This was posted 12 years 11 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$2 Hungry Jack's Whopper and Fries from Scoopon


It's from scoopon, but I doubt HJ's is going to screw you over.

MOD Update: From Scoopon website:

Present Your Scoopon at Hungry Jack's® and Pay Just $2 In-store to Wrap Your Mouth Around a Juicy Flame-Grilled Whopper®! 100% Australian Beef, Ripe Tomato, Fresh Lettuce, Onion, Pickles, Tomato Sauce and That Crazy Good Mayo - It’s all in There! Plus Get a Small Fries Too! Normally $6.90!

  • Pay $2 in-store at Hungry Jack's® and present printed Scoopon to claim your burger
  • Valid from 20 March 2012 to 8 May 2012
  • Scoopons available in your account from 20 March 2012

You basically pay nothing to get he coupons from Scoopon (you can buy multiple), and then pay $2 for whopper + fries at Hungry Jack's.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    It's great!!!!!!!You can buy 99 scoopon… I wont cook in next month….

    • +1

      Just head down to a participating Hungry Jack's® restaurant with your Scoopon and $2 to claim the flam-grilled goodness!

      has anyone purchased yet? Do you get charged $2 by scoopon?

      If so it appears that this deal costs $4, not $2…..

      • +3

        Well I just bought 99 and it didn't charge me.

        • +1

          i was wondering why it didn't ask for payment details, i thought it remembered my CC and just charged. Cool just bought 99 also.

          great for friends who wants any!

        • -8

          from the scoopon site when i went through to get mine…..

          "Your credit card will only be charged when the minimum sales target is reached and the deal turns into a Scoopon."

          so yea you dont get charged yet, probably only on the 20th when you can finally print them. so by the looks you pay $2 to scoopon on the 20th (for each deal) then another $2 to hungrys once you claim your burger. making it a $4 total cost.

          good luck to the ones who ordered 99 of these, i hope im wrong or else i hope you have the $180 in your accounts when they choose to change you :)

        • You realise that only refers to making a Scoopon, overall, valid right? Not when the validity period of the Scoopon starts?

        • nosdan, you're wrong like you hoped.
          This was discussed & refuted 24 hours ago.
          Scoopon clearly states you will not be charged by them.

      • +1

        No, just pay in-store

    • How do you buy 99? It had a drop down list with 1-10 so I did 10. Tried to buy more, wouldn't let met.

      Meh, was just gonna email to mates anyway and save 'em the hassle.

      • yeah I could only buy 10 and then it said …..

        You have already purchased the maximum number of Scoopons for this deal.

        Come back tomorrow!…

        I wonder if :-) they would have the same deal tomorrow.

    • +4

      Supersize you

    • instead, you'll be working off the fat for the rest of your life.

  • +2

    Good deal but I don't get it. It says pay $2 in store. and then when you try to buy it you have to pay scoopon $2 as well?

    Edit: Whoops, it reads down at the bottom of payment page

    Pay in-store.
    You won’t be charged on the Scoopon end!

    Doube Edit: You can print coupon out only from March 20th.

    • well spotted… says "You won’t be charged on the Scoopon end!" just before you hit pay.

      Just bought 4.

      This deal will be sold out in 2 or 3 minutes I reckon… get in quick ozbargainers…

  • +15
    • +1

      Dont seem to find too many from Sydney at all. Can't Ctrl + F on the page as well.

      • It took me a while to find my local one too…

      • +3

        Ctrl + F doesn't work as its an image on the page and not searchable text. You will have to manually go through the list. I found all of the stores around my home in the list, so chances are you will find em as well. It has a huge no. of participating stores.

      • +1

        Sydney CBD: Wynyard Station, Hoyts - George St, Pitt Street

        • 'Century', too. It's the one on the corner of george and liverpool street (under bar century for all you drinkers)

        • But Central Railway (ie Central Station, country platforms) may or may not participate.

    • +10

      The list of "may/may not participating" is simply amazing!

      So may I or may I not get this deal?

    • +4

      That PDF is terrible. Not searchable and doesn't seem to be in any particular order.
      Plus i just learned that there is a place called "Dogswamp"…LOL

      • Ordered by State & thats all.

