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Free to Stream '9/11: Inside The President's War Room' @ Apple TV+


"A day we’ll never forget. Inside the room only they saw. Watch the Apple Original documentary narrated by Emmy Award winner Jeff Daniels, streaming now on Apple TV+ and free without a subscription on September 11 in honor of the 20th anniversary."

Free to stream on September 11, no subscription required, 4K available.

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                      • @try2bhelpful: Frankly they are by your defintion and by the colloquial term also. Politicians and billionaires are select groups where the prerequisites of getting into those groups are of superiority. They are superior to you or I in many aspects, money and influence being the most pertinent.

                        They have superior wealth to you or I. They have superior abilities to change laws. They have superior connections to the financial titans, they have superior cars, they have superior property portfolios, they send their children to the most superior schools, they have superior everything because that's what all the money and influence in the world affords.

                        I don't want to continue having a semantic argument with you over this. Let's just agree to disagree, despite your definition being the same one I'm using and the accepted colloquial meaning behind 'elite' also being what I'm against.

                        "In political and sociological theory, the elite (French élite, from Latin eligere, to select or to sort out) are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a society. "

                        • @studentl0an: Whatever you say, dude. I’m sure you using “elites” in that way indicates you think they are superior to you. Frankly I don’t find these sort of people superior to me.

                          I think they are greedy exploiters, rather than elite.

                          • @try2bhelpful: Did you see the wikipedia article? Are they wrong too? Is everyone wrong but you, dude?

                            The literal definition you gave, the wikipedia article and the coloquial understanding of it are all saying what I'm saying and against your semantic argument. I don't understand how you're going to continue arguing this when a concession at this point would actually save face and help your prior arguments.

                            The fact you devolved into a semantic argument rather than argue the merits of the original discussion is also quite telling.

                            • @studentl0an: Frankly I’m sick of lazy labelling; that was what I was pointing out. So many people do it now days.

                              I don’t think either of us are supporting these leeches on society. I think we just need to label them appropriately. I’m sure they would consider themselves superior to other people, I just don’t. Having more money and power doesn’t make you superior if you use it in a way to exploit others.

                              Why should I care about “saving face”? I wasn’t supporting the actions of these people just asking you to consider your nomenclature.

                              • @try2bhelpful: It's not lazy labeling though as in political and sociological theory 'the elite' does refer to those in political power and those with a lot of money/influence. It's in the literal wikipedia article about the term 'elite'.

                                I think you should care about saving face because it shows maturity and ability to be capable of self-growth which are very important when it comes to engaging in discourse. If I find information that proves me wrong I concede and did in an above argument in this thread with someone else.

                                How else are we supposed to find truth when people will double down on lies, get bogged into semantic arguments rather than the merits of the actual discussion, or refuse to admit they were incorrect when new information comes to light? That ends in a never ending cycle of fake news and echo chambers.

                                • @studentl0an: "That ends in a never ending cycle of fake news and echo chambers."

                                  Which is really interesting as that describes the people who are on the QAnon sites and Conspiracy people to a T.

                                  • @try2bhelpful: Yes, just like the BlueAnon conspiracy theory pushing anchors at CNN, MSNBC and more - they push BS theories and have a religious like following. It's just unlike Qanon, Blue Anon seems to be socially acceptable and part of the elite indoctrination of us plebs. A lot of people on the Left speak out against the nutters on the Left like John Stewart, Glenn Greenwald, Bill Maher, Jimmy Dore, Russel Brand and Roger Waters to name a few.

                                    Are you aware what happened with Glenn Greenwald and the publication he started, 'The Intercept' kicking him out of his own publication? I think you should read up on it. Glenn is a great guy, a champion of the Left, and that situation illustrates what I've been saying this whole thread - that a lot of people of the Left seem to have become everything they thought Trump was.

                                    Surely you have the self awareness to research Russiagate and see how it was a Blueanon conspiracy from the start along with all the other debunked Trump theories pushed by the Left the last 5 years? One of the largest, longest, and most expensive inquiries in USA history found no evidence of collusion.

                                    I'm happy to point out BS regardless of which side the BS comes from - whereas with you it appears you take issue with holding up a mirror to the Left's lunacy and only want to discuss the nutters on the Right.

