Looks non LHR.
And reasonable price considering the current circumstances.
Apparently the body of the deal is too short.
Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months.
Looks non LHR.
And reasonable price considering the current circumstances.
Apparently the body of the deal is too short.
Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months.
That's compare to rtx 20xx series.
But highly unlikely to be non lhr version.
If I remember correctly Gaming Z is LHR. Gaming X was what available at launch for RTX 3070 (I have one). They didn't bother with Gaming Z which is a better version of Gaming X at launch for RTX 3070.
They have Non-LHR Gaming Z too: https://www.msi.com/Graphics-Card/GeForce-RTX-3070-GAMING-Z-…
LHR Version: https://www.msi.com/Graphics-Card/GeForce-RTX-3070-GAMING-Z-…
Now you got me worried, my 3080ti i just bought has "NVIDIA's 2nd gen RTX architecture" although the retailer has said its FHR
RTX 20XX series was 1st gen, so 30XX are 2nd. BTW, all 3080Ti's are LHR as that's the only version of the card being made. Good luck.
There is no such thing as a FHR 3080Ti.
All 3070Ti and 3080Ti are LHR.
How much you pay for it though?
3080ti is LHR my friend, RIP.
2.5k, however selling my 3070 for 1.6k. Just as a reference for everyone I bought it from bptech, i have now sent 3 emails in total and haven't recieved a response from any of them. If i don't get a call by 1 today I'll be calling myself. Pretty average from them, he literally told me over the phone its FHR. After i've finished with this purchase i won't be going through them again.
@ignited141: Be careful they might and be dodgy about it. It's LHR by the standards of the first gen 3060ti/3070/3080 (60/60/100mh/s) but the card doesn't have difference between LHR/FHR like the 3060ti/3070/3080 so they might just say it's FHR just because there are no other versions of the 3080ti (50-70mh/s pending if you unlock it)
but it is most definately gimped in the sense that when you mine with it it goes from 106mhs down to 60ish after a while which means it has a low hash rate limited in it which is the very definition of LHR.
@Jazza2400: Thanks for the heads up. I called them to question it and i said that i'd like them to suggest a resolution about it. He said he could call the suppliers to see if they are getting any FHR cards soon but more then likely they would be in a tight position. I said i know the prices of the cards are jacked up and suggested that they get back to me with a better price. I'll be getting a call back from their management on Monday, hopefully with a favorable resolution
1-2 months for $1500? They're dreaming
I am not sure who keeps on buying these 3070s that are so absurdly priced. Is mining really that profitable?
At these prices there's no way lol.
If you were that confident in a coin, you wouldn't mine it for a few dollars a day, you'd put down that $1500 on the coin straight up and get all the growth.
Gaming or mining, 3070 pricing is ridiculous
miners need to get a job. fat n lazy
Yeah like they're all fat, lazy loosers yeah? I did good right boss?
@m0usju1c3: you know what.. I take it back. If you're into mining, good for you. I like hobbies too. I'm just being emotional and pissed off that I have to share the one thing that gives pc gamers the ability to enjoy their happiness alongside people looking to make money. It's like if you really liked surfing and then all of a sudden all the boards are gone because apparently they also make great chicken pens (for miners). I'm sure you're a super nice bloke. Apologies
@ttacx: Hey mate no harm done it's all good, it's the internet, but that was extremely mature and noble of you to write that. I really appreciate it.
i know a guy that recently bought a 3070ti for $1600 and has no intention of mining with it. He seemed pretty pleased with himself too lol.
OOS lmao this is quick af.
You know cards have gotten big when they include anti-sag braces lmao.
MSI nVidia GeForce RTX 3070 Suprim 8GB Video Card PCI-E 4.0 1830 MHz Boost Clock 1845 MHz Extreme Performance https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B08QZP2RRS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_g…
Also looks non LHR
If this thing does take a month or two to ship and Ethereum goes ahead with PoS transition, LHR or not might not even matter anymore given the price difference.
does that mean GPU's might become cheaper? Sorry I'm a bit confused by your statement ending.
It might do - if PoS comes soon, we might see a flood of used GPUs on the used market, which could drive down retail prices.
finger and toes crossed :D
That would seriously be the dream. I've been putting some cash away to buy a new GPU and I would seriously splurge on a 3080ti at the right price!!!
If Eth PoS happens very close to the non-LHR GPUs arriving, the extra amount of money made mining ETH, instead of another coin, on the non-LHR GPU might not make up for the difference between the non-LHR GPU (which costs more, only "excels" at mining ETH and would be the only reason to get the non-LHR GPU in the first place) and an LHR GPU (which costs less and mines other coins normally).
As to whether GPU prices will come down will be up to the miners liquidating their stock or not.
These are available to order again at $1462
The GeForce RTX 3070 is powered by Ampere—NVIDIA's 2nd gen RTX architecture.
Must be LHR version?