Selling Meat from Our Farm Soon - Potentially Juicy Question for Ya

Im about to advertise sides of pork

Should I be including photos and videos of the pigs in my social media posts/adds?

Would this be a positive or negative for you?

People are more conscious about where meat actually comes from…. but they are also kinda cute

*Pigs in groups doing things like foraging, digging, rolling in mud (nothing suss)

Poll Options

  • 59
    I would like to see photos of animals
  • 170
    I would not like to see photos of animals
  • 34
    I dont care either way


  • +20

    Just the end product for me

    • +35

      There are a few solutions to make it less sad:

      1. Put black eyeliner and red eyeshadow on the pigs so they look like emos who want to die.
      2. Show the pigs being sentenced to death for planning terrorist attacks.
      3. Show the meat growing on a pork tree rather than a live animal.
      • +3

        What is the saying about putting lipstick on a pig?

        • +3

          its more convenient than tinder?

          • @[Deactivated]: You know what you’ll be sticking it in.

            • @Kiro: You'll know what end? Or are you that bad at aiming / identifying the correct receptacle?

              • @cydia9k: Which ever part could be better than a tinder date

        • You don't have to buy the whole pig to get a bit of sausage.

      • Best idea, then you can auction off the pigs

  • +31

    but they are also kinda cute

    "Here's Carolyn. She likes playing in the mud, cuddles, and knows to sit, stay and roll over. Enjoy her bacon from $15 p/kg"

    Nah man, including pics of the animals is a bit weird.

    • +1

      Haha it would be in a more tasteful way.

      Last add I just posted to friends with a photo of the boxed cuts but I've also thought about doing it by proxy i.e showing other animals on our property

      I guess the problem is that my main selling point is the condition of the animals and living arrangements.

      • +7

        more tasteful way

        like cooked?

        • +2

          cooked is actually something ive seen alot

          gives another degree of seperation

          but nah I was thinking a long range photo of a few pigs in a paddock etc

          • +5


            but nah I was thinking a long range photo of a few pigs in a paddock etc

            Definitively that's asking for trouble.

            Pork meat eaters will NOT care about lovely pictures, TASTE and quality will be the deciding factor.
            A "nice" pig environment does not guarantee taste and flavor.

            On the other hand, NON pork meat eaters will bomb you into oblivion if showing pictures.

            You know the drill, don't feed the trolls.

          • @thirtysixd: long range with those little markings like on a scope… tasteful

      • +11

        Ah, if that's your selling point then that's great. Show the grounds, the free space, the happy animals, but not things like "this one is going for slaughter later today". Make it less about the specific animal and more about the conditions.

        • +3

          Agree. Conditions is a selling point for sure.

      • +1

        Cute pigs = tasty pigs ?

        Pics of the paddocks or such to show they're not barn or stall raised couldn't hurt…

    • I disagree. Photos, plus their names, would really impress the grandchildren as we eat our pork roast!

  • +6

    Actually I don't mind seeing pictures of animals if it is showing where they're kept and shows they're happy. Not like that TV ad about cruelty to animals that we eat that has a sad song over it with the pig growing wings and flying off.

    • +27

      I was devastated when I learned that "this little piggy went to market" didn't mean that the piggy was going shopping…

      • +24

        I am devastated learning that now from your comment. You've just ruined it for me.

        • +1

          Wait, where is it going then?

        • +3

          What about Humpty Dumpty, and all the effort the government went through to hide the accidental death from official scrutiny?

      • Wtf

      • +2

        And why is one of them eating a roast? So many questions…

    • +2

      The music is a big part of the sadness. Mute it and play Yakety Sax, and it's a lot less sad.

  • +1

    It would be heartwarming to see a hard working family that stands behind a pig's carcass! /s

  • but they are also kinda cute

    I think most of us, don't want to see the "behind the curtain" stuff… sometimes ignorance is bliss…

    btw, don't the cute ones survive like a "babe"?

    Maybe you are looking to sell Pigs, rather than Pork? 2nd thoughts?

    An idea, could be to include recipes with the different cuts.

    Might be good to know what you feed them? you know the saying, you are what you eat…

    • Definately selling pork.
      Just going from family + friends to small scale public (local market / direct)

      They eat weeds and brush mostly

      Might be a hard sell?