                                    • -1

                                      @studentl0an: Even the US intelligence agencies agree that the Russians were influencing the American elections.

                                      I love the right wing mobs with their “the left is just as bad” BS equivalencies. Can you imagine the outrage of the right if a Democrat president had incited a mob to attack the Capitol and then the Democrats voted against impeaching him?

                                      The GOP impeached Bill Clinton for lying about consensual sex with a woman.

                                      Keep going mate. I have my popcorn out and you guys are amusing me greatly.

                                      • @try2bhelpful: No collusion between Trump and Russia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_20…

                                        Meanwhile look at all the foreign money that the Clinton Campaign had:

                                        It's literal cash for foreign collusion with a candidate. It really does seem like the Left just accused Trump of everything they did and hoped that people wouldn't notice.

                                        You're free to remain in Blueanon land. I hope you one day realise it though - that you became everything you thought the nutters on the Right were.

                                        FBI came out and said it wasn't an insurrection recently:

                                        Not a single person has been charged with insurrection from January 6th. There's old people that have been in solitary confinement for 8+ months without trial because they walked into a public building. Think about what you're actually advocating for - that's a form of torture. Would you advocate that treatment for Antifa and BLM members who burned the country down for over a year? Or is it just old boomers on the Right who you want tortured for walking into a public building?

                                        It seems like you're content becoming a literal fascist to fight what you perceive as fascists. You deserve better than the indoctrination you put yourself into.

                                        • -1

                                          @studentl0an: So you have no trouble with the attack on the Capitol that left people injured and dead?

                                          You have no trouble with the Russian influence that assisted in getting Trump elected?

                                          Old people didn’t “wander into” the Capitol. So they decided to ignore the riot that was going on and pop in for a look? Have senile do you think they were? BTW The videos contradict that.

                                          There are ongoing investigations into what happened in January 6th, including whether people will be charged with insurrection. These things do take time in America, as the people in Guantanamo Bay can testify.

                                          You guys are wonderful to watch in action. Trump supporters are the best. If a Democrat President did a fraction of what Trump did the right wing would be trying to lynch him/her. In fact they were trying to lynch the GOP Vice President.

                                          As much fun as baiting you guys is, I might leave it here. Go for it son I leave you full reign to go as looney tunes as you like.

                                          • +1

                                            @try2bhelpful: The only person who was killed was Ashleigh Babbitt. An ex Army soldier who recently lost her job and livelihood due to the lockdowns. Now if you were humane you would see her death as regrettable and want to see the perpetrator charged. But because you have dehumanised people on the Right, maybe you even liked that she was murdered?

                                            The police officer who died on Jan 6th was initally reported as being blugdeoned to death wasn't actually blugoned but "died of natural causes": https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56810371

                                            Could you please tell me how many people were killed due to BLM and Antifa rioting for over a year? Perhaps you could source an article that talks about the injuries and deaths from that?

                                            What Russia did was not illegal, Facebook faced no legal ramifications for the ads being run, nor was it collusion with Trump. What the Clinton Foundation did, was.

                                            Are you certain about old people not wandering into the capitol? Could you please read the Reuters article as it mentions that 95% of the 500+ people in jail right now were not violent but were arrested on trespassing charges. Trespassing! If you think it's OK to hold people in jail for 8+ months without trial for trespassing then I think you need to do some real soul searching.

                                            Do you like how I address all of your talking points but you don't address any of mine when I give you sourced information as to why your argument is wrong? I know you might not see it, but the casual observer can.

                                            If you think you're baiting me, rather than giving me openings to address all of your augments with factual information that proves your arguments to be false then I don't know what to say. I've addressed all of your points with sourced facts against your points at every turn.

                                            It appears you're very emotional about all of this, using very emotive language rather than giving sourced facts. Perhaps you could source the facts as it may help your emotive arguments.

                                            I really think you should look into the Left paragons I mentioned in an above post who say what I'm saying. They still are Lefties and have many left views, but they aren't Blueanon as you seem to be. I enjoy them and follow their content. Although I consider myself someone on the Right, I still have a lot of values from the left. They will help you come back to reality and stop becoming a Blueanon fascist who dehumanizes people on the Right.

