This was posted 3 years 4 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order] DF64 Single Dose Titanium Burr Coffee Grinder $800 (RRP $1,000) + $19.95 Delivery @ Frankie's Beans



We are pleased to announce that Frankie's Beans has been appointed the sole Australian distributor for the DF64 providing local warranty, service and returns. We are currently taking pre-sale orders whilst we await for Australian electrical appliance certification which we anticipate will be granted some time in November 2021.


The DF64 single dose grinder is often referred to as the Niche Killer because of it's build quality, quality of grind and it's spectacular price point. It is a robust grinder capable of grinding fine enough for Turkish and espresso coffee as well as course enough for filter and even cold brew.

The DF64 is truly an amazing stepless single dose grinder with very low to nil coffee retention thanks to the silicone bellows that helps expel all ground coffee. It is equipped with pre-seasoned commercial grade 64mm Italian made Italmill Titanium coated burrs which not only provide a more durable burr set (compared to steel burrs), but also produce fluffy, clump free ground coffee. It is also compatible with SSP burrs for those that want to take their coffee grinding to the next level.

The DF64 has a powerful 250w/1400rpm motor to make your coffee grinding effortless regardless of your coffee bean's density. It is the perfect grinder for the coffee enthusiast's home however it would also not be out of place on the bar of a café for their decaf or single origin coffee offerings.

Technical Descriptions:
Model: DF64
Item Size: 255mm (L), 130mm (W), 300mm (H)
Box Size: 320mm (L), 210mm (W), 400mm (H)
Net Weight: 6.8 KG
Gross Weight: 7.7 KG
Rated Input: 220~240V/50Hz
Rated Power: 250W
Burr: Stainless steel flat 64mm
Capacity of Grinder: 30 G
Capacity of Bellow Hopper: 30 G
Color: Black Carbon, White Carbon or Stainless Steel

Features :
Minimal coffee retention
Bellows system to blow out any coffee retention
Option to dose directly into portafilter
Auto stop after 45 seconds
Stepless grind adjustment
Italian made Italmill 64mm titanium flat burrs
250w motor

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Frankie's Beans
Frankie's Beans

closed Comments

  • +2

    I'd rather grind them with my teeth than pay this much

    • +8

      That's cool man what else are you not interested in buying

      • +8

        Fake teeth

    • +7

      Complaining about $800 for a single dose zero retention espresso grinder.. you really don’t know anything about coffee do you?

  • Oh God I've been thinking about getting a grinder to pair with the bambino plus from a while back, this throws a curve ball into tossing up on getting an entry level unit like the smart grind pro, mid high end such as eureka mignon specialita/baratza vario/sette 270 orrr go all out on this

    • Personally we'd say to go with the DF64. Build quality is amazing and could easily be used in a commercial environment so you know it will last years for the average home user.

      • -4

        Awesome man I was thinking of not buying it but thought I would have to buy a new one every few weeks

    • Smart grinder is awesome

    • +1

      +1 baratza sette 270.

      I have gone through 3 smart grinders myself and this one is leagues above. Should be able to get one <$600

      • I have a sette 270wi
        It's good for the price I guess but some things aren't great on it

        • like what?

          • @[Deactivated]: Turned the thing that moved the piece of plastic over the entrance to the burrs slightly anti clockwise instead of clockwise and it just snapped.

            After about a year I need to use the finest grind setting for espresso and it is still extracting too fast.
            Guess I need to have a look at having them sharpened

            • +1

              @teacherer: Just an year? Isnt that too soon?

            • @teacherer: Check the burr alignment and make sure the beans are fresh. Even dirt cheap burrs will last more than a year before needing replacement.

              • @Cyb3rGlitch: Only buy beans that are roasted within the week.

                I'll check the burr alignment.

                The grinds seem consistent and fairly fluffy.

                Pretty annoying

            • +2

              @teacherer: I don't think your burrs need to be sharpened…

              I think you probably need to add some shims at this stage. Look up the Baratza FAQ for further information.

              • @Boscom123: I'll suss that out. Thanks.

                • @teacherer: Baratza includes shims in the box. Add one or two into the burr and it can grind finer

    • If you only going for espresso this would not be necessary. This grinder would be great for multi brew users that like single dosing.
      If your budget can cover it then buy it but if you wanna save a little bit of cash the Baratza ones are more than enough. Btw the Vario series just updated to Vario + a few days ago

    • I have the Bambino Plus and got a DF64 in the last month, sette 270 and the mignon specialita where considered but both lost out to DF64. Sette was struck off early due to reports that it's a pretty loud grinder and I'm up making coffee before my wife. The mignon was struck out in the end for the small adjustment dial and the massive plastic hopper that wouldn't get used as I wanted to single dose.

