson and Shaun Micallef are my favourites.
      Tom Gleesons piece on Solar panels is awesome as an ozbargainer: https://youtu.be/rEqIKAH2KjQ

    • +1

      Pass. The only person that can change for your mind is you. Entertainment is a personal choice.

      I have seen Dave Hughes and Tom Gleeson live in the past few years. Both were quite amusing.

    • LOL. That is a broad comment.
      I find it amusing that if any other nation or cultural group was referred to it would be considered racist.

    • Most (all?) things mainstream are.

  • +13

    488 rules for life is also free to listen on the ABC app.. I personally find her hilarious.

    • +9

      Have you seen her new show Fisk? It's pretty funny. It has that subtle absurdity that Australian TV does so well at.

      • +2

        I very much enjoyed this show too

      • Just Australian TV? What about our politicians? ;;;DDD

    • I downloaded the audio book of 488 rules just a couple weeks ago through Borrow Box to listen to on a long road trip.
      It was free, and fun.
      Win, win.

  • +7

    My favorite fact about Kitty Flanagan is that her dad is the writer of the VERY popular YA series "Rangers apprentice"


  • -4

    Why are so many female comedians straight up not funny?

    • +4

      Probably too much sexism.

      • +4

        Or, perhaps it is sexism which is keeping unfunny female comedians in front of audiences?

        • +1

          I thought they meant that the female comedians often make jokes about feminism and sexism that just are partially trying to "send a message" rather than aiming purely for comedy.

          • +1

            @Dowhatuwant: I think you are talking about clapter - a combination of laughter and clapping.
            It seems to be a modern phenomenon where people think applauding some observation is the same as something being funny.
            Supporting something, or affirming you believe it to be true, is not the same as it being funny.
            Many female comedians (cough Hannah Gadsby cough) benefit from the modern confusion over this.

            • +8

              @Almost Banned: Hannah Gadsby literally shouldn't be referred to as a comedian. Ted Talks are funnier than her trauma recollection show.

      • +1

        But if they're not funny… then the problem must be the absence of it. ;-p

    • +2

      According to you. I'm sure the fanbase of those female comedians will say otherwise.

      • -1

        No sh#t sherlock, comedy is subjective. Other than Tina Fey/Amy Puehler I can't really think of many female comedians that are actually funny (to me).

    • +1

      Did you every watch that TV series “grumpy old men” followed by the sequel “grumpy old women”?
      Rich old Poms like Bob Geldof having a whinge about stuff. Germaine Greer et al for the ladies.

      Thing is, the blokes were funny. They were in on the joke. The women were not funny. Probably because they had a point.

  • +5

    Anyone else note Dave Chappelle's recent comment about Hannah Gadsby?

    • +7

      Sorry, relevant how?

      • +2

        Read the room, mate.

        (Upvoters know Dave is right, btw)

        • you have amassed a massive 1 upvote at the time of reading.

          • @sixteenweasels: 6 upvotes at my time of reading, it's just a net gain of +1 with all the negs

    • +9

      Don’t know the comment but Hannah Gadsby is not funny. KF is OK.

      • You already know the comment, my friend. You just didn't know it yet :)

    • Yep! Got my copy which is being delivered tomorrow.

  • good one

    • Amazon have now matched Kmart

  • +1

    I really don't like Kitty's comedy, but my partner does. Thanks.

    • +3

      She may be unbearable but this isn't a reason to downvote.

      • I agree both her comedy isn’t for me and that isn’t a downvote reason.

    • +2

      That may be the case but it isn't a reason to down vote the deal

      • -7

        Since when is there downvote rules?
        Downvote police here
        Free speech, feel like Dan Andrews is replying here

    • +1

      Obviously never seen The Project. ;-p

  • +1

    is anyone aware of the little dum dum club with Karl Chandler and Tommy Dassalo here?

  • +3

    Damn you OzBargain … this would be the first physical book(s) I've purchased (for myself) in well over a decade!

  • +1

    Good news for those who immediately jumped in at $16… Amazon is refunding the $1 difference (as a pre-order price guarantee).

  • +1

    Absolutely hilarious…. arrived today and I'm up to pg 15 and haven't stopped laughing.

  • Happy to receive the $1 pre-order gurantee refund.

    Unhappy to find they sent me a single book called The Winning Mindset.

    Did this happen to anyone else?

  • Bought the set of books again for $15.00 because it's back in stock. I sincerely hope I get them this time. I got The Winning Mindset for free though so that is a plus.

    • +1

      Winning Mindset seems to work!

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