      • +1

        Yeah, we have Cockburn and Bullcreek too!

      • each coloured box is the start of a new state, ie. all the suburbs under "Innaloo" belong to WA.

        • -1

          Innaloo. Great. Doubt that was the first alphabetically. Just goes to show what the eastern state devils think of us.

          WA is the engine room of Oz.

        • voteoften: nonsense. WA is the quarry.

      • that exactly all the things i saw, i thought dogswamp i might move there might be whoop whoop but atleast it has a hungry jacks!

        the pdf was terrible mainly because you cant do a find search and no particular order. the lists of might/might not is ridiculous, make up your mind either accept or dont. i hate travelling all the way there to find they wont accept it

    • anyone know whats up with the stores highlighted in different colours?

      • I think it just determines when the list goes to a new state.

  • +2

    The number of people buying this deal is rising incredibly fast….. another 2,000 in the space of just two minutes…

    • Well that is only about 20 people at 99 vouchers each. I wonder how many get redeemed??

  • This is a great offer, particularly because you can simply tell Scoopon you'll have 99, then actually only take in 3-4 to redeem.

  • Sweet deal… Thanks

  • If I won't get charged by Scoopon. Why can't i Just get 100 of them? And just give them to my mates, etc?

    • You can just pick 99 drop down, btw is this why it asks for your postcode can you use them in any HJ store?. Does it email you 99 to print out lol.

  • wonder if there's a limit for these? already 5000+ and only 20mins

  • This is crazy… just 'bought' 99 scoopon vouchers!!! Thx op!

  • +6

    These'll end up on ebay.

  • +6

    Is there enough bread rolls at HJ to accomodate this deal? :D

  • Lol at the post its from Scoopon but HJ wont screw you. They may have screwed you with the fine print. The terms of this are too confusing. Is it possible to buy 1 and use the voucher many times? This maybe a difficult deal for HJ to offer being a number of stores they have, staff etc

    • +1

      Have to hand over uniquely numbered voucher to HJ with $2. Have done that before. You can get 99 free vouchers each time you order. Thats a lot of fat in 50 days.

    • +1

      Should be possible to "buy" 1, print it to PDF, then just keep churning out the PDFs? I doubt they'd keep a list of voucher codes to cross reference if you've used this one before. Especially since they've just sold 43k of these coupons.

      • +1

        Too true. Been tempted to do that with bought group buying vouchers, but in those cases store won't be compensated. This is a free voucher & HJ gsets the money, so copy away. But it depends on how many HJ will honour in total. So get eating soon.

  • reach 10,000 very soon!!
    Already 9810!!!

    • So are these group buy style or is it like red vouchers/deal free?

  • from 2,000 to 10,000 in less than 15 mins!

  • Just bought 99. No charge.

    Congratulations on your Scoopon purchase - get ready to start living large!

    Your purchase is being processed and your Scoopon will be available for printing or download from your account on 20 March 2012.

    Your purchased Scoopon can be accessed easily. Just ‘Sign in’ and click on ‘My Scoopons’ under the ‘My Stuff’ tab!

    Remember, to redeem your Scoopon, make sure you follow the redemption process listed in the fine print of the Scoopon you just purchased.

    • +8

      get ready to start living large!

      LOL There are going to be a lot of large OBers!

  • thanks op!

  • A mouth watering deal OP. I hail you for this find. Its almost 15,000 purchases on Scoopon and I have noticed its rising by 500-600 on every refresh of the page……..

  • +1

    The Fine Print

    "Scoopons for this offer are limited"


  • +2

    You can buy multiple orders of 99! But limit of 1 voucher redemption per day. Try a few stores or share the vouchers. Hello Cholesterol!

  • +1

    nuts.. valid for 49 days (give or take). I ordered 55. There is no way I'm gunna eat that every day.

    Actually.. I challenge anyone to eat nothing but this deal lunch and dinner for the full 49 days! Hmm blog it & make doco.. you'd make a motza! :)

    • +2

      If they got 99 vouchers, they would still have one left. Maybe for date night!

  • +1

    Thanks I shall not be hungry from March the 20th to May the 8th unless I'm poor.

  • Ripper. Thanks OP.

  • Awesome 99 for me!