                    • @studentl0an: I think you're right mate. Was watching this https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=242097 and reckon it's pretty close to the mark

  • +1

    Bush, Trump…. They don't make them like they used to…

    • +1

      I’m sure the GOP have more Right Wing nut jobs ready to go.

    • Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
      Gerald Ford (1974-1977) - He was alright!
      Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
      George H. W. Bush (1989-1993)
      George W. Bush (2001-2009)
      Donald John Trump (2017–2021)

      • +8

        Obomber 2008-2016 dropped 10x more bombs than Bush in the Middle East!


        Obama was worse than Bush and made more concessions to the Military Industry Complex! Libya and Syria destroyed thanks to Obama, HRC and John Kerry.

        John Kerry on the rise of ISIS:

        • Give me links from credible sources.

          • +5

            @try2bhelpful: Article before Trump took office:

            This is well known, I'm happy to provide sources that confirm to your world politic view, but seriously you can't search it yourself rather than just say it's a lie until a source you approve of says otherwise? Have some critical thinking abilities yourself and try to find the source yourself in the future. It will behoove you.

            • -5

              @studentl0an: Happy to accept articles from credible sources like the Guardian. Fair enough. I’m just sick of people taking random websites to “prove” their points.

              • +7

                @try2bhelpful: The Guardian is no more credible than the other source I provided. If you actually bothered to read the article you would have found all the facts are sourced from credible sources.

                If all you read is left leaning sources such as The Guardian then you will only have a picture of the world that corporatism leftists want you to have. They are the shills who gave all the fake WMD articles to get into the Iraq war and have been beating the war drums in Libya, Syria and more since then! The corporate Left are the pro war fascists who push wars in the middle east on us.

                Read all sources and make up your own mind. Don't discount facts because it comes from people that don't align with your politics.

                • -3

                  @studentl0an: Whatever, mate. Frankly I will stick with journalists rather than random sites.

                  • +7

                    @try2bhelpful: Random site? If you bothered to read the article you'll find that it's better written and sourced than The Guardian article which said the same thing.

                    Here's a big truth bomb for you… It wasn't Fox News who convinced the public to go to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya. It was publications such as The Guardian and the BBC who pushed all the pro war propaganda and have been megaphones for CIA propaganda since - forever. So war OK when it's your pre approved sources that advocate for it?

                    You need to get out of that echo chamber/sphere of influence and start to look at all sources so that you have a more comprehensive view of what's actually happening in the world.

                    Otherwise you're just self censoring facts, because they didn't come from your 'pre approved' sources. I can't imagine discounting facts because someone i didn't like said it, but for you it seems to be the norm. You're better than that. It would be better for you, if you want to have a macro view of events, to start reading sources you don't agree with and making up your own mind based on the content of the material rather than who wrote it.

                    • +2

                      @studentl0an: You've said everything perfectly studentl0an, some people just can't be logically convinced as they're already emotionally convinced. If he doesn't hear it from CNN then it's not true.

                      His name actually checks out by being very helpful to all those propoganda pushers.

                    • @studentl0an: War should be the last resort.
                      Didn’t Bush push for war 20 years ago?

                  • @try2bhelpful: I actually respected you until now my brother..
                    But now its quite evident, that now you are just being difficult rather than being a truth seeker.
                    You are my fellow civilian, I have got nothing but love for you.. all these points here have been made against the establishment thats been fooling us..
                    its not your fault that any of this evil crap has happened, I don’t know why are you holding on to your notions so tight.
                    Anyways, god bless you brother.

        • +3

          The media often portrayal Obama is a neutral/favourable light when compared to the others.

        • +4

          Also, all the drone strikes… He was dropping them like Opera.

          He was witty and charismatic, and thats what helped shape his public image. I mean used to be a fan of that man, until he was gone and some truth tellers started debating and discussing his actual policies rather than his ‘mic drop moments’ on the Tv..

          • +2

            @Gervais fanboy: yeah they are sll just heads of the hydra. its funny how some ppl believe the media hupe that some are saints.

