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[PC] Free to Play Weekend - Halo: CE, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo 4, Halo: Reach, Borderlands 3 @ Steam


'Go to Deal' takes you to The Master chief Collection where you can click on the individual games.

Halo: Reach(store.steampowered.com)
Halo: Combat Evolved(store.steampowered.com)
Halo 2: Anniversary(store.steampowered.com)
Halo 3(store.steampowered.com)
Halo 3: ODST(store.steampowered.com)
Halo 4(store.steampowered.com)

Borderlands 3(store.steampowered.com)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Also free to play over the weekend on Xbox.


  • Might actually get to play some games. Everytime I've tried playing I get connected to US servers and end up having a bad time.

    • +1

      I play it weekly and this is still the case for most of the games.
      Sometimes it's 4v4, 8 Aussies, all on a US server (wtf)

  • wouldnt MCC also include halo 4?

    • +2

      Yep but that isn't available for some reason. Linking to the MCC was just the easiest way to show the majority of free to play games in one place.

      Before posting this ^ comment, thought I'd double check my links, and looks like Halo 4 has now been added to 'free to play'.

  • +1

    I'm just glad 6 is coming to previous gen, don't really want to upgrade my One S.

    I thought Halo 3 was a graphical masterpiece when it came out, at the time made me say "how can graphics get better than this?" Lol

    • i had the same opinion. definitely cant wait to try out halo 6

    • Agreed, and that was on the 360, too. Then Reach came out and it was even better!

  • Still haven't even played 4 and I've owned MCC since before it was released. Seems a good time to finally get around to trying it out (already played all the others in multiplayer). Hopefully a decent boost in players even if only temporary.

  • I only played 4 and 5 recently (campaign's). I didn't like 4 but surprisingly liked 5

    • wheres halo 5?

      • It's not in MCC (dunno why) but free on game pass

        • Dmn, don't have game pass.

  • Where does Halo 5 sit for some people.. Obviously being the last Halo it's graphically the best but is it as bad of a Halo game as some people say?

    • +1

      Multiplayer is fantastic, campaign is varied. Some good moments, some less so

      • I was talking about campaign. I have only played bits of the Halo series here and there, I did play the campaign of the first one a long time ago. I have Gamepass so want to play some but I can't handle playing something where the graphics are too dated these days even if it's really good lol

        • Graphics wise I personally thought it was amazing, but the story will be up to you haha.

          I'm right with you in playing something where the graphics are dated but this still looks great to me.

    • -1

      I bought an Xbox One for it, then learned it has no split screen / couch coop.
      Never played more than 1 level, Halo Reach was the last good Halo and I'm not excited for infinite.

  • If you could only pick 1 to play, which is the best?

    • +2

      Reach or 3.

    • +1

      Reach for the campaign. Not sure how populated the multiplayer is compared to the other ones.

    • +1

      3 for 4v4
      reach for 8v8

    • Multiplayer or campaign?

  • Will Halo Guardians be added to the MCC?

  • Which ones are worth getting?

    Only ever played the original as series went Xbox exclusive.

    • If you liked 1, give 3 a try.
      2 was available for a while on Windows Vista btw.
      Reach adds some other mechanics like armor abilities

    • I didn't enjoy the campaign on 3 being forced to play half of it as an Elite.
      I didn't play through 4 or 5. Loved 1, liked 2 but the ending was a bit sudden.

  • +1

    Looks like it's up.
    Come online and get t-bag'd and clapped like it's 2004

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