This was posted 3 years 5 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 8GB Phoenix (LHR) Graphics Card $1499 + Delivery @ Techfast


The Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Phoenix (LHR) 8GB graphics card features an 8GB GDDR6X 256-bit memory interface, 19GB/s memory speed, PCI-E 4.0, 1 x HDMI, 3 x DisplayPort, HDCP support, OpenGL 4.6 and DirectX 12 support, and RGB lighting. Details on the Gainward website: Warranty: 3 years

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closed Comments

  • Anyone want to offer any opinions on current gpu pricing?

    Techfast had these for 1300 only 3 weeks ago so I just wanted to know what has happened in such a short time.

    • +5

      Apparently it's going to get worse before it gets better…

      • +5

        That's what I have heard also. Major shipping delays (Cargo ships held up, limited international flights) to hit us throughout Q4, combined with Xmas demand plus existing heightened demand…

    • +3

      sold too fast, that's it

    • +23

      From what I can tell, regardless of all the HODLs you read is that stock gets snapped up at whatever price they're listed at on these higher end cards. It's purely up to you to put a value on them really and how long you're willing to wait from this point. Bear in mind once you get the card you'll be happy with it, and whether or not you could have saved $200 in 3 months time becomes completely moot after having used the thing for that time. $1500 is above RRP, but that is a magical figure that is not really applicable in the current market.

      • +1

        100 times this

      • -1

        Yeeeeaaah, I feel what you're saying, but I can buy multiple consoles for the price of this card. It's very hard to justify.

      • Add to that most cards will mine $200 in 3 months (yes I know not for everyone), could even literally just use it for a bit of mining on the side then stop :)

        • Does that include LHR? I've not done much research but I've been wanting to upgrade for a while - a bit of mining to defray the extra cost would definitely help!

          • +1

            @gadget: yep I reckon it would. I grabbed a 6900 XT in a recent deal, they mine ok but nowhere near as good as a 3080 for eg. I've mined $150 of BTC in just over a month. Now you'd need to sell it to realise the gain of course but I actually want to add a bit to portfolio makeup anyway :)

            You can take a look here
            Looks like a 3070 Ti could still knock out about $3.50-$4.00 a day

            edit - I forgot to add I actually bought the card to game so it's only mining when I'm not gaming so not bad really.

            • +1

              @drprox: Yeah - that's my intention - only let it mine while I'm doing something else on the PC.

            • @drprox: Though with electricity costs and taxes it's around $1.20 a day here (Victoria). Which is still good, but's it's best to look at profit not revenue.

    • Don't buy if you can help it but if you need a GPU now you need a GPU.

      • -3

        I agree with this. I'm content with my 2080Ti atm (running triple 1080p). I would like a 3080 but no "FOMO" here.

        When I get 2K screen (triple) I will require a 3080 and at that point I hope the prices are not $3K … but as you said .. if you need a GPU .. you need a GPU

    • +1

      you won't see that price again this year

  • +22

    Prices are disgusting. I'll wait no matter how long it takes.

    • +3

      This is where im at. I had planned on upgrading by now. But can't justify it at these prices.

      • -4

        Good for you bud. I just don't like being taken advantage of. We don't want to make these prices normal otherwise this will be the new standard. People didn't fight back against Apple iPhone prices now they're a couple of grand each and will probably be 5k soon. I don't want to pay over a grand for a graphics card. Good luck to you.

    • +5

      its so funny, I planned to upgrade a little over 12mths ago and wanted to wait for a gpu sale… still waiting, but my current PC does the job and will continue doing so until the market settles, if that takes 1mth, 3mths, 12mths or more. I can wait.

      • -2

        Can you though? What if you want to play New World or BF2042 at 1440p? I can afford and value an extra $200 to enjoy those things now then wait 1 - 12 months (if they drop at all!!)

        • +3

          yep sure can. I haven't tried to play new world as I dont want to get myself into another MMO timesink but can play any of the other games at a good enough rate to not have to worry about it. No they dont run at full spec on 1440p, but I am content with my dual screen 1080p setup until prices settle to a reasonable rate. Dont need the latest and greatest to enjoy content, make do with what you have until its reasonable to upgrade imo.

  • +6

    So tempted but I'll leave it for someone else

    • +2

      same, I really want a EVGA one. Perhaps I am too picky.

  • -1

    No deal.

    MSRP was $899.

    If we all HODL for long enough price will drop to MSRP my fellow apes. Sure it may take a year or two but time is a concept that is foreign to apes anyway so we should be fine.

    • +1

      ?$959 MSRP

      • You right, $959 for 3070 ti, $899 for 3070,. But still much cheaper than $1499.

    • +5

      Can everyone see how the RRP is creating their perceptions of value in this little exchange?

      GPUs are an interesting case because ordinarily the RRP is used to advantage the vendor by changing the consumer's perception of value. However it backfires when the real price goes above it.