      • +1

        funny how u ignore lbj who invaded vietnam and obama mess in libya

        • Just listing the republicans.
          Here are the others:
          Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933 – 1945)
          Harry S. Truman (1945 – 1953)
          John F. Kennedy (1961 – 1963)
          Lyndon B. Johnson (1963 – 1969) - Vietnam war
          Jimmy Carter (1977 – 1981) - He was alright too!
          Bill Clinton (1993 – 2001)
          Barack Obama (2009 – 2017) - Libya
          Joe Biden (2021 – present)

          • @congo: Clinton bombed Serbian civilians and infrastructure, used depleted uranium too. There's now high cancer rates in the affected areas.

  • +8

    Conspiracy theories are rife in this thread.

    • +1

      yep it happens every year at this time

    • -1

      I love backseat drivers like yourself, that like to judge people from their high horses..

      Not so long ago, when the US decided to ‘invade’ Iraq to get those ‘weapons of mass destruction’. There were a few ‘conspiracy theorists’ that were pointing out to America’s ulterior motives. And everybody would sh*t on them. 20 years on, we know what the truth is now.
      More recently, when the Trump administration claimed that the virus came from the lab and not the market, they were branded as racists and conspiracy theorists.
      We now know what Gain of function research is and who’s behind it. Only took a year.
      You can have your made up intellectual high ground. I’d rather be a skeptic, searching for the truth. Eventhough I admittingly get things wrong sometimes..

      • +2

        lol more conspiracy theories. Thanks, exactly what the doctor ordered.

        It's one thing to be sceptical, it's another to post the type of easily discounted BS that you have in this thread.

        • -1

          The arrogance on you 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

          ‘Conspiracy theories’..the two instances that I have mentioned above are well documented.
          What are you on about

          • +4

            @Gervais fanboy: What's the difference between conspiracy theory and fact?

            About 3 weeks in 2021.

          • +1

            @Gervais fanboy: It's not arrogance, it's just laughable is all.

            My bet is you don't even realise how you've contradicted yourself.

            • @DogGunn: You are like a real life embodiment of sounds bites

              All you have said so far is ‘conspiracy theorists, ‘laughable’ and ‘contradict’

              Just empty words when you actually have no substance to add to this discussion. If you are all that high and mighty, correct me. I swear I’d rather be corrected right here by you than be incorrect in my beliefs..

              Btw another hot take : There’s a massive push right now to drag our western society into a socialist state..
              we’ll see in a few years what happens.

              • +2

                @Gervais fanboy: Maybe it's only soundbites because you say stuff like this:

                Btw another hot take : There’s a massive push right now to drag our western society into a socialist state..

                Have you realised that (assuming you live in Australia) you already live in a semi-socialist state?

                As I said, laughable conspiracy theories.

                • @DogGunn: So you have agreed and disagreed with me at the same time..

                  I am just speechless at this point brother.

                  • -1

                    @Gervais fanboy: Yeah that's it, I was agreeing you rather than pointing out your scepticism is misplaced.

                • +2

                  @DogGunn: One of the most common things people do is reference the USSR, China, North Korea, etc & conflate socialism with authoritarianism.
                  Finland/Norway/Iceland/Denmark/Sweden are some of the happiest countries on the planet with some of the highest income equality

          • -1

            @Gervais fanboy: The ignorance on you. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

            For some silly reason the conspiracists forgot to plant a single shred of evidence somewhere within Libya that might have justified the decision made by the US (and Australia) to invade Iraq??

            Nah, they forgot to do that and so we have Bush, the US Government, John Major and our own ex-PM John Howard looking like ignorant fools for doing what they did in Iraq.

            Billions spent on a coordinated secret conspiracy to take down major buildings and killing thousands of US citizens to justify invading Iraq - but when they got to Iraq and took control of the country they forgot to smuggle in a fragment of nuclear material or equipment to justify the invasion and the 'war on terror' in the first place???

            • -1

              @FitzChivalry Farseer: So in response to my comments, you have copy pasted this same drivel on multiple occasions.
              Cool 😎

              Anyways for the viewers interest I have to do the same in my response to you

              So Lets just deal in facts here

              America justified going to Iraq on the ‘suspicion’ on the existence of ‘WMD’,

              Fact- There were no weapons of mass destruction found.

              They said they wanted to setup a democracy

              Fact - They setup a puppet government, Economically Iraq is drastically worse now than what it was under Saddam Hussein.