      • Can confirm the DF64 is substantially quieter than Sette 270, having had them both. Sette also had reliability issues with grind settings not staying put and gear box failing.

  • +7

    Is this an Apple product?

    • No Dyson.

    • Its a microscope just look at the photos on their website.

  • +5

    Such a shame. I would've considered this. Ordered the Niche Zero last week.

    • +2

      Sorry we posted this a week late. I'm sure the Niche will serve you well. It's a great grinder.

    • Can testify the Niche is great. Was lucky enough to snap a UK built one up for $800 as part of the initial crowdfunding campaign. Probably one of the better purchases I've ever made.

  • +5

    I reckon I could pay some uni-going coffee hipster to come to my house and hand grind them with a mortar and pestle for a year for less than this.

    • +2

      Look up the price of a Weber EG-1 and if you offered the same deal, you might actually meet minimum wage.

    • Probs not - this is extremely cheap for what it is.

    • This really is not that expensive

  • Not a bad price for local stock. What's the length of the warranty?

    I ended up preordering a Eureka Mignon Single Dose for a tad more, but imported.

    • +3

      Warranty is officially 12 months however we are reviewing and potentially increasing it which we will apply retrospectively to all orders.

    • wondering how much you paid for imported model rather than local model

      • Depends on exchange rate, but $882 came out of my bank account in the end. I used a coupon I found here on OZB to reduce the price at

  • +3

    Niche over this any day.

    Hope my Niche arrives soon.

    Though it depends if you want conical vs flat.

    • +1

      Both grinders are sensational and you are right it comes down to which burr set produces the flavour profile you personally prefer.

    • +3

      Any day? I don't know, there's a few simple mods you can make to get more out of these.

      It's probably a slightly better pure grinder imo, niche looks and feels better.

      I'm optimistic there is a V2 on this and they fix some of the small but annoying issues with it.

      • It really depends on what you are after.

        How messy this grinder is compared to the NZ is a deal breaker for me, so even without considering grinding ability I much prefer the NZ.

        • +1

          what do you mean messy? If you mean static, heaps of grinders produce static and if your single dosing a touch of water will fix the problem in 99% of instances.

  • +1

    If anyone cannot wait try one from the NZ distributor. It has always been NZD 799 as far as I have seen.…

    And as others mentioned, it is very close to Niche price (Imported).

  • +1

    Should I buy it for local warranty or get it from Indonesia for $500.. hmmm..

    • Do they deliver to Australia from Indonesia? That's a rather steep price difference hey..

      • No, I’m getting my brother to buy it as he will be coming back to Australia next February.

    • do you have the link for the indonesian one? I might get my brother to buy it :D

      • Just open tokopedia and search df64.. around the 5.2jt range..

    • Might be cheaper but you also need to add shipping and import duties plus it won't have the Australian power plug or Australian electrical certification. Then in the unlikely case something goes wrong you won't have local support. Just a few things to consider.

  • "Option to dose directly into portafilter" - is this an extra?

    • +1

      No extra cost. It's a feature of the grinder where you can grind into dosing cup or portafilter.

  • That's a good price for the local stock. Any chance of ssp burs with this?

    • +1

      We will be offering SSP as an upgrade and we will be offering supply only and supplied and installed options. This will all be confirmed with buyers before we ship out their order.

  • Any plans to stock the stainless steel burr version? Or just the titanium-coated burrs at this stage?

    • +1

      At this stage we are just looking at the titanium burrs as they perform far better than the steel burrs and for the difference in price it is a significant upgrade in perform.

  • The next grinder I buy will have in built dose weighing ability. As much as I like my Eureka Atom grinder I'm a bit sick of the dose retention and different weight of dose for the same grind time.

    • You also have to consider the exchange of old vs new grind on the chamber. You might get 18g out every time but if half of that is what was previously left in the chamber it'll affect the quality.

    • We are working on a solution and should have it available soon. It is a bigger grinder though and really designed and aimed at the commercial market.

    • I haven't experienced such issues on my atom, it's been bullet proof. Do you use very dark beans?

      • No, I just find that the amount deposited into the portafilter changes from cup to cup even though the grind time remains the same and it's annoying :-(

        No idea why but it makes adjusting a pain in the arse.

