Do You Think The OzBargain Website Needs a Design Refresh?

Fellow ozbargain user here. After posting a deal I found it to be quite confusing and messy, so I have wondered what other peoples thoughts on the design of this site is. I think the site it great but personally feel it could do with a nice refresh.
What do you think?

Poll Options

  • 50
    Yes, I think the Ozbargain website needs a major refresh
  • 34
    Maybe; the site could do with some minor changes
  • 322
    No, I like the way the OzBargain website currently looks


  • +14

    Bring back giphy integration and add some images raining down the screen.

    • +4

      Ah yes, the giphy feature was the best.

      • Incredibly spammy and would have caused many Browsers to crap themselves. I doubt scotty will bring that back in future April fools.

        • Unfortunately unlikely any April Fool pranks in the near future.

          • @ronnknee: An old community I visit every year just updates their ancient forums to have some new colours and a customised themed logo.

            Next year just slap Gerry Harvey's face on the Oz in OzBargain and stick an inflated Gerry Price next to every deal. Say that Gerry has bought out OzBargain etc etc.

            There's an idea for scotty and would be easy to do :P

          • @ronnknee: its classic ploy so more people fall for it next april fools

    • +1

      Bring back the MLP design!

  • +10

    Do You Think The OzBargain Website Needs a Design Refresh?

    Nope, no change for change's sake…

    • +1

      so the light grey shading of your comments also to continue?

      • +1

        Old people don't like change.

  • +14

    Even MSY got the message (eventually).

    I don't mind. It's fast and it works. While I am a bit of a UX/UI guy professionally, this site really falls into the bucket of 'nothing particularly wrong'.

    So don't ruin it with mountains of JS and SPA stuff.

  • +3

    The website is amazing. Sometimes simplicity is all that is important. It's been the same since a decade ago.

  • +2

    Yeah, all the duplicate threads are cluttering up the place :P

    Based on your last thread you were pointed here:

    Probably best to outline the specifics of the problem you had with posting and expiring your deal there.

  • +4

    I reckon if they could add image integration into forums that would be ideal.
    Think of all the MSPAINT diagrams you could put in.

    • +3

      Inline images / image embedding was actually removed from the markup since people would often mis-use or abuse the feature. Also would be a moderation problem if people linked to inappropriate images.

      That's the reason why most forums do not have inline images. You could probably build a Firefox or Chrome extension though to enable it (e.g Reddit Enhancement Suite or Whirlpool Plus) if you need it badly.

      • Do you think we could have an opt in option, else only members can see inline images, something along those lines that other forums have?

        Also one way to boost membership numbers and thin out lurkers (i've seen it used on other forums) is to only allow members to see entire forum threads, non-members can only see single messages for each thread and have to manually click through one by one.

        • Do you think we could have an opt in option, else only members can see inline images, something along those lines that other forums have?

          That wouldn't stop the issue of members linking innapropiate images though. Trust alone won't prevent people from doing this.

          • @CrispyChrispy:

            That wouldn't stop the issue of members linking innapropiate images though. Trust alone won't prevent people from doing this.

            The current setup doesn't prevent people going onto imgur, uploading images and linking it so i'm not sure forcing people through an image hosting platform would avoid this.

            Basically it'd just remove the middleman.
            Plus we have a wealth of community moderators to ensure this doesn't happen.

            • +2

              @Drakesy: Clicking through to a different website to look at an image is actually very different from having the image loaded inline inside the comments.

              With community moderation, users only have abilities to down vote and report, and the burden of actual moderation still rests on the moderators, who are already handling thousands of reports each month.

        • "and thin out lurkers "

          The advertising market that, along with Scotty's good graces, keep the site funded?

  • +1

    You must be new here :)

    Once you are familiar with the UX you will start to wonder why others can't figure it out.

  • +3

    I wouldn't mind integration of a formatting toolbox for comments , kind of like what's at OCAU.

    Everything else is fine.

  • +14

    As a bargain hunter, all I'm interested in is pages loading quickly and deals being easy to locate and sort. The current website hits the goal on all 3 areas so I don't see any need for any enhancement unless they can make it load even faster.

    We want it clean and simple, not overloaded with scripts and ads etc. This is perfect.

  • +5

    It's the last site I frequent that lets me live in nostalgia for back when the internet was good and forums were how people communicated. I really like it.

  • +2

    Keeping it barebones makes the site stable and fast.

    Themes might be nice though.

  • +1

    Needs one minor change;

    If an Info panel header such as 'New Forum Topics' could be clicked and opened, it would save time.

    Just click it and arrive here:

    • Agreed!

  • +1

    the way it looks is fine. i wish we had more covid threads though

  • -3

    Dark theme please lol

    • +12

      Click 'dark mode' in the 'My Account' menu.

  • I quite like searching different nodes..

  • +1

    It ain't broke, don't fix it.

    • Member Since

      It's what new people do. Appeal to Novelty, like at a workplace.

  • +5

    There are 2 things that shouldn't be touched - MSY's parts.pdf and OzB's layout. It just works.

  • +1

    Can we please think seriously about "OzTrafficAdvice with MS Paint integration"?

  • +1

    The design is great, simple and functional, wish more sites were like it. More and more websites these days look like the TV from Idiocracy where 70% of the screen is taken up by advertisements, sidebars, and clickbait with a tiny window in the middle for the thing I'm actually wanting to look at.

  • +3

    ozb is fine

    whingepool on the other hand..

    • +1

      Ugh! Now that website is screaming for a revamp!

  • +1

    Not sure if it's just me, but dark mode seems to hurt my eyes more than anything. Used it for about a week or so before reverting to default.

    • Not just you, I don't use/like dark mode.

    • +1

      I don't think black and orange go too well for my liking tbh.

  • +2

    Just like the reddit re-design, don't fix what aint broke.

  • -1

    Not sure about a site redesign but they sure could do with recoding their bots. A blanket rule that doesn't really apply to everyone and all of a sudden you're locked out of posting or reading PM's.

  • " A blanket rule that doesn't really apply to everyone"

    Yeh, we've got those on our roads as well. Didn't you let the mods know who you were?

  • Looks good to me

  • It seems as though 8 year olds are on here posing silly ridiculous questions. Not saying this is one, but others that seek stupid advice, or cry they sped through a school zone and got busted. Or don't even know the road rules, yet drive around owning the road.

    • Upvoted because u were downvoted.

  • I think it serves its purpose well despite it's old-fashioned appearance.

    If anything, maybe the main menu could be fixed to the top like many modern websites, given how long posts can get on a topic.

  • +1

    I just think the discounted e-gift cards page should be a permanent tab under Pages rather than hidden within the ozbargain Wiki.

    • Done :)

      • Yay thanks! That’s awesome :D

  • No point beating a dying horse now.

  • If OzBargain ever decide to "refresh" its design, I implore the site owners to still make the current design available as an option.

    Whether it's like Reddit and have the subdomain (inspired by or have this setting available to users (but then they need to login which is not great for the site).

  • Bring back the biff

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