Saw this tag at Coles Braybrook Home Co (Vic). Not sure if the offer is statewide or country wide.
No idea of the start or end date.
Not available online.
Saw this tag at Coles Braybrook Home Co (Vic). Not sure if the offer is statewide or country wide.
No idea of the start or end date.
Not available online.
Well, at least OP left one.
So you miss out on the free one?
You bastards.
Actually, I did not buy any because I usually get them from NQR for cheaper still.
Same promo at Randwick, NSW store
The date shown in the bottom right corner of the tag indicates that the end date is the 26th of October.
Same in SA.
Got one yesterday
Got one yesterday
Don’t you mean ‘got two’?
I’m pretty sure he said one
Saw the tag at North Perth WA too
that's just half price with extra steps
Yep and I'm not a big fan of the "buy one get one free" promotions. (I actually hate them).
I like it, in certain rare circumstances!
Was travelling cheap through small town in UK. Customer went to counter with 1 item. Was told its BOGOF. He said he couldn't be bothered, so I asked if I could have 1 free. Free block of cheese!
@9hundred: See you're up to your usual & pointless "Rubbish" comments in Deals!
So nice to have a follower ;-)
Is there a free Netflix sub or something?
Or just half price ice cream?
That's what I was wondering.
But I don't think there is.
Just half price ice cream, no netflix stuff
Ben and Jerry's often create flavours based off other companies or celebrities i.e Bohemian
The company also base their flavours on social issues for example in 2017 to support same sex marriage it banned some of their flavours from being sold and didn't allow same scoop cones in Australia.
"Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Sweet & Salty Pretzel Swirls & Fudge Brownie" in case anyone else was wondering
Are these actually any good?
Yeh but $6 ea still a ripp off. They’re $3 ea at NQR.
It depends on how much of an ice cream connoisseur you are. I have not come across a Ben & Jerry ice cream I would not buy again.
If you have too many ice cream pints in your freezer like I do (assorted brands and flavours), at some point I noticed too many of them are chocolate based and they all started to taste the same.
Pro tips: NQR and similar stores usually have Ben & Jerry and other premium brands ice cream for $3-5 a pint.
Is it a British pint, or an American pint?
C'mon, we're in Stralya mate. Is it a South Aussie pint, or the rest of Strayla pint ?
Stralya, Strayla, or Straya?
Tomayto tomaato or tomato
Can anyone tell me what flavour? There are a few Netflix ones. Is this the space force one?
Nah rather not give money to extremists.
I've started buying more since they're fighting the real extremism.
Feel like i am missing something. Why tf is an ice cream maker involved in politics now? What happened?
Lol, not selling ice cream is now extreme?
I'm all for private businesses doing what they think they need to do to look superior or make others feel good.
But yeah nah, I support democracy over terrorists.
Delicious ice cream though
I see the SJW have arrived 😎
They are everywhere, ready to make the ultimate sacrifice - click on the minus button to downvote anyone that doesn't agree with the commie dogma, and to upvote their groupthink farts.
And then off to tweet about their bravery to the rest of the herd, and cancel whatever next is on their path to righteousness.
Yea, wernt Ben and Jerry
s the one giving ice cream for free to Antifa?….
Ben and Jerry's is way over rated.
What's better?
You just haven't tried the right flavour.
This has been constantly on Uber Eats etc, interesting to see in store but would've been better to just have 50% off (especially in the photos case lol)
PS : Netflix account not required
"Netflix and chill" is an Internet slang term used as a euphemism for sexual activity, either as part of a romantic partnership, as casual sex, or as a groupie invitation. Wikipedia
Must mean it goes well with warm apple pie.
Saw the same tag in Camberwell, VIC.
Half price and yet it's still ridiculously over priced. It's a "no" from me.
What is Pint? Never heard of that in Australia
In SA, we refer to it as an “Imperial Pint”
Basically a whole lot more lemonade beer.
Can confirm it's everywhere even if you don't see the sign just swipe it at the counter and it should show buy one get one free
Dam, I took the same photo from a different store last Friday, completely forgot to post it.
Now I would really like to see your photo
Only looks like one there!