  • Don't need to reinvent the wheel each time. Look at what other farms/butchers/associated trades are doing. Copy them (which very likely no pics of piggies with the meat)

  • I guess if it's like a whole group of animals to show they're healthy and all that, it's fine.
    Close up pictures of individual animals probably not so good. It wouldn't affect my decision to purchase but I suspect you'll make more people uncomfortable than convince them if you do so

  • +1

    Finally, a familiar face for my processed meat products. #savetheanimals

  • Just pictures of green pastures and said meat on a nice wooden chopping board.

    But I'll also take pics of hanging carcasses too.

  • +1

    Include a sign "Not for Vegans"?

    • 'May contain meat' on the packaging?

      Like the idiotic warning that a packet of almonds once had, saying 'contains nuts'.

      • +1

        They eat weeds and brush mostly

        The saying "You are what you eat", doesn't turn it into veg. /s

        I would suggest more clear wording "This product is meat and were Vegans"

      • Like the idiotic warning that a packet of almonds once had, saying 'contains nuts'.

        Almonds are almond, it isn't a nut. Just as Pork is Pork, it isn't pig.

        3G is 3G, 4G is 4G but 5G causes COVID.

        Don't under estimate ignorance.

  • +1

    Set up some speakers around them and claim you play classical music, instant Kobe prices

  • +5

    Maybe some photos of your farm on your website rather than the individual animal you'd be butchering.

    Waiting for the vegan outrage.

    • Agree - I'd rather just see the farm. Or your avatar pic, maybe? ;)

  • +1

    i would like to be able to interact with my dinner before eating it, like that Ameglian Major Cow in HHGTTG

  • -1

    Should I be including photos and videos of the pigs in my social media posts/adds?

    Wouldn't it be a lot of work to take a picture of every pig you slaughter then upload it somewhere? Or are you just talking about a general picture with lots of pigs on the social media post?

    • Not sure why people assume individual profiles?

      Thats pretty weird

  • It's interesting that I've seen a lot of photos of cows standing around in paddocks on meat websites (I order direct from meat manufacturers pretty often) but it's pretty rare to see pigs. Probably because they're not usually roaming around the farm so if they are, I'd use that as a selling point.

    Looks fine on this website, IMO - - there's pictures of pigs scattered about.

    • Lillydale do adverts where the guy is sheltering the chickens, feeding them, etc., then showing the roasted bird. Presumably it works for them.

      As an omnivore, I care about the way the animals and plants I eat are grown and treated, so would find it reassuring, as long as it's true.

  • Show us everything! Photos of the pigs when they are born, how they are treated and how they are slaughtered for their juicy juicy meat.

  • +2

    Free range pics very positive but the clincher for me is to show the animals are slaughtered VERY humanely. Little or no stress no CO2 pits etc. Preferable each one to be shot alone on a paddock. The terrible ways animals are killed are what is driving me to the vego side more than environmental and health reasons.

    • Not sure about legality of every state but we have to use an abattoir for processing.

      Id prefer to use a mobile butcher but unfortunately its illegal / cant be sold.

    • clincher for me is to show the animals are slaughtered VERY humanely

      That means you need to bring in snipers with a clean shot through the head. Even that is taking away freedom of the animal to live their natural life (you could argue they were bred for meat, but then if someone told another human they were bred for meat so therefore it is okay for their life to end… not sure what people think of that)

      Not such thing is human when you use the word slaughter.

      • Most pets and other domestic animals are killed off humanely at end of their lives. So we don't have pets? If folk slaughtered their pets in the same way that authorities allow farmers to slaughter their livestock they would be charged with cruelty. It's a problem when looking at the numbers and costs but slaughterhouses need to be monitored properly and some methods like gassing banned. I still eat meat but not really all that happy with it. I have worked on many farms and few farmers really care all that much about physical abuse here & there as long as it doesn't affect the cheque at the end of the day.

        • As said. Slaughter is never humane.

  • Is that legal?

    • Good question. If Google maps need to blur out people's faces, then pigs should also have their privacy.

      • Not sure if that’s a Charlotte’s Web reference or Orwellian.

  • +1

    The only reason it is called 'pork' is because it disassociates the meat from the animal.
    People should know where it comes from.

    • +1

      That, and the Normans and the English they conquered lived side by side and in seperate worlds to the point that they didn’t share language about livestock.

