from memory of 2018 or 2019 a time before COVID, that we had annual meet ups about this time in the year..
Scotty, could it happen this year…?
my 5 year old ozbargain t shirt is getting a bit weathered after daily wears in lock down
from memory of 2018 or 2019 a time before COVID, that we had annual meet ups about this time in the year..
Scotty, could it happen this year…?
my 5 year old ozbargain t shirt is getting a bit weathered after daily wears in lock down
Would it be fully-vaxxed only?
to me, i dont mind, if you are going about your daily life already, most likely you are already mixing and encountering with vaxed and unvaxed people, children and people that are asymptomatic anyway. but that's my opinion.
Nah, I am actively avoiding anyone I don't know. And I'll probably keep doing that for a few months.
It will be if Restaurants are only allowing vaccinated in
pretty much equal privileges by the time December rolls around
Not in Victoria apparently; reported in The Age earlier today:
"…the Premier said Victorians who were unvaccinated would be denied the freedoms enjoyed by vaccinated people well into next year…This will be well into 2022. Then we’re going to get into booster issues. That won’t be [about] your first and second dose, it will be, have you had your third? Then the other issue will be, well, who knows what [other] variant is coming?…"
@GG57: Good.
Sick and tired of pretending that these people aren't morons. These idiots have caused our whole team huge amounts of extra work by being giant babies.
We've all been getting vaccines our whole lives and noone bats an eye. I have bad reactions to them and lots of medicines, I still bloody take them because severe illness is worse than a swollen arm or nausea.
Why should everyone else have to put up with these idiots and pretend like they aren't idiots.
@Telios: Not everyone wants to live in a dystopian world.
If you're happy for the Ministry of Truth to change longstanding medical terminology to further the corporate interest of big pharmaceutical companies then go ahead and get your 6th booster shot, but don't be surprised when they come for you too.
Remember, 2+2=5.……
What does Dan Andrews say? :)
For Vic, even after Phase C (80% of double dose), the indoor venues are opening to fully vaccinated people only.
Haha you beat me to making a post, I hosted Small Lemongrass in 2019 Sydney. I'm happy to run one again in November or December.
here we get to see all the ozbargainers who claim to earn 400k+ turn up in their Ferraris
or will they conveniently catch public transport?
turn up in their Ferraris
We're not going to be putting unnecessary kms on our Ferrari's. We'll be taking the Camry for this event, wearing our $2 Slazenger outfit.
HEY I love my Slazenger trackies. I have had them for 16 years. Still going albeit with a few holez.
Nah we drive a Camry and have $1m+ in VDHG.
Dunno about Ferraris mate, but I'll be showing up in my high-yield 80k Mercedes
due to the price increase on 2nd hand Ferraris, Fellow Ozb has sold them for instant Gain.
so it is public transport for the moment…
We have informal meetups in Tas regularly. All 5 of us 😂😂 No restrictions thankfully.
from memory you had some prizes last time in sydney
Yeah GeekBuying gave me a heap of Tronsmart speakers and earphones (my checked baggage was literally batteries lol). I could certainly do the same again from many Chinese brands if there was to be another official meetup. I wouldn't be completely comfortable travelling so far this time around with COVID. I went to Melbourne several times earlier in the year and even that was risky.
I remember everyone thought I was scotty when I had the bag of prizes. I really should have taken advantage of that ;)
If you'd like to organise something I be happy to travel to Hobart to meet up. I'll post in another thread to see if I can get some interest in the North of the island.
Have some ideas on some people who would attend? I could potentially host something depending on availability.
Let's see if my other post generates some interest and then we'll know. Otherwise it would be a pretty small meetup! (Although, it would save Scotty a lot of postage if he only needed to send 2 T-shirts…)
What exactly does one do at an OzBargain meetup? Share deals in person?
I know a guy who knows a guy who can "share deals in person", if you are interested.
Talk about Amex statement credits with the guys I met back at the Sydney 2019 one.
I hope there's more females at the next one; I had a great time, but it was definitely a sausage fest. Any other females reading this, please come along to this year's ones! :)
Ah yes like in previous years. People bringing their parents/kids for free food and all the girls being bombarded by flirting from all the guys.
No one hit on or flirted with me when I was there 🤷🏻♀️ Nor did I see any kids. This was the same one you were at at the Malaysian place on Hunter Street.
Guess the person who negged me is a man 🙃
@kerfuffle: Definitely was more a problem in previous years than 2019.
A man downvoting you who probably thinks you're a man.
@Clear: I don't know why people think I'm a man (although someone whose username starts with Z and ends in Y definitely thought so and sent me torrid abuse via PM accusing me of being a perverted man).
@kerfuffle: It's the internet. Assume everyone is a man. If they say they're a woman assume they're lying.
Now I need to find who Z…Y is haha
@Clear: To be fair, from previous meetups, the average OzBargain user is an Asian male who works in IT.
People brought their parents and kids? I don't suppose you'll be able to fly up this year Clear?
