Where do people get their raw honey here? Want good honest raw honey. We consume over a kg a month on things like bread, oats etc. and we can’t get access to our regular supplier on the South Coast.
Recommendations would be great!
Where do people get their raw honey here? Want good honest raw honey. We consume over a kg a month on things like bread, oats etc. and we can’t get access to our regular supplier on the South Coast.
Recommendations would be great!
Where is "…the South Coast…"?
Cairns… its the south coast from Cooktown
Sozza. NSW south coast
I get my honey from bees, cut out the middlemen. Not often tho due to the stings
Isn't Raw Honey just the normal cold extracted honey that you buy in large tubs?
Don't large green grocers sell them in 3kg tubs where you are?
I bought my last few kgs from the school honey drive- Peninsula Honey $16.50 per kilo. Use to be around $10/kg.
here you go: https://www.clayridge.com.au/product/bucket-3kg/ free delivery too
there is a guy on FB who was doing 20-25kg buckets for a ridiculously cheap price - worked out a few dollars per kg. Hawkesbaury area of Sydney
If you can PM me the name or link. Thanks!
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! Went with providore this time! May try a few of them over the next few months!
You can only buy raw honey within your state. Hard to believe but it's hard to find trully raw honey. To cross the border it has to be heat processed.
Illawarra beekeepers or Helensburgh honey on facebook who post out