      • Cool, so what saltypete said yesterday?

    • +1

      Chinese people still directly ask if you eat cow, pig or chicken. Chinese people eat chicken feet, you can't think chickens can live a fulfilling life after having their feet removed. Or there is a whole lot of chickens in wheel chairs saying they live a better life now than they before.

      • I'm not sure why you are bringing up chicken feet as a topic, but it isn't only Chinese people that eat them.

  • +1

    People are generally pretty hypocritical about meat consumption and there would be a lot more vegetarians if they were responsible for the killing and butchering.
    That said, you are not an ethical education service so I would not show a single animal - unless it is local wildlife.🤷‍♂️
    Perhaps show picturesque shots of your environment and rave a bit about how good your environment is and how you are caring about your animals ( don’t say pig, hog etc) and really care for them.
    (BTW I am sure you do)
    You also do not kill your pigs - you prepare the meat for the purchaser. Ha ha…..
    Good luck, I hope you do really well. 👍

    • there would be a lot more vegetarians if they were responsible for the killing and butchering

      exactly why they keep the sad animal faces and slaughter process off the packaging. It is like trying to sell a hummer in front of a mural of islanders flooded out of their homes from climate change

  • +1

    Please include how humanely you kill the animals.

    • AND….. "if at first they don't succeed" …………….. it doesn't bear thinking about!!

    • how humanely you kill the animals

      Always wonder about that saying … what the pig thinks is the real issue.

  • Nope.
    Just show COOKED and ready to eat pork.

    You are right young piggies are cute, innocent and very playful. DO NOT SHOW THEM … I repeat … DO NOT SHOW LIVE ANIMALS when selling their meat.

  • No to pictures of the animal. Yes to pictures of their food and living conditions.

    More and more people are becoming more conscious of how the feed and conditions of animals affect nutritional value.

  • +3

    Just a good group photo of your local cops will do.

  • I try to buy 'happy' organic chickens, most of these companies are pretty transparent with how their animals are kept and this adds to our willingness to pay a premium for it

    So if you are going down the organic, sustainable ethical market. I think it helps.

    If you just after joe blo who wants some thick cut bacon, he would probably prefer to be none the wiser.

    So depends on your target audience?

  • Also avoid advertising to anyone named Mohammad, Muhammad, Mo, Sam, Moey from the area and double two double zero brother ahhh

  • Create a brochure about your farm with simple design and eye catching aspects about it.

  • I wrongly voted on one option. How to undo my vote on the poll. Thanks.

  • +1

    As others have mentioned, instead of showing each individual pigs with names and characteristics, just show the entire farm and the pigs to show you're raising them responsibly and ethically.

    • +1

      So you don't feel bad for eating them? society is weak

      • yeah of course you'd feel bad for eating anything that's been humanised. Did you ever watch Cast Away? People cried over a volleyball…besides, among what I consider 'weak' in society, compassion isn't one of them.

  • It depends on your target market — I'm thinking the types of people who would like images are also the types who watch shows like the Gourmet Farmer on SBS?

  • Yes, definitely should include images of animals, to build affinity between the consumer and the product; in fact, I would suggest you maintain a catalogue of all live stock, with given names, DOBs, parental history and favourite pastimes, allowing the consumer to pick the animal that they would like to eat. Furthermore, assigning SKUs to meat sections, would allow the consumer to order the favourite part of their preferred animal, all in all, creating a very much niche and unique consumer experience.

  • I think people should be more aware of what they are eating ethically. But marketing wise, it would be a bad business move as it makes people uncomfortable.

  • I think its been done with high quality steak places, but thats more the high end of town.

    Either way, I'd be interested in some good farm bacon.

  • If its a webcam of the farm/fields showing pigs living freely - I'd be more incline to purchase from you. I'm not a big fan of not being able to see how the animals I eat are being treated. I wouldn't want to know specifics about the individual pig i'm about to eat though.

    But, to give people the option, i'd probably have it as a link on the site and not something that is thrown up as soon as you enter the website. I'd say welcome page/sell page should just be photos of green fields and delicious hickory smoked bacon.. or maple bacon. mmm.

  • -1

    Don't tree huggers occasionally record whales being killed for meat? so why not pigs? double standard discrimination

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