So I am a immigrant from a developing country and my left eye can see but everything is hazy and I cannot read at all. It was diagnosed incurable in my country .
It had probably something to do when I was stick fighting with my older brother who did a stab style attack in my head. This was a direct hit in my left eye which popped inside a bit and popped back after a bit of pressure. This was when I was like 6 years old. It was fine no pain. Neglected it until years later on an eye check I couldn't read properly from in an eye test. I had no idea my eye was weak until that test.
The reason I talked about that diagnosis in my country is with thought that it was not the best of medical service in my country. I went to multiple check ups and test with no results.
Fast forward I am here in Australia ,but I am afraid that after a eye check up, they will refer me to multiple checks that may financially cripple me.
I am on IMAN basic cover that does cover eye surgery but do not know how any of this works or what to expect.
I normally check OzBargain forums and the community comes up with great insight and answers so just hoping I find something here about this.
My right eye can see perfectly and apparently that's how my brain adapted to depth perception and vision. I am 26 now and I don't know what I am expecting, maybe a scientific breakthrough we were not aware back in my country or a great second opinion on how eye check up works that's not entirely expensive for just tests and opinions and time consumption.
I am just fearful of the unknown and living mostly pay to pay
UPDATE : Thank you everyone for the support . Its a bit clear now how i should proceed and have booked a specsaver appointment .Will update on my case just so that anyone who needs similar help can refer to it.
Speak to a GP that may refer you to a specialist. You'll be given options whether eligible for Medicare or private insurance, including costs, risks, timelines, aftercare etc.
No-one's going to force you to do anything, especially non-life threatening surgery or LASIK.