        • how long have you had it? and how many coffees have you made on it?

          I have an atom 75 and there was a fair bit of variability at first but it is now extremely consistent.

    • If you otherwise are happy with your grinder (you probably would be with that grinder!), I would suggest just start weighing your dose (in basket) rather than relying on timed dosage. Would be much much cheaper than replacing your grinder with one with in built weighing function!

      My old grinder was timed dosage, but I always used it as a single doser anyway, weighing both input and output. But even if using it with the hopper, it's simply a matter of weighing your portafilter with dose, and adding more / removing excess to hit your target dose. Or just set the timer to over-dose slightly, and remove excess (probably the simpler way, albeit with a little bit of wastage).

      Grinders with precision weighing of output would severely limit your choices / increase your budget!

    • With a single dose grinder with low retention you can just weight the beans before you chuck them in and know that you'll get the same weight out in grounds. It's a pretty smooth workflow tbh, and you have a lot more/cheaper options compared to limiting yourself to grinders with inbuilt weighing.

  • This or PS5?

    • -1

      If you're a child definitely go the PS5. This is for adults.

      • +1

        Not all adults need coffee!

      • +1

        We all know a few annoying adults who define their personality around coffee. And judging people who play video games.

  • Thanks got 7.

  • Fantastic grinder, would definitely recommend.
    If anyone is after a stainless dosing collar let me know, seller sent me two by accident, all money will be transferred on to the seller in Asia

  • How does this compare to a hand grinder like the timemore c2?

    • +2

      It is a damn sight easier on your arms. :)

  • Prefer the Niche Zero

    • +1

      Except the niche is about double the price

      • +1

        Not so if you buy at retail when available through the manufacturer - about a 200 dollar difference.

        Flat burrs and the ability to swap in SSPs on this is great, the niche is a better thought out machine, but it doesn't necessarily produce better coffee.

  • To everyone saying Niche over this..what is the basis of that statement barring the internet or the fact that you own a Niche or have ordered one ? What makes Niche so superior unless you own both or have used both which I am sure very few in Oz have. I know Niche is pretty good, now with Covid tax and popularity of single dosers the Niche is any of the pro Niche commenters care to explain why Niche is better ..better build, better performance, faster, lesser retention, better tasting espresso and how did you reach to that conclusion? Please do not say Conical is better…I am just curious what makes the Niche such a superior product. This one is relatively untested and thats about all the cons I can see as opposed to the Niche. I may be wrong.. very often I am. Genuine question here.

    • +2

      James Hoffman did a review comparing these two side by side

      Looks like its a solid alternative to the niche but a few set back

    • +1

      I like to think of it kind of like iphone vs android.

      The niche is better designed and easier to use, the DP64 might actually make better coffee, has some upgradeable options if you want to tinker with things but doesn't look and feel as nice.

      Reality is both are pretty great if you want to spend about a grand.

      I wish they spent like $100 bucks more making the DP64 to fix some minor gripes with it and not use that shitty carbon fibre looking stuff

      The niche at what a lot of Australian retailers are charging is ridiculous and a ripoff - at $1,000 direct from the manufacturer it's pretty solid.

      • +1

        Not sure the Apple/Android analogies hold any water these days, I find my Pixel much more intuitive to use than my iPad Pro. Took me 15 minutes the other day to remember how to get to the control centre! 😅

      • So you prefer the Niche because of the looks.. nothing wrong with least that is a valid argument. It is your money after all, if you think it justifies the extra spend on looks.. good for you. But Niche is better designed, easier to use how can you say that unless you have used the DP64 ? You tube reviews are often paid for specially from popular people. I have used a Niche, not a DP64..never seen it in person..hence my comment.

        • I had a Niche, a mate of mine has a a DP64. I sold my Niche for more than I bought it for and am now buying a Lagom P64.

          I still have an Atom 75, but it's shit if you switch between espresso and filter regularly.

          The DP64 is by no means hard to use, it just isn't as well thought out - If I was buying one today I honestly don't know which one I would pick. It would probably come down to availability.

          Resale values with the Niche are quite solid if you decide to upgrade down the track.

    • +5

      There are many many direct side by side comparisons of DF64 and Niche all over the internet. Sure, some may be biased, but I think there is enough to read between the lines.

