This was posted 3 years 3 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

110% Cashback via Shopback on Magzter GOLD Magazine / Newspaper Subscriptions


Pay $30 for 1-year access to 5,000+ magazines & newspapers and get $33 (110%) as Cashback from Shopback

Pay $60 for 2-year access to 5,000+ magazines & newspapers and get $66 (110%) as Cashback from Shopback

Pay $90 for 3-year access to 5,000+ magazines & newspapers and get $99 (110%) as Cashback from Shopback

To claim the cashback, please visit the Magzter website from Shopback

What you get with Magzter GOLD subscription

  • Enjoy unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines and newspapers with Magzter GOLD

  • Includes all favorites like Maxim, Marie Claire, The Australian Women’s Weekly, Better Homes & Gardens, WHO, Australian Geographic, and New Idea. Check out the entire collection here

  • Access premium stories curated from best-selling titles

  • Enjoy reading on the Magzter website, iOS and Android apps

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closed Comments

  • +18

    Cashback from Shopback

    Gambling deals are not allowed here…

    • Gambling deals are basically hit or miss or sweepstakes. This is a limited offering by Shopback to offer 110% to all purchased until Sep 30th, 2021.

      • +3

        Gambling deals are basically hit or miss

        Yep, that's why I posted…

    • +1

      There response to the many reviews complaining are
      ‘Unfortunately we have no email from you, please email again’ big YIKES! How convenient!

    • +1

      Almost pulled the trigger, thanks for the heads up.

    • +1

      Thought you were talking about Shopback in which I agree

  • +1

    Pretty crappy reviews…

  • +2

    Omg those reviews! Don't not sign up for this

  • +1

    I buy Magzter for Missus Bargain each year via Groupon. She seems pretty happy with it. 🤷‍♂️

    • Groupon customers seem very happy. It gets pretty good reviews

  • +1

    ShopBack -> Red flag
    Magzter -> Red flag
    Do yourself a favour an avoid both. You can thank me later.

  • +1

    I bought Gold via Groupon a year ago to be able to read trash mags while camping. I liked that I could pre-download issues, so that I could read them without needing internet access.

    The range is not enormous, but it carries current and old issues of the magazines I wanted (trash mags like Woman's Day, Take 5 etc) plus other mags I was interested in (Australian Geographic, Better Homes & Gardens etc). I haven't had any issues like other people have reported, and have been quite happy with the app. I do wonder if the reason I didn't have any issues was because I paid an eternal source (Groupon) and not directly.

    Just wanted to add a positive story - I think it's great value if you read a lot of the magazines that are available.

  • Magzter is one of the few online mag services that has a large range of international magazines. I've had positive experience with them in the past, so I signed up to three years, and had Shopback successfully track it immediately.

  • Just wanted to add to the record that I also went ahead and got the 3 year subscription and have received the cashback in my shopback account.

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