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[VIC] Free Desexing For Cats & Dogs For Vulnerable Victorians


The Victorian Government is supporting local councils and not-for-profit organisations to desex thousands of cats and dogs owned by vulnerable Victorians at little or no cost.

Successful round 1 Pet Desexing grants (2021)

Organisation Project name
City of Port Phillip Pets of Port Phillip (PoPP) Clinic
Mildura Rural City Council MRCC's Responsible Pet Ownership (RPO) Program
Meow Rescue Last Litter Program
Bendigo Animal Relief Centre Bendigo Community Cat Program (BCCP)
Shepparton Animal Rescue and Rehoming Please Don't Litter! A desexing program for vulnerable and disadvantaged pet owners
Second Chance Animal Rescue SCAR De-sexathon
Swan Hill Rural City Council Swan Hill Rural City Council Low-cost Animal Desexing Program
Hear No Evil – Australian Deaf Dog Rescue Free Cat Desexing for Low-income and Linguistically Diverse Residents in Targeted Hume Council Suburbs
Humane Society for Animal Welfare Inc. Humane Society for Animal Welfare Pet Desexing Grant
Glenelg Shire Council Glenelg Shire Council Cat Desexing Program
Victorian Animal Aid No-Cost Feline Desexing and Identification Program
Horsham People for Animal Welfare Support (PAWS) No-Cost Feline Desex and Microchipping
Knox City Council Free and Discounted Dog and Cat Desexing for Vulnerable and/or Disadvantaged Knox Residents
Moira Shire Council Cat Care Moira
Wodonga City Council Wodonga Council Desexing Program
Hume City Council Discounted Hume Mobile Cat Desexing
Golden Plains Shire Council Cat Desexing within Golden Plains Shire
Homeless Hounds Animal Rescue Victoria Companion Animal Desexing Program
Moreland City Council Cat desexing program
Baw Baw Shire Council Community Desexing
Cardinia Shire Council Cardinia Community Desexing Assistance Program

Related Stores

Agriculture Victoria
Agriculture Victoria

closed Comments

  • +51

    Some of those protestors should sign up.

      • +7


      • +15

        Yeah, we will remember it as a highlight in the dawn of the misinformation age :"D

        • -6

          Not misinformation


          Europe acknowledge there are issues that needs to be assessed as it affects people's safety.

          US, UK, Aus too affected by politics and will go out of their way to stop any news that makes vaccines look negative. (They would look bad if they recommended the vax then later say it has issues or might get sued). Thats why in the news/facebook/youtube there isnt much content that show the vaccines in a negative way.

          • @Chchnu: LOL. Keep drinking the kool-aid.
            Before buying into anti-vax hype, look at the real-world side effect rates. It's quite well studied already. Maybe activate the critical thinking portion in your brain.

      • +24

        respect and honour they deserve

        so, none?

      • -3

        of course the Israel flag would say this

      • +14

        With such a unanimous response from other members, I'm hopeful that your capable of considering why folks think quite differently to you.

        Personally, I don't enjoy folks sinking beers n darts infront of a memorial which is a sacred place to commemorate real human lives lost. Other than that, "freedom fighters" is a term that I'd be using for folks in combat/actively defending attack. Idolizing folks without substantiation or tangible ability to bring forward change is an interesting take.

        • +4

          Yes, those hard done by "Freedom Fighters" fought so vigilantly and bravely for what again?
          I'm sure those actual Diggers would have told them to STFU and put a damn mask on and get a jab. They would have laughed their arses off at the idiocy displayed today by those muppets.

      • +8

        I'm twitching heavily at the fact I've used my 5 negative votes already today

      • No need for freedom fighters here, everyone behaved themselves as they were told. Myself and the rest of Tasmania have been enjoying our regular scheduled freedoms for all of this year uninterrupted.

      • +2

        Bro stfu, most of Australia is embarressed by them.

