20 cents cheaper than the last deal. Can it get any cheaper than this? Deja vu!
Codes purchased must be redeemed before the 30th September 2021 (That's tomorrow!)
20 cents cheaper than the last deal. Can it get any cheaper than this? Deja vu!
Codes purchased must be redeemed before the 30th September 2021 (That's tomorrow!)
Note that the key will be expiring if not used by tomorrow. It was also free on Twitch Prime recently.
Is this latest battlefield? or there are new ones already?
2042 comes out soon I think.
Was delayed until November
Battlefield 2042 will be delayed until November 19, 2021, pushing the release date by almost a month after its original October 22 release date. In a press release, DICE GM Oskar Gabrielson cites ongoing complications with the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 a convenient scapegoat as always
wonder if 2042 will become this cheap as Battlefield V is not that old
Not that old but not that good either
2042 being laser guns and mechs and shit will alienate some folks
It has "Portal" mode where you can team up with your friends against bots and customize the soldiers/weapons/vehicles/maps used.
Battlefield V is this cheap because Twitch Prime gave away keys as part of your Twitch subscription. Majority of people interested in it probably already owned it so dumped excess keys on these key sites. The keys expire tomorrow so they are trying to offload the last of their stock dirt cheap.
Damn, I paid $1 a few days ago
Damn, I paid $1.19 a few days before that …
Me too. Paying nearly 40% more only a week ago… I should hand in my OzB license!
It is free on twitch prime, imagine paying at all!
@TheLurker: Its ok i paid $49 im pretty sure or $59 i forgot i think it was from jbhifi tho so you're fine.
Just bought redeemed fine
yep ditto
dunno if i'll ever get to play it but for 79c its cheap insurance
Thanks OP, got one.
I bought this game a few days ago. Its so difficult, i just kept dying…. Any tips?
lower difficulty
You're going to die a lottttt. That's the fun of it :D
First, join good servers. Go community games, make sure you can see all the games (it defaults to hide some) and (assuming you're in Australia) go with the low-ping servers (anything over 100ms is bad).
From the servers you see, some are really hard, others are fine. If you see things like "no minimap, FF (Friendly Fire) on, 200% damage…" etc.. that's gonna be better players and you gonna get whooped more often.
From the game itself, usual FPS things. Turn your mouse sensitivity down, don't rush. Open areas are death, and try and stick with the pushes of friendlies. Also, look on the map and be strategic. They can't spawn on a taken location anymore (mostly) so if you all push in a direction, you can drive them back and only worry about them on one side. And don't run off into the back of the map alone. Just follow people around and stay in cover.
But mostly just enjoy it. It's Battlefield.. it's all about dying :D
Honestly if you want to get kills you have to play really slow and campy almost like you are playing a stealth game or a very slow listen to your surroundings game like escape from tarkov or pubg.
You can run and gun on some maps but most people find a choke point and camp.
My best games were either in a carry squad just busting through doors behind the alpha carry or hard camping at weird spots waiting for enemies to run by just like in saving private ryan.
Lots of mind games and mind trick spots on some maps especially rotterdam.
If you choose CHF as the purchase currency on CD Keys and pay in PayPal with a fee free card, it shows up as £0.38 which equates to $0.71 AUD, another 10% off :)
oh i had weird errors during check out.. supposedly out of stock now
Kind of regret paying $49 or $59 for this now but if im being honest it is still a cool game as there are no other games like it with large scale battles plus destructibility besides bf1.
Was a good era too.
Hopefully they remake this game in future but with larger player servers when technology and hardware can support it.
Keen to know how they innovate and change the game in 2042 but yeah it having less grounding in reality will be interesting.
Yeah this being under a dollar is good but hurts those who got in at near full price.
Servers are still overflowing though if anyone is interested.
Why is this game so cheap? Is it one of those really bad games?