Hi all,
Curious on which one Oz[Insert Name Here] finds superior?
Hi all,
Curious on which one Oz[Insert Name Here] finds superior?
Cows' milk is for baby cows.
Cow's milk with strawberry is for psychopathic calfs. Also The End.
Soy milk is for baby soys?
@pharkurnell: No. Soy milk is for soy boys; an entirely different category of psychopath. Still The End.
Yet the OP didn't mention cows, you did.
Full cream milk + Vittoria Chocochino Dark Drinking Chocolate
Human milk.
Man milk?
I have some, always happy to share.
Username checks out.
Strawberry, anyone not drinking this cannot be trusted.
I just want milk that tastes like real milk
Pink milk. What is strawberry?
Sala syrup?
Chocolate sauce straight into my mouth, then a swig of milk. Swish… then swallow… and look… no dirty glass!
Why not both
Where's Banana milk?
tell me where I can buy Banana milk, and im going to get some, HEHE
Oh it's really frustrating to go to Coles milk aisle and see every single flavour under the sun (even ones I can't imagine people are asking for like bubblegum & random non-traditional product mashups) but no standard banana milk…
I know Oak do one but they're very hard to find for some reason.
Raiders lime
Up the milk
One of the unhealthiest items in the supermarket.
Of course, Australians are controlled by advertising so they believe Milo is healthy.
Compared to soft drink, cordial, juice?
Low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy…
light, skim, omega 3…
high calcium with vitamin D and folate or extra dollop?
Chocolate milk always tastes the same. Strawberry milk is often different and it's fun to try the different types of strawberry milk.
Nom Yen is better than both though.
Choccy milk makes the pain go away.
Depends on the brand!
breaka - Chocolate, their strawberry is shit. (IMO). I think Strawberry nesquick is better then what breaka offer
OAK - Strawberry hands down, but their chocolate is also better then breka imo.
But overall, I am more a strawberry milk then chocolate person
Chocolate Milk Or Strawberry Milk?
Definitely Banana milk.
Yes agreed!
Haven't had that since was in Korea
I miss kimchi milk…
My roommate in Uni put uncovered kimchi in the fridge underneath some sponge cake. Got quite the surprise when that cake was eaten.
Not a fan of chocolate milk as I am of hot chocolates. I prefer strawberry milk as it’s something I don’t have often so when I do it’s somewhat novel.
Iced coffee or it's nothing.
My brother used to live off chocberry big m's in the late 80's/early 90's. They were everywhere at one point.
Personally I can't remember the last time I drank flavoured milk, but it was probably the good ol' egg flip. Milk, cinnamon, egg, vanilla essence, sugar, quick whizz in the blender, done.
Little did I know as a kid though that vanilla essence was loaded with booze. I was dumping about a shot worth of the stuff into my milkshakes on a regular basis, no wonder I liked them so much.
Pure vanilla extract contains a minimum of 35 percent alcohol.
Wow I didn't realise it was that high! I can't imagine you'd be putting more than a few drops in a cup though?
Malted Milk.
What flavour is 'malted' ?
Wheat flavoured then ??
Adults drinking flavoured milk? Lol
What a sad life you must have to not drink flavoured milk.
Better an adult to make a decision to inject themselves with that much sugar then a poor child.
then a poor child.
or a rich child…
I don't see how social class makes a difference here…
Big M
Barista Bros
I knew there were Chocolate Cows. Never seen any Strawberry Cows.
Taro milk
Strawberry milk is for psychopaths. The End.