      If I had to sum up the consensus, my take would be that the DF64 probably provides cleaner flavours in the cup, and would be considered by many as the better grinder in terms of grind quality (I'd say the majority of reviews land that way) - but with a bunch of usability issues, which you may or may not care about / manage to various degrees (eg. button placement, declumper, static, etc). The Niche probably provides somewhat muddier results in the cup, but seems to be better designed in terms of workflow and usability - certainly there are many reviews that state the grind quality of DF64 is better in their opinion but that workflow of Niche is better. I don't recall any side by side comparisons claiming workflow is superior on the DF64.

      In the end, I'd say they are both great grinders, so you can't really go too far wrong with either. Choose whichever one you think will suit you better. Personally, I would choose neither: I would have bought a Eureka Mignon grinder over both of them! (Specialita or Single Dose, probably).

      The amount of Niche fanbois and Niche haters / DF64 fanbois on the internet is ridiculous. ("Niche Killer" branding is possibly the lamest coffee related thing I have seen on the internet…if you need to derive your self esteem based on trashing another grinder, then you probably have deeper issues than grind retention!).

      Full disclosure: I own a Niche - but not by choice (my wife picked it). As I said, I would have chosen a Eureka Mignon myself (or Weber HG-1 / HG-2), so I am by no means a Niche fanboi.

      Honestly, I think for most people any one of the above grinders will do the job just fine. The people that can notice the difference in taste between them WITHOUT having them side by side for comparison are probably well enough versed in grinders to be able to make up their own mind on which one suits them better! :)

      • Well said.. IMHO anyone promoting or dissing a product has to have used it or they are echoing what they see and hear. I have a Silvia as the brew machine.. I started with a BSG, Went on to a Sette 270 and when that broke got a Eureka specialita …from a deal here which must be still on for less than 600 delivered to my door. I am very happy with my specialita…it is built better, grinds better and is quieter than the BSG or the Sette. My mate has a NIche which I have used and been very impressed but too pricey for me..for what I paid..I think my specialita can do almost the same job with a 3d print hopper and a 20 dollar bellow both of which I have :-D and what I put in is what comes out .. no need for a tilt table either. But I have never seen a DP64 ..let alone use I shall refrain from commenting or comparing and so should everyone.

        • I have the specialita as well and am happy with it. where did you get the bellow/hopper upgrade please?

        • +1

          Yeah seems a lot of people use the Mignon grinders as single-dosers to great effect. They're beautiful grinders. I was going to purchase one before I came across the Niche on indiegogo and jumped on it (for about $800). Single dose workflow is a gamechanger, you'll love it!

          In terms of DF64 vs Niche. I think the Niche is a more developed product in terms of user experience and fit and finish. The DF64 is a capable grinder with a few corners cut. Little issues like poor burr alignment out of the box, clumping, static, unclear setting indicator, weird use of fonts, sub optimal chute angle etc. If you check out the DF64 owners group on facebook you'll see people have come up with homebrew fixes for most of these using 3d printed parts etc. Other than that I think the flavour comparison is pretty much what you always hear re conical vs flat burr. if you like more clarity, fruitiness in your espresso flat burrs are probably your jam; if you're into more old school full-bodied round flavoured espresso then you might prefer the conical burr taste of the niche. I believe the burrset in the Niche is the same the old Mazzer Kony which you can read a lot about. So if you like flat burrset and dont minf tinkering with something that might not be perfect out of the box DF64 might be for you. If you don't like to tinker and/or like the conical burr flavour then Niche might be better. If I had a specialita I wouldn't bother changing to either one of these, but would just upgrade to bellows/hopeper for the single dose workflow.

  • +1

    What a rip off. Cheap Chinese grinder found on Alibaba imported to Australia and price jacked up. For $800, id rather buy a Eureka.…

    • DF64 single dose grinder … spectacular price point

      Spectacular profit.

    • How much is the postage?

    • is it actually manufactured in China?

    • +1

      ~620AUD plus shipping a heavy/bulky item from China marked up to 800AUD + 20AUD shipping with local support and certification doesn't seem like a big leap to cover local costs of doing business. Unless I'm missing something?

      • +1

        No you are not missing anything. There are added costs to have a home appliance certified for the Australian market to ensure that they are safe and do not provide any hazards.

  • Perfect for blending Nescafe from the jar 🤪

  • Hmm for that price.I'll keep dropping my sunbeam grinder on the bench to solve single dose grind retention

  • Dipacci is also selling it already and have stock. I noticed you mentioned you’re the sole distributor in Australia - how does that work?

    • I would suggest grey imports that they have marked up accordingly to provide in house warranty repairs on.

      They have the capacity to do this.

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