@dust: I'd probably go as far as Melbourne. Gotta make it up to neil for ditching Melb for Syd back in 2018.
Ah yes like in previous years. People bringing their parents/kids for free food…
Heh. That's like the one I attended in Brisbane, where an entire family showed up and I found they weren't even OzB members! Kudos to them for simply being lurkers and showing up for a free feed. That's the true OzB way.
@Chazzozz: Similar things happened to other meetups as well. People bringing their whole family over for a feed.
Seems crazy you ditched Brisbane for Tassie though.
Mia03 organised a women preferred meetup two years ago. Maybe someone can organise a similar one this year?
Yeah, but that was just women only (and I believe one man who showed up; I couldn't go to that one as I had another commitment). Just be nicer if there was more women at the next one. Like I said, I had a great time at the one on Hunter Street and I'd definitely be up for another one!
There is a 'meet up'?
Do we have an app to swipe right and left on before the event? :)
I'd be keen for one in Melb
Can always have a Zoom meetup with the $25pp used towards Uber Eats!
Or Nissin Ramen from all those Amazon deals. I feel it might turn into a Mukbang :P
first one finishes gets the prize
Nong Shim Shin spicy it is then.
Plus they need to prove it was the cheapest.
awesome! these events were great fun. went to the eastwood one at moku last year (or the year before?)
Would have been year before (2019).
Oh my god!
So in terms of Melbourne. Last weekend I attended a large wedding and also a presentation night for my sporting club. My sense is that things are going back to somewhat normality in terms of get togethers so I'm happy to arrange some meetups.
I've contacted a few of the popular rep posted stores to gauge their interest and following up with them. Ideally it would be good to do a handful of smaller meetups with a cap on attendance rather than the usual pack as many people in a tight space where everyone is handling food. :)
I've contacted 2 other reps and have another couple in mind. Will update when I know more.
cool cool cool. I'd be happy to organise another Melbourne meetup if there's interest. Something central
I'll pm @DarkProject with the idea that i sent to you he might be able to expand upon it and provide a better location.
Sorry i haven't followed up with you this week ive been a bit unwell and waiting on some better weather to come around on the forecast.
CBD would be great. There's probably enough interest given how quickly Neil's meetup sold out and the amount of people at the 2019 meetup in the CBD. And the t-shirt design this year is so good, I'm so keen for this year's t-shirt!
Ozbargain meetups at the Mos Eisley Spaceport.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
We must be cautious.
Really want to meet @tightarse xd
An Ozb meetup, maybe this will be the final straw that makes me get vaxed
(Needle phobia, not anti-vax before you neg away)
It’s quick and painless, especially if you look away.
And just keep chatting to them about random nice things, like IDK, how good OZB is.
I used to be scared of needles when I was a kid, nowdays I have no issue with them. I realised it was because the needles nowdays are so thin you barely feel it. go get vaxed
Yeah I will have to get it done at some point, just dreading the usual vomiting and passing out after
Is it possible to reschedule the Bar Luca event? Happy to help with organising it. Alternatively happy to organise a smaller event in the inner west if anyone is keen to meet there or have places they would like to try there!
Bar Luca has been cancelled …
yeah i mean make another event unless the place no longer exists?
Feel free to start organising like you said in your previous comment.
I was made aware of a post last night attempting to "organise" a meetup at Strathfield NSW, and within the first hour of posting 15 people voted "Coming". Upon investigation, other than the original poster and another member, all other 13 accounts who voted "Coming" were created right after OP made the post.
Please. OzBargain Birthday Meetup is not a way to get OzBargain to pay for the buffet lunch for you and your friends who have never been a member on OzBargain. Trying to defraud OzBargain will get your account banned, and worse, we might not even offer these sponsored events in the future years.
I was thinking why it was unusual that so many people were going to that one, considering it was in the middle of a day when most people would have work!
Wow, that is indeed a low act!
A quick google makes me wonder whether it could was be folks from Harvey Norman Shopfitters trying to exact their revenge on our professional community?
Wow, that is indeed a low act!
Yeah its kinda sad that people would take advantage of the community spirit but there are a small minority of people on this site and in real life who don't have any "boundaries" beyond the law in terms of saving money. I've never been and but may one day I will stop being shy and go to a meet up. It seems like a fair few people have enjoyed the meet ups in the past so would be sad to see it go
Haha that's pretty funny! Good pick-up Scotty and mod team!
The irony is that there are probably ozbargainers who justify use of multiple emails in order to reuse coupons that are intended to be used once per person.
There's an opportunity there. Just say reimbursement of event due to new member accounts won't be paid out for some period of time, say one year. And maybe 50% to 75% have to have 5 deals that have 10+ votes (not by them).
Yes they're gaming the system but they're also showing initiative which just has to be channeled properly.
Hmm the notes below aren't fully fitting the situation. I think it's fair to deny reimbursement.
Rule Beating
⚖️ Rule beating is evasive action to get around the intent of a system's rules – abiding by the letter, and not the spirit, of the law.