  • that list of participating stores gotta be worst ever?!@#$?
    Brisbane CBD?

    • Um… Post Office Square - thats it

      • +3

        "Beak House" is the Hungry Jack's in the Queen Street Mall.
        (I used to Mystery Shop for them, so know its name).

        • Great. That 1 caught my eye, but had no idea where it is.

  • +3

    Now to start the 49 day wopper challenge

  • The "Participating stores" pdf is awful… can't find anything :/

    Thanks for the deal, ordered 20 - might be more than enough :)

  • +1

    Max qty changed to 10

    • -1


  • Eat "too much" fast food" =>

    . Get ready for the symptoms you saw, eg,
    . in Michael Moore's doco "SuperSize Me" :-/

    (The Whopper is OK, but the Chips… YECH!!!)

    We Say -NO- to TransFat. :-)

    • +2

      Was Morgan Spurlock not Michael Moore.

  • +3

    For a healthy change…
    "Not a meat eater? Swap your Whopper® over for a Veggie Whopper!"

    • Then munch on some fries!

      • +2

        Fries = veggies

        veggies = healthy ;)

        • +3

          except the veggie whopper is actually less healthy than the meat one lol

        • +3

          Hence your name 'cheaty'!
          Does that logic work for alcohol too?
          Of course, beer = hops, grains, water = all good for you

        • +1

          You are what you eat.

          Cows eat grass.
          Grass = vegetable.
          We eat cows.
          Therefore we eat vegetables.

        • +2

          Grass grows in cow poo ;-) Therefore we eat…

        • +1

          Daydream, are you saying I'm full of …

    • -1
      I tried that one, but really didn't like the product.

      In a previous Deal, I just asked for:

      . Maximum veggies on the beef-based Whopper

      Still way too much sugar for optimal health,

      …but better than a Whopper + Fries.

      Suggested scenario:

      HJ Staffer: "Did you want fries with that?"

      Wise Buyer: "Yuck! No, thanks… Hold the Fries, please"

      • +14

        OBer: "If its free, I'll have it"

        • +2

          If it's free, it's for me.

    • +2

      a plus for me since im vegetarian, but not so much a plus because its shitty fast food haha

      • +1

        At least it was good they put that option in the deal.

      • +1

        HJ vege burgers are not vegetarian!

        • +6

          I'm happy they have this option too!
          Why does everyone confuse Vegetarian with Vegan though?
          Vegetarians don't eat meat.
          Vegans don't eat anything that comes from an animal.
          Most vegetarians eat cheese & dairy, & cheese almost always contains rennet. Gross, but hard to avoid if dining out. Being a vegan means you need to know the ingredients of everything, being a vegetarian means if it hasn't got meat in it, it's ok.
          Then if you want to get really fancy with names there are…
          Lacto-ovo vegetarians - they don't eat meat, but do eat dairy & eggs (most vegetarians)
          Pescetarians - No meat, with the exception of fish.

          I just get so sick of these conversations…
          Twit: "So if you're vegetarian, what do you eat?"
          Me: "Ummmm. Normal food without meat.
          Twit: "So, I mean, what kind of stuff? Like tofu & beans? Do you have to go to special food places?"
          Me: "Aaaaaarrghhhhh! I mostly eat normal stuff!!! Pizza, pasta, chinese takeaway. It really isn't a big deal." sob

      • -3

        trans fats come from animals

        • I thought trans fats came from transexuals; you know, a by product of the operation…oops, my bad! :p

      • the veggie burger contains animal rennet

  • +13

    we're gonna need a $2 coronary bypass to compliment this deal

    • +6

      Well done!

      Fortunately, you've got Medicare… ;-)

      Now, we have to start a new political party:

      . "Tax the Fast-Food Vendors to Fund Medicare Party" :-)

      • You sir, are onto something :D

  • Appears to be limited to 11 per person now.

    • Expired? Its still going.

      • still going get in there.

  • +1

    haha, good one. Got my 99

  • damn, i only ordered 10. and I can't order anymore.

  • damn, i only ordered 10. and I can't order anymore.

    • Maybe if you"

      1. deleted the right cookie from your hard disk &
      2. created a new Scoopon A/C

      …your wish could be granted?

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