      • +1

        hmmm, I think people missed the satire

    • +1

      Plus if they got Covid, they might learned a life lesson.

    • -3

      Lol your premier took your balls already.

  • +4

    What a about rabbits?

    • +3

      from the reading comprehension i have learned in school, i think it's just cats and dogs, and not cats, dogs, and duece1995's rabbits.


      • +4

        You must be a genius Rickrone!

        • +2

          Oh thank you for the great complement.
          I don't consider myself a genius, but I get by.

      • You obviously didn't learn much.

    • -3

      Taste amazing in a soup!

  • +1

    This is super-specific to local councils, businesses, individuals and businesses and events on specific dates.

  • +9

    Fair enough if someone already owns a pet and falls on hard times. Unfortunately this will probably be for a lot of irresponsible people who are unable to support themselves without government assistance and selfishly decided to bring a pet into their home, which they also can't afford to provide proper care for.

    • -1

      Wow. Yuck. So poor people on the almost lowest rate OECD welfare economic liberalism eugenics starvation rations who can't find work or can't work in this economy and are often isolated, vulnerable to mental illness, needing extra security, and wanting this most basic and ancient of human companions, are scum in your books. I don't think it's them, mate.

      • Holy shit. Did I just read a 'life sentence'? It felt that long…

  • +8

    Won't somebody please think of the pets?!

    Edit: Looks like we don't have too many fans of (old-school) The Simpsons here.

    • +1

      Was that reverend lovejoy's wife? Big fan here.

      • +2
        • +3

          Sex Cauldron?! I thought they closed that place down

    • +1

      No, it's just not a very funny use of the meme.

  • +2


  • +2

    Poor cats and dogs

  • "For Cats & Dogs" remove these words from the title to, offend, delight, amuse, bemuse, concern or annoy our OB readers!!

    • What's that got to do with the bargain?

    • +7

      Having cats and dogs desexed saves the state money, less costs in running a pound. Council wildlife officers will have less call outs from residents wanting feral animals trapped. Feral cats/dogs are destroying native wildlife, the list goes on and on.

    • +3

      Username doesn't check out…

      • +1

        I normally am happy. I have lived overseas where they are 20 years ahead with this program. No one can buy a dog unless it is an unhealthy purebred :-(

    • It’s already happening. People are paying $2000 for puppies that within a year are needing surgeries to correct breathing or bad bones etc.

      We can’t have every single dog creating more puppies, and we can’t have backyard breeders and puppy farms, but there has to be something in between.

  • -5

    First they came for the exotic animals and I stood by and watched the balls get cut off. Then I had the balls for dinner. Ask your vet what they can do for dinner!


    • +7

      I really give up with some people on this site and I don't put it down to Covid fatigue !

    • Headtohealth is an excellent website that's got free support for a variety of issues.

      Think about this, we have mechanics for our cars - owe it to ourselves to have a head doc to keep us running correctly.

  • -1

    Keep balls on your dogs, they look great! Not like we have stray dogs running around any more

    • Didn't know that the desexing procedure offered under this scheme involves actual/physical removal of the said organs

      • +1

        For cats at least, desexing means they take the balls out, ours was incredibly concerned the first few times he went for a lick and found an empty coin purse

        No idea what they do with them afterwards though, and at this point I'm afraid to ask

  • +9

    I understand desexing cats and dogs but why Victorians?

    • +2

      I say "Why not?"

    • +1

      After watching some of those mob protests, I can think of a few who could use a bit of neutering!

      • -1

        Yes, the rest of Victorians had their cohones voluntarily terminated long time ago.

  • +1

    I got a couple of dog mates

  • +4

    so the cats get de-sexed, and Vulnerable Victorians get dogs? Do we get to pick the dog, or is it assigned? This would have been great at the start for those without company!

  • Great idea and awesome idea by the Victorian Govt. Think of all the money they can save by not housing/euthanising unwanted pets in the future.
    Hopefully NSW does this.

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