⚖️ Rule beating becomes a problem when it leads a system into large distortions, unnatural behaviors that would make no sense at all in the absence of the rules.
⚖️ Rule beating is usually a response of the lower levels in a hierarchy to over-rigid, unworkable, or ill-defined rules from above.
⚖️ The way out: Better explain the rules, or re-design the rules to release creativity not in the direction of beating the rules, but in the direction of achieving their purpose
From Thinking in Systems: A Primer
by Donella H. Meadows
Rather than making a post can anyone who would be keen for BNE meet in December +1 this comment and I'll start looking around for a venue if we start to get a few?
I'd definitely come to a BNE meetup this year if I was free on the day
Yes please!!! ☺☺
Melbourne is locked in for Fortress Melbourne on Thursday December 9, 6pm. Free food, unlimited drinks, t-shirts and celebrity guest Scotty. Deal posted on Monday.
Borders reopen on the 15th… bugger could have made it.
I am still located in QLD however my vic license still valid, Am i considered as Vic resident ? Really wanna meet Scotty in real life loll
Scotty is in Sydney.
I will live stream my local event again if this post gets 3 upvotes
The -3 downvotes were from people who never go outside
You're going to need 6 upvotes now.
Technically you got 3 upvotes. Just 4 negative votes too.
need a hot link on the front page for meetups as not all are reading this forum
maybe like. a ticket scrolling for events and other news flash
I agree ay. I missed a bday one at one time cause it was burried, but the one in th3 front page that year run by @clear at Parramatta was epic. Heaps of fun and so well run.
The venue choice was great as well as it was stand up or sit down which meant people werent locked into wherever they sat.
Scotty any chance there will be another hectic event at PJs mate?!?! <3 hope you've been well as well.
I didn't host the Parramatta one.
But you probably brought prizes and gave them away. That gets more attention and credit than anything else :)
Maybe it was @Scotty himself!?11 I thought it was an amalgamation of OzBargaineers =/
The Parramatta event 3 years ago was hosted by Mobileciti, Wireless 1& JW Computers. Merchants are free to organise one and we will pay the sponsorship as well. However merchants still won't get special treatment on OzBargain by the mod team.
I'll assume that most OzBargain would have got their free 2-shoots of vaccine already.
I've been busy.. Maybe someone should have posted the 2 free vaccine shots on oz-bargain and it might have ended up on the front page.
Its not too late to post the Free Booster shot!
I think the free Shots (including 3rd) should be a sticky deal on the front page YO!
Meant to post something about it, and I am keeping this comment at the top of the comments. Here is the reference for our meetup events 2 years ago.
Short answer: YES, there should hopefully be OzBargain community meetup events this year.
As usual, I would like the community to volunteer organising these events.
Let's share some ideas in this post first.
Frequently Asked Question
Q: How does sponsorship work?
Basically it would be a reimbursement from OzBargain. So if you are an organiser of an event,
Q: What's the budget for the sponsorship?
The budget would be around $25 per person. It's not a hard limit so no stress if going over a little bit.
Current Meetups
Bar Luca, SydneyCancelledSeasons Buffet, Gold CoastCancelledTBA, PerthCancelledTBA, AdelaideCancelledYes, it would be great to hand out T shirt's people were asking me in 2019.
Can you put me down to organise a meetup this year?
What is the date for these events now?
Previously: It can be on any day in November 2018
I'm assuming now it will be any day in November or December?
Yes any day in Nov or Dec. Do note that for NSW, venues are fully-vaxxed only in November.
Is the cap on sponsorship $25 per attendee same as last time? Can we make a thread now for Dec 1st?
@[Deactivated]: $25pp is the soft limit, but I also realise that hospitality venues have got a bit expensive over the last 2 years. Keep the receipt.
For anyone who is interested in organising one, just create a new post titled "[OzBargain 15th Birthday] <City> Meetup". For Sydney/Melbourne it would probably be a good idea to be more specific in terms of location, for example Sydney CBD, Parramatta, Chatswood, etc.
Possibly controversial comment but if you can't find a venue to cater for 10-30+ people for $25 or less are you really an OzBargain-er?
Are there new t-shirt designs? Which shirts do you have available Scotty?
Mainly the one from T-shirt comp from last year, which we gave out some for the EoFY treasure hunt.
Was it just the winning design that got made? And also, the facemask competition was never designed to made into a real mask right?
Have those treasure hunt shirts and hoodies been sent out? I haven't received anything. I think I had a t-shirt and hoodie, but can't find the page now…
@NigelTufnel: Yes those were sent out at the end of June. You asked for the T-shirt to be sent to someone else and you should have received the hoodie.
@scotty: hmm.. okay. Never got the hoodie (hopefully I didn't mess up my address somehow), but glad the t-shirt got sent to the other member.
Hey guys! I don't think chimek northbridge is open on Sunday so you might want to move the one on 19th Dec to another location. They do have another store in Victoria Park.