Somehow this didn't make it into the catalogue this week. I noticed it in the Half Price app.
While it may be familiar, this is not an extension of the previous deal that finished on 7/9.
With the increase in price of the 360g bar to $12 and half price at $6, that is an appalling $1.67/100g
However the 200g bar is $5 and half price at $2.50 which is $1.25/100g which is now the best way to buy Toblerone in bulk.
Stock up this week to last until Mother's day next year….
If you really want the bigger block, it is also on sale at 1/2 price for $6.
Sigh; why does no one stock the big bars of Toberlone Dark (except duty free). Kmart had them very briefly but really wish it was a permanent line in Australian retail