• expired

[Back Order] Arctic P12 PWM PST Five Pack $53.96 + Delivery (Free with Prime) @ Amazon UK via AU

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Currently on backorder. ETA Unknown.
If you're seeing $85.85, you need to select the option to have it fulfilled by Amazon UK.

Cheap and cheerful 120mm case fans.This is the PWM PST model which can daisy chain.
There's motor whine at 1000ish rpm(youtu.be) which can be avoided by adjusting the fan curve.

Works out to be $10.80 per fan before gift cards. Not as great as the all time low deal but a few $ cheaper than PCCaseGear's $45 + $15 delivery(pccasegear.com).

Edit: Looks like it's all out. I'll keep an eye out and unmark the OOS tag if it comes back in stock.

Edit2: Back in stock but now $60.81
Edit3: Anddd it's gone again.

Edit4: Back in stock at original price ($53.96)

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closed Comments

  • I was going to post this but it back order with no eta. I was looking at order posts and saw what you outlined in the descriptions.

  • may i know how to order if it is backorder? It says no other sellers

    • Seems to be out/allocation filled.

      • Ahh ok. Was wondering if I should wait for the all time low price or get the pc case gear deal since I am also getting a case from them?

        • Grab from PCCG since your already paying shipping.

  • -2

    no argb no deal


  • ordered 7 packes for $49 like a few weeks ago, used 3 and now didn't know what to do with the rest LOL

    • +1

      I've got a couple fans sitting outside with a couple of filters to collect dust.

      You could add more case fans but you end up with diminishing returns. Could also put on your cooler or deshroud your graphics card.

    • Hyung it's me.

  • Its back now.

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