This classic pale ale boasts a light, hazy amber colour that’s pleasing to the eye. When taking a sip, taste buds are met with beautiful, smooth flavours that exhibit a good balance of biscuit malt and satisfying citrus undertones.
* Bronze 8B - Best International Style Pale Ale AIBA 2021.
* ‘World's Best Pale Bitter’ in the 4.5% to 5.5% category at the World Beer Awards 2019.
* Australian 'Country Winner' at the World's Beer Awards 2020.
* Gold Winner at the Melbourne International Beer Competition 2020.
Essentially upfront 20% off minus the CB wait PLUS counts towards the Coles spend
Current discounted price $50. RRP $56.
$53 Liqourland
$56 First Choice Liqour
$56 Vintage Cellars
Article about Tinnies - Coles Liqour
FYI - 6 pack for $22
02/10/2021: Updated title with VIC, plus Delivery ($0-C&C) based on feedback comments
Had a case of this stuff at the start of lockdown. Very ordinary Pale Ale imo.