Bored in lockdown looking at new pretty cases. I have a simple system with std CPU fan, rtx3060, no water or other fancy stuff. My space can take a case that's about 22cm wide, up to 46cm deep. My current is 47 deep, and it gives just enough space for the cables to bend around the back before it hits the wall. So less deep case would be a plus.
Looking around mainly on Amazon cuz I have lots of GC from recent returns, seems most of this sized case has middling reviews for Noise/Air flow. I don't really know how important it is, the reviews seem to be for hardcore gamers which I am not. I do a little gaming. I'd like a quieter case, my current one I can hear the fan crank up when doing some photo editing.
I can't go deeper, and it seems taller cases don't help much. I narrowed down to this mainly based on size rather than anything else:
Any of these OK, anything else I should look at? Not too fussed about rgb or fancy stuff, I want more simple plain stuff.
Another question, is there anything you can place on the wall where the rear fan blows, or on the sides/top of the back of the case like an overhang, that would dampen the noise to any degree? I guess with it under the desk, the point is just to make the sound go down rather than up?
Meshify 2 C for airflow, or Define Mini C for noise dampening. The 3060 isn't a hot card but a custom fan curve will also help (maybe try that first).