This was posted 3 years 5 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Free Big Mac after AFL Grand Final (Redeemable 28/9 5am-9pm) @ McDonald's


Sign up to both Melbourne and Western Bulldogs with the same email you use for mymaccas app and you will get a free big mac in your rewards after they win.

Registrations will be open from Monday 20th Sep until 12pm Thursday 23rd Sep for Victorian residents only
If Western Bulldogs/Melbourne win the match on 25th September the offer is valid from 5am to 9pm in Victoria only on Tuesday 28th Sep

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Melbourne Football Club
Melbourne Football Club
Western Bulldogs
Western Bulldogs

closed Comments

  • +4

    What if it's a draw? 2 Big Macs or none?

    • +7


    • -2

      Come back next weekend and do it all again, ala 2010. There's always a result, eventually

      • +4

        Rules have changed since then:

        What if the 2021 AFL Grand Final or finals match finishes in a draw at the final siren?
        If both teams have the same score at the end of the fourth quarter, the goal umpires will confer to make sure that both scores are identical.

        If a drawn result is confirmed, then both teams will have a six-minute break before the game will resume with two three-minute halves.

        Teams will change ends at the end of the first three-minute half, but there will be no break, with play immediately resuming once the players are set.

        If the scores are still tied at the end of the two three-minute halves, the process of playing another two three-minute halves will be repeated until a winner is found.

        • Well there you go, I stand corrected. Thanks!

          Must be a COVID related change?

          • +10

            @Grantspatchcock: I believe the change came in after the 2010 grand final rematch actually

        • +2

          I would like to see best of 5 goal shoots out from 50m line for sudden death off.

        • If overall scores are level - does team with most goals to achieve that win? And only is goals and behinds are equal they play extra time?

  • Nice way to cheer everyone up lol

  • -6

    mmmm, no. I'll take a dozen or so free Big Macs last year, to the point I got sick of them, but I will not sign up for one, let alone two, teams I don't care about for it. Seems like a weird way to pretend you have more engagement and interest than you really do, sketchy sketchy.

    • +1

      I was getting random promos from Carlton for a while because of one of these :)

      • +1

        idk what'd be worse, that, or the same for Collingwood.

        Disposable email is great.

  • -1

    oh the irony of a free Big Mac when the state is in lockdown

    • +2

      Isn't food a legal excuse?

      • Yes! We are in lockdown but we still need to eat!

    • Virus so deadly that people supporting the lockdown will risk their lives for a big mac

  • Free Big Mac after AFL Grand Final

    What? No tea and scones ?

    Maccas must know something we don't know…

  • -4

    If you go as a group Danny boy will give you a big whack with your big Mac.

  • +2

    sign up for Collingwood and get a free happy meal and ice cream sundae no matter who gets the flag

    • link please….

    • +8

      And tell me how can a Collingwood supporter chew the burger?

      • +1

        It's not a steak. It's a heavily processed, soft product.

        • and its nearly see through

      • +1

        they only eat pies..

        • Easy to scoop out the contents with wooden spoons?

          • +1

            @mdavant: we only got like 2 of those in the last century

            so we mostly borrow them from Carlton

  • +1

    Victorians only

    • +2

      Hey Maccas, I thought it was the AFL, not the VFL grand final…

  • +1

    Thanks OP lunch sorted

  • AFL Grand Final in VIC

    No it's not

  • Melbourne FC actually sent me a big mac code in August too, I'm pretty sure I signed up to them because of an Ozbargain thing, the gift that keeps on giving!

    • +2

      Melbourne FC actually sent me a big mac code in August too

      LOL… As if Melbourne members would go to Maccas….

  • +3

    waiting for a free lobster from Lobster Cave if Melbourne win

    • That will be great!

    • Is this an offer for lobster cave club members?

      • No, but hopefully they see my comment

    • +2

      Ok Matthew Guy.

  • +1

    Go the mighty Dees!!

  • GO DOGS!!!!!


  • Is this a real 1980's sized "Big Mac" - or the squashed saggy shit thing with 'meat' thats bout 2mm thick masqueradingas a Big Mac thats the size of an original Junior Burger ?

  • I tried this and the gmail option of using a "+1" in your email name does not work - eg. [email protected]

    Using a full stop does work, such as: [email protected]

  • +3

    Meanwhile here in WA where it's actually going to be played they get nothing.

    • Do you get a public holiday on Friday to go watch the Grand Final parade like we are getting in VIC?

      • +2

        No we don't. "Due to security concerns" we don't get a parade either.

        • -1

          No we don't. "Due to security concerns"

          True, you can't trust those Bulldogs players from the Western Suburbs…

      • Yet another perk that WA has missed out on

  • What a bargain!

  • No good if it requires the app, don't want their app on my mobile.

    The soccer insta thing was good, only had to show the picture of the offer!

  • Now I will be disappointed twice if my team loses.

  • Seriously for me to sign up 2 places and have to get my a$$ to a Maccas on the day is too much effort for my value a $2 Big Mac :)

    • Think it's been a long while since it was $2.

  • Dees win!

  • Just got my free big mac
    Anyone else?

    • Yep, mine was loaded onto my maccas app too. It says it expires today:
      "Offer is single use only and available only with in the state of Victoria between 5am and 9pm on the 28 September 2021"

  • Chaps, i have found a way to get multiple big macks. Firstly, when the offer appears in your app, order in store at the counter and scan the qr code. You’ll get the burgher for free. You’ll then see the offer hasn’t disappeared, you can then order using the app for another burgher. I’ve eaten too many big macks today using this hack. Enjoy

    • One is enough for me. But if you have a family or want to pig out, good hack!

  • +1

    Just got mine! Haven’t had Maccas in ages and it looks like it will be a while until I have it again!

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