The 2022 Scripture Calendar has: – inspirational pictures and bible verses – large open date boxes for you to write in – suggested daily bible verses to read that follow the seasons of the church. Order your free 2022 Scripture Calendar by clicking add to cart below. They make great gifts.
Free 2022 Calendar Delivered @ Lutheran Media

Last edited 26/01/2022 - 02:05 by 1 other user
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I gave the 2021 calendar to my 90 yr old Italian Uncle as a gift, which led to him berating me that it wasn't the same as Christianity and therefore not the right one.
About 1 day later he admitted the quotes etc were all the same anyway and now always brings up how nice a calendar it is.
The running joke was great but that ending was amazing
lolcats - thanks for the belly jiggle !
yeah - we love those like us, and hate those who are different
God Told Me to Kill You …
'Life in Lubbock, Texas, taught me two things:
One is that God loves you and you're going to burn in Hell.
The other is that sex is the most awful, filthy thing on Earth and you should save it for someone you love' - Butch Hancocki dont get it. please explain to someone whos not christian.
tempted to order one, but am afraid I will get bombarded with texts/ calls asking me to join them
RDY4ME did they hassle you on your phone post order?
Never heard from them either in emails or phone.
They don't need your real phone number - if that helps…
A $0 budget secret santa?
Was this an Ozbargain event that I missed?
I pray you
See? Already working.
How about a Victorinox paring knife?
Actually, I wonder what a group of Ozbargainers would bring to a secret Santa, besides eneloops / Bonds hoodies / paring knives
Firstly it's not a "group" of Ozbargainers. The collective noun is an Economy of Ozbargainers. I think the gift range would have to include some kind of massage device wouldn't it?
They make great gifts.
Recommended by Ebenezer Scrooge.
Good deal for Superman…
Great some Christmas presents sorted!
I think god negged you lol
Thanks, ordered!
I feel offended. never ever use the word soccer ever, it's football
Football season is over…
It's now Cricket season.
(Nice bolding by the way… Did you complete my Udemy course?)
U just ued it
Nah not in Australia, and not in the US
Soccer is rightly called 'soccer ' in Australia to differentiate it from actual football.Agree that calling it 'soccer' does in fact differentiate it from Rugby League or Rugby Union, both also called football. But these days most people agree that it doesn't matter what you call them, they are all just different codes of football. I hear there's another couple of football codes too, but the Irish and American kinds are quite rare here…
@papachris: Well I think the answer is that the name "football" goes to the dominant foot ball sport in the state or country. So that is AFL in some states, Rubgy League in others In Australia that is not definitely not soccer so there is a kind of arrogance of soccer fans trying to import their feelings about the game here.
I think John Warren summed up Australian thoughts on Soccer very succinctly in his well known book.@King Tightarse: .
There's 8 Billion people in the world.
500 Million call it soccer.
The rest call it football.OzBargain is a site on the World Wide Web. Ponder that for a moment.
@Kangal: Yes, if you are in a country where soccer is the dominant game, by all means call it "football" and everyone will know what you mean.
However in the US and Australia soccer is not the dominant game. If it ever becomes the dominant game then you can call it whatever you like but until that time we just call it soccer, so as not to confuse it with football, which means AFL or League, depending on your state.@King Tightarse: Why would you call AFL "football" when it is perfectly fine being called Egghand?
NRL is typically called Rugby, but could also be called GropeWaist.
@Kangal: Call NRL rugby if you like, but don’t be surprised when you get confused looks. Rugby refers to rugby union, NRL only ever gets called League or footy.
kind of arrogance of soccer fans trying to import their feelings about the game here
Really? AFL is supported by and run by the most arrogant of any sport in the country, hands down.
But if the only sport allowed to be called football is:
(a) AFL in Vic, SA, WA, Tas and NT, and
(b) Rugby League in NSW, QLD and ACTdue to their "dominance", then surely it follows that the only sport allowed to be called football is:
(c) Association Football in the World.
Actually, all common forms of football developed from various codifications in the 19th century, depending upon which school or university the codifiers went to.
I think John Warren summed up Australian thoughts on Soccer very succinctly in his well known book.
Yes, if you are referring to "wogs" and "poofters", then I think that says more about you than anything else…
Thanks OP.
Thanks, Christmas gift for the wife sorted
I like your style.
Thanks OP, this will be a great festive gift for my uncle in law.
I'm not religious at all, but have just ordered this for my religious mother who I think will really like it. Thanks for sharing!
Just signed up with a fake detail and PO BOX address. Now waiting for the rush of religious junk mails.
My prayers have been answered!
What's her name?
Thanks, ordered one :)
Hahah, I was going blind OZB to request then saw the religious junk and nonsense which changed my OZB mind …lol
I ordered. Am I gonna get bombarded with junk. I am just gonna report spam on the email.
Why wouldn’t you use a burner email?
Time to make one.
I don't think I was bombarded with spam getting this year's one. There enough spam from my other regular newsletter / discount sign ups
I find my brother's email address works great for these things
You can order 2 at a time Broden
What's the use in this? I need something that will spam some certain recipients every day and not just once XD
Unless this one can do both? :)
Helps you go to heaven
I found it actually quite helpful.
Thank you i ordered 2 based on this comment
All the bible verses were not cringey ones taken out of context, but actually helpful in remembering who God is and what he has done.
On that note, why can't someone make a dank Christian meme calender… I will pay good money for that.
Please tell me it has Ezekiel 23:20.
Oh my, my grandma would love this gift!
Not really free. Our taxes subsidize it
*Requires Operating Thetan level 8 to use
Thks OP was wondering where I was going to get another free calender for this year
Risk eternal damnation by not giving a generous donation.
& Bible verses…
No thanks, I'll pass on supporting the sexual abuse that occurs within the church.
Firm believer of this free calendar. This is my 3rd year getting it.
Have yet to find out what a Lutheran but does not deter me from enjoying this dealI believe Lutheran is some kind of icing tool specifically made for wrighting (or luthing) fancy lettering on cakes.
Thank god I got this!
Some people will miss out because some ozbargainers just order to spam other people or used fake addresses. Just ignore it if you don't like it. Let others get one.
If they miss out that’s all part of gods plan.
Last year it was out of stock at some point. But I managed to get one a few weeks later.
So if anyone misses out. Try again later.
sensible chuckle
Inshallah I will get one this year.
I'm in.
Good deal, getting it in the hope there's a month quoting Ezekiel 23:20.
A lot less fedora-posting than expected.
I know right. Where are the bible bashers..? Its been a slow afternoon here.
they are in hell
Thanks Op.
Thanks OP!
Hoping this one is in there!
"See, the day of the Lord is coming — a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger… . I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty… . Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated." (Isaiah 13:9–16 NIV)Phil 4:13
Ozbargained- Out of Stock! :(
back in stock!
Thanks OP, l got one. 👍
Arrived today. Thks op
My lutheran calendar also arrived today.
Looks like each day has its own reference to a bible quote..
Now I just need a free bible.Edit - inside the envelope is a small postpaid envelope and a slip of paper where you can choose to donate either:
$ OtherWhat is the significance of these numbers????!
Just seen this. Thank you, ordered one.
has anyone ever received this? still waiting from previous deals.
Received mine today :)
Just wait a little. They seem to hand write all the receiver's address. :)
Nothing received yet.
Just received mine!
They did include a reply-paid envelope and a sheet asking for donations, but that's acceptable, considering I got 2 calendars for free.
"They make great gifts."
I pray you are not my secret Santa.