      • +2

        Its not necessarily only the above RRP that most people are perceiving as bad value.. but the the fact it is way above historical price point for these cards in previous generations

        • This higher floor price is pretty much somewhat set in stone for the next generations.
          Nvidia,AMD, AIBs now know people will pay these prices. Prices never go down, only stay or go higher.
          Just like Samsung and Apple in their markets.

          I'm completely expecting the next 80 series to be sold at $1500 minimum with higher AIBs towards the $2K mark.

          • @AFAR85: These prices are artificially inflated by ETH price spikes.
            Nvidia tried to charge a lot for Turing after the last crypto boom and was disappointed by the lack of sales. Early next year ETH mining will be dead, and Nvidia, AMD and Intel will all be selling discrete GPUs across three different processes.
            I think things will prove a lot sooner than you think.

            • +1

              @iseeyou1312: You could be right - as an aside, I'm really keen to see what Intel's Arc GPUs are like.
              Another thing to consider is the COVID situation - might take awhile for that to settle down around the globe… and supply lines to be restored to whatever is 'normal' in future…

              I pulled the trigger on a 3070 a few weeks back, but I still hope prices will come down. These super high prices are bad for pretty much anyone who is invested in PC-gaming.

              • @jelreyn: I'm not sure about how shipping will affect prices, although it seems that international travel will be back before Christmas, which will help out with that a lot. However COVID isn't what's affecting GPU prices, earlier this year GPU production was up 40% YoY, and it's only gotten better since then.
                Crypto is what's driving these insane GPU prices, similar to the first crypto boom. Other PC components have been back to normal prices for ages.

    • +2

      Worth waiting an extra 3 years for prices to normalise?

      • +1

        Most definitely.

        • To each their own. A few hundred bucks isn't that important to me. Especially something that isn't even guaranteed. I dare say we won't see those prices ever again.

  • +1

    Wow every RTX 3070 deal is progressively more expensive. I know this is the TI model but wow!

    Apart from the chip makers, I think some scalpers have made life changing profits with these prices.

    • -5

      No vendor wants a race to the bottom, where every vendor makes little profit, so the idea of competition is a bit silly.

      • +3

        I take it you don't quite get the concept of competition?

  • glad I got my 3080 for $1500 3 weeks ago from techfast

    • +2

      No you didn't, it was never $1500 3 weeks ago

      • +1

        $1588 and 5 weeks ago. Soz

        • Not bad!

    • +2

      Wally by name, wally by nature.

  • +2

    BPC are also selling a 3070 for $1499 including shipping. -…

    The only way you could possibly get a RTX card now close to RRP now is by applying for a credit card that offers a cashback offer.

  • +4

    I'm glad I didn't listen to al the 'HODL' comments 2 months back and picked up the Gainward Phantom 3080. Prices are only going to get worse for a few different reasons coupled with Samsung now upping the price of their chips. If you can wait another 18 months+ then don't buy this, but if you can't (Like me GTX1060). DO NOT WAIT.

    • what did you pay?

      • I bought it as part of a TechFast build. R5-3600 one. I believe it was around $2488 total.

  • -5

    HODL crowd will hold till its RRP and then be all happy they paid RRP for a 2 year old card with 4xxx series out.


  • wow and i thought the 3080 i got was expensive

  • +1

    This is actually a good deal considering todays market conditions.

    I haven't seen any other 3070ti's for $1500 or less

    • +1

      Nvidia: We should mark 4070 Ti $2,500 ALL time in next launch. (then $1,999 will definitely be seen as good deal)

  • Pulled the trigger- left it too late to wait any further on my dying 970.

    Probably should have asked this first, but does anyone know what techfast's stock and delivery is like? (As in will this come this year or are they waiting on stock).

    • +1

      I ordered one of the gigabyte 3060 ti's last week on the 24th, it was posted on the 28th.

    • Yeah I decided to do it also. Should have just gotten in early I guess. Welp when 4000 hits I wont wait, well at least until 5-6 months when it's back in stock .

  • Similarly pulled the trigger - GTX 1070 showing its legs trying to push 1440p content for new games.
    Waited too long on previous deals with major regrets…

    • Good news is 1070s still sell well too :) just sold mine a few of weeks back when I upgraded for $500

  • Grabbed one on behalf of my cousin. Thanks OP.

  • I got one of these, I'm only gaming in 1080p but on a 240hz monitor so this is has been an incredible upgrade over my old RX580.

    Paired up to my Ryzen 5 3600 it's a pretty good match, all my esports are over 240fps (closer to 400 actually) and other games are all running well over 150fps.

  • And here I was complaining when I got my 3070 last year for 900ish.

  • Is the 1660 TI for $600 worth it?

  • Given the current market, I assume this would be a better deal than the Gigabyte 3070 for $100 cheaper given this is a ti and Gigabyte's reputation is not quite stellar?

  • Has anyone received theirs yet? Mine is saying still stuck in Beverley SA (where techfast is located) since Friday last week on the auspost tracking.

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