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Samsung Galaxy Nexus - Unlocked $448 + Free Economy Express Shipping


Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Silver) - Unlocked

Free Economy Express Shipping (3-5 working days) + 12 months warranty!
They also have the WHITE one in store for only an additional $25!

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  • everyday price droppin'

    • need to see this at $400

  • $400 and i'd get it

    but now its getting too old, htc one x is out soon that is $650 shipped but much better specs

    • do you think once htc one x is released, the price of nexus will drop further?

      • yes no doubt. coz when htc one x released, we should have Samsung galaxy s3 price and spec released. Samsung isnt really going to let HTC steal the crowd

    • Just out of curiosity: won't a phone with a quad-core processor and a 1800mAh battery need to be used like a landline? I.e. plugged into the wall at all times?

      • +3

        Only if you run CPU-heavy stuff a lot. For normal workloads, four cores can often do the same amount of work in less time and at a lower clock rate, resulting in less power usage than a dual-core.

        Also, the Tegra 3 has a fifth, low-power "companion core" that can handle the common, basic tasks (like typing, phone calls, video playback etc) when the four main cores are shut down, saving a lot of power on light workloads.

        • Cheers, man :)

    • Agreed - once it gets to $400, it'll be tempting. But by then, it'll probably be too old.

  • +2

    I just hope Google/Samsung have learned a lesson here.

    The market has spoken, and they've said they want more than 16GB of locked down storage. I'd have bought 2 on launch if it had had a $0.50 microSD slot onboard.

    • like it or not, it seems like they are the new directions. i wont be too surprised if S3 doesnt have a microsd slot

      • +1

        In that case it will be galaxy note 4eva!

        • good…its getting cheaper too

    • Definitely. Would've bought one at launch, but instead I waited for months in the hope of the fabled 32GB version. I eventually gave in and bought one at $500 (Nexus > HTC, IMHO, despite specs), and I don't regret it, but I may well trade it for the next-model Nexus (esp. if they have a better storage solution).

    • How did the market say this? Has there been reports of the Galaxy Nexus not selling very well because of the SD card issue? Got links?

      From a personal one-data-point view, I was concerned with my nexus S when I bought it that it had no SD card slot. Turns out, I have never even come close to using the onboard storage capacity, and have had no occasions to wish i could have swapped out an SD card. I don't expect that to change for the Galaxy Nexus (which I just bought and am waiting for delivery on)

      • -4

        Market said this by the eol pricing.
        Look at nexus S vs SGS, $50-$100 premium on the SGS.
        Look at GNexus vs GNote or SG2, $50 to $100 premium for microSD.
        Look at desire vs N1, same price same microSD.

        Once the fanboi market has bought, the pricing eventally reflects what people are willing to pay. And the locked down nexii are almost being given away at that point.

      • +1

        The thing that bothers me with the lack of an sd card (and bothered me with the samsung nexus s as well that i currently own) is that if the phone dies you lose everything. You cant just run a backup prog on your phone and be happy that you'll just rip your sdcard out and then restore it on the new model should it fail.

        Im happy with the nexus s, but that one issue stopped it from ever being a contender for my main phone (though i really did buy it as a phone for developing on).

        I have an SGS2 as well, and its sd card holds two things - random movies i've downloaded and the output of my backup software.

    • +1

      This is just the TEST Equipment for ICS. So, they removed the microSD slot by purpose.
      Otherwise, everyone would have bought this phone instead of HTC or Sony Ericssons one.

    • I disagree. iPhones have no upgradable memory and they are the most popular phones in the world..

      • +1

        Apple can somehow get away with things like this. Look at the 4s….

        • +2

          Apple appeals to a different market. Please do not forget this.

  • Seeing at this price makes me upset and disappointed as I bought it at a much higher price, mobile phone technology and price move so fast. I guess because Samsung is releasing the s3 soon prices for their relatively new phones are dropping.

  • is there a 32gb version?

    • Signs point to "no". There were rumours of one, rumours of release dates too, but then there were rumours that it was cancelled, and the dates have come & gone. 16GB is all you'll get, unfortunately.

      • It wasn't rumours, it was announced at the keynote. But it never happened.

  • any1 knows the date of s3 specs being released? some rumour is saying thurs 22/3?

    • +1

      We don't even know if Samsung know…

  • +7

    i believe people buy the galaxy nexus for one reason and one reason only.. having a plain non tampered with ics… =)

    • and no memory card and no option for anything > 16gb

      • Which is fine for people who aren't going to use it as a portable media player.

        • -1

          Why bother getting a big HD screened phone then, unless its cheap.

      • what exactly do you need more than 16gb for?
        if you say for programs then thats more than enough..
        if you say music then you do realise most phones have a yamaha dac which isnt great for music playback..
        for some people having the most update to date platform (bug free)is quite high in their priority list.

    • +1

      Exactly. It is really fast… just a clean pure simple interface. Battery is pretty good on it also!

    • What's wrong with that?

  • +2

    Please be aware that this company is DWI under one of their other names - plenty of feedback on whirlpool and here from people who have been stung by them.

    You take your chances dealing with them and when it comes to phones, those chances are not so good.

    • +1

      Thanks for heads-up! I haven't personally dealt with DWI, but have read lots of negative feedback about them in the past so don't want to take the risk with them.

      • I haven't personally dealt with DWI,

        Unfortunately I have, and it's the one time Mr Google let me down badly. I DID research, I looked for reviews, before making the purchase, and nothing of concern showed up (he was obviously having an off week) - afterwards though, when I was having hassles, there were PLENTY that showed up in the search.

        If this phone was only $300, it's still only a good price if you actually GET it, and receive back up service if you need it.

  • +1

    So hard to hold back from this phone…..

  • -2

    Nice and Cheap in Australia!! However, you can get it much cheap in eBay though.

    • +2

      really? how much? I've been keeping an eye on ebay and they are also around $450 (if lucky) - $500?
      and if its an individual seller, its hard to tell whether the phone is indeed brand new :(

    • Link?

      • Sorry, I think I made a mistake on it. They are having it for biding rather than buy it now.

  • Nice and Cheap!

  • Hi All, what price do you reckon is good enough to make you give into buying the Nexus?

    given s3 will be announced soon and all the other phones r coming up, I think we'll be seeing further price drop very soon :)

  • +1

    I'll take it for $400.00

  • Hanging out for a GSM version of the RAZR Maxx to hit our shores, I think. Mostly for super excellent battery. Also, "Maxx" has two Xs so it must be good.

  • +3

    time for Kogan to fight back :P

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