Why is OzBargain all pink for me now?
From the moderation team: Happy April Fool's Day!
Why is OzBargain all pink for me now?
From the moderation team: Happy April Fool's Day!
My eyes! My eyes!
Aside from all the love hearts, I think it looks quite fresh and crisp!
The Comic Sans MS is the best part.
ya those hearts has to be removed. Gives me headache
I witnessed the change whilst spamming f5.
This is great.
I just spent the last few hours intermittently trying to get on to OZsale to use a voucher that expired 10 minutes ago. But the site was screwed.
The my little pony theme cheered me up no end!
Perhaps April fools?
Any legit rainbow deals?
April fools it is
Every +ve is a bro-hoof then.
This is awesome.
EDIT: I can't tell if the blog post is serious or not? Is this to stay?
No, it must be serious. What female wouldn't be attracted to a pink My Little Pony bargain website with little hearts raining down?
Please keep it! This site now combines my love of bargains and with gay pink ponies in one. I don't think my life can get any better than this.
How do we know if the ponies are gay?
agree keep the theme but please remove the falling hearts. It is making me dizzy and gives me headache. I won't be visiting the site until it is removed.
The hearts are fine, but do get rid of comic san.
Well, instead of me skimming through the post, now I actually have to spent time to read every single post…… Oh my eyes……
Damn, April fools, got me LOL.
It's not a pony, it's freaking unicorn
I created my own avatar just to get away from the pink unipony.
I now know what the internet would look like in Hell!
HAHAHA great work guys! Love it
It's burns us hobbitsies…burns…..
I think the My Little Pony theme makes the site more child-friendly than female friendly. Not many females in the target customer group are current fans of My Little Pony. How about the option to choose your own theme? We could have:
1. Power Rangers theme
2. Pokemon theme
3. Gardening Theme (for the growers among us)
4. Star Wars theme (I'm guessing there's 1 or 2 Star Wars fans here)
5. Matrix - of course
6. Emo/Goth theme
7. Dolphins theme <- Now this would be more female friendly
Happy April Fools' day!
Quite annoying, and with all those flowers or whatever they were fallind down, the site was very slow on my computer (how much processing power does that need? I can play games fine, but viewing OzBargain is slow…)
+1 for pink
-10000 for comic sans
Happy April fools?
well i thought my eyes had deceived me …
MLP theme gone…at last!
TFG it is over. Yay for bargain orange.
Oh nice. Should have included a big announcement on the front page with a link to that blog post, since I certainly missed the joke as I didn't even know there was a blog…
There was an announcement with a link in the "notice" block on the right hand side of the front page :) You can see it in the screenshot contained in the blog post.
Omg I thought there was something wrong with my computer!! Glad Im not the only one.