Good price for these Baby Mum-Mum Rice Rusks, usually $3 or $2.40 when on special at Woolworths/Big W/Chemist Warehouse/Coles.
Some are 8 months +, others are 12 months +. Check the packaging.
Some Little Quacker Rice snacks discounted as well.
Good price for these Baby Mum-Mum Rice Rusks, usually $3 or $2.40 when on special at Woolworths/Big W/Chemist Warehouse/Coles.
Some are 8 months +, others are 12 months +. Check the packaging.
Some Little Quacker Rice snacks discounted as well.
Spot on OP. Stocked up for my 11 month old
cheers OP…just grabbed a bunch as my kid loves these.
babies go yum yum with Chinese-made Baby Mum-Mums
Was interested until I checked for this.
I'd rather pay more and ensure the safety and health of my child
My Aussie bought ones are product of China too. Bought some of these now off Amazon since it's the same and my kids love it.
Yeah I will never buy food from any country whose population hires people to raid overseas supermarkets for safe food.
Farley's Rusks or Bust!
I know whatever I’m going to say would be controversial and probably negged, but for those who don’t buy food products from China, do you avoid buying clothes that are made in China too? Don’t get me wrong, there are products that I I prefer to buy Aussie made but there so many items these days that are made in China (including a lot of big brands) - unavoidable. Like I think Huggies nappies are made in China as well?
Btw, thanks Op! Brought 2 packs for the kids!
The issue is the fact that it is a food product from China. I'm sure if we had to eat nappies, then most of us would prefer to eat a nice Aussie made Mamia Aldi nappy over a Huggies China nappy.
😂 fair call!
Sure. If that's the case, you should question government that why it's allowed to get imported. Did they just eat too many made in China nappies?
The nappies might be fine until one batch with forged certificates comes through and gives 200 people hepatitis because the nappy fields were fertilised with human shit.
Good point. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to cost of items. For businesses its cheaper to manufacture in china, and the consumer of course wants to save few dollars.
However, if there is little price difference, I would buy and support Australian made. 🇭🇲
I read what I wrote and I might have worded it poorly - it seems like I was having a go at people who are against made in China food. I was more “curious” to know. I know someone closely who is against everything made in China saying they shouldn’t even be allowed to come into Australia but everything that they wear is made in China including their iPhone…
I guess in the perfect world who doesn’t like better quality produce and clothing - not always possible I guess given the costs involved.
On the other note I didn’t know Aldi baby food aren’t Australian made as well. I only noticed it on their baby crackers as well :(
Thanks. Bought few boxes
Thanks bought a heap. Not many choices left or stock left of most.
Shame. Little one likes banana flavour.
Banana was there earlier, looks like all flavours have sold out apart from vegetable.
Available again @tessel
Thanks. Did not expect someone to tag and notify me. You've restored my faith in humanity for another day. You legend.
Given this is less than $2 I feel the need to buy it but I dont have a kid nor know anyone with a kid. This is gunna take some serious mental gymnastics to justify.
My son is 11 months old now and I give him this after he wakes up and mum breastfeeds him. Am I doing anything wrong or should I give him a proper breakfast first.
My advice is don't come to OzB for any advice other than how to spend your money on stuff you might need and very likely don't need.
Well don't repeat my error, apparently mine isn't a diesel, and yet that what i put in - and here we are.
I'll just give my son away
Wow, Amazon has picked up their game. Getting mine delivered today!
My daughter loves these. They're usually around $2.40 a pack on Amazon. I saw they are the same price at Chemist Warehouse at the moment
5 flavours in stock again
3 flavours now - Original, vegetable and blueberry/carrot
Still have many left from the prime day sell