              Fact - They extracted their oil resources,

              Fact - American tax payers shelled out over $4 trillion to fund the war.
              Another Fact - Dick Cheney, vice president at the time. Was a majority shareholder in the weapon companies that got the tenders to supply ammunition for the war

              You put two and two together ?

              • -1

                @Gervais fanboy: LOL. You post a few unconnected 'facts' as evidence to back your little conspiracy theory.

                How about you just go back to looking for shopping bargains rather than using OzBargain as a forum for your nutter conspiracy theories.

                Oh and by the way, Ricky Gervais has no time for nut job conspiracy theorists either.

                • -1

                  @FitzChivalry Farseer: Unconnected facts ?
                  All that rubbish you typed and yet you didn’t bother to debunk even one of those ‘unconnected facts’… well Atleast you have admitted that they are ‘facts’. So we are half way there then

                  But For the sake of integrity, you won’t even acknowledge even one of my many points as a motive for the Iraq invasion ?
                  No way you are that disingenuous

                  Also I love how you have digressed from the actual argument at hand to look at my username and then tell me what Ricky Gervais might/might not, think of me

                  Classic argument etiquette 👏

              • -1

                @Gervais fanboy: Fact
                The Iraq War began on 20 March 2003.

                If the US Government staged 9/11, so they could invade Iraq, they were, very, tardy in following up.

                Do I think the US Government took advantage of the attack to invade Iraq? Absolutely.
                Do I think that the US Government staged the attack? Absolutely not.

                I think your addition is wrong.

        • +4

          Stay happy in your little bubble. Because you are not from Iraq and Afghanistan or Libya, who cares how many bombs are dropped and how many civilians died. You just have to be a human to understand this. America left Afghanistan with a $0 economy and Biden had the audacity to say they were not there to build the nation. What an absolute failure. Having this movie as free is a PR stunt that America desperately needed.

          • +2

            @mhc: I don't see what that has to do with conspiracy theories. A discussion on the issues with war or potential civilian loss of life by American actions isn't one. It's a political discussion - conspiracy theories, like WTC 7 being a controlled demolition are not.

            By the way, I find it amusing that you're repeating the current right wing talking points, which are almost identical to the left wing ones while Bush and Trump were in power.

          • @mhc: Brave mate 👏👏
            Point well made

      • COVID was made in a lab?
        Is that proven? Fact or fiction?
        Many scientist said that it was naturally occurring?

    • +1

      Looks like Tinfoil hats are too.

  • +8

    Insiders's job to destroy a few countries

  • +5

    9/11 A conspiracy Theory


    5 minutes. Lest we forget.

  • +5

    There's a word missing, should be "inside Job in The President's War Room"

  • +2

    Fahrenheit 9/11 is another good one.

    • Will never forget how clueless Bush looked at that kindergarten. Deer caught in the headlights.
      Michael Moore Oscar speech was a doozy. Subsequently needed personal bodyguards wherever he went because of warmongering ‘Murica members of the public

  • +4

    Can someone answer me this:
    During the documentary when Bush is picked up in the mini van by the army and transported, Bush said he worried about the speed of the driver and told him
    "I told the driver I don't think there is any Al Qaeda on this base so how about we just get to the headquarters"

    How did he know it was the Al Qaeda after saying they were not sure who was targeting him/them?

    edit: Which if you fast forward about 10 minutes, he calls a staff member into his office on AF1 and asks who did this. To which they respond it was Bin Laden and not Iraq or Iran. So he knows in the mini van it was Al Qaeda before the fact!, but back in the sky later on he asks for who did it.

    Have i just discovered a plot hole in his story? Who has the authorities number so I can report this?

    • +2

      In many of the 9/11 expose documentaries, they have depicted these contradictions from Bush,

      • How has no one picked up on this one though?

        Shame i am not an influencer with 10 million followers.

        • Well, coz if someone did say anything along those lines. They’d be kicked off those platforms…
          Truth has become subjective now. Offends the weak and the evil.

  • +3


    Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيره الصباح‎), called "Nurse Nayirah" in the media, was a fifteen-year-old Kuwaiti girl, who alleged that she had witnessed the murder of infant children by Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait, in verbal testimony to the U.S. Congress, in the run up to the 1991 Gulf War. Her testimony, which was regarded as credible at the time, has since come to be regarded as wartime propaganda.

  • +2

    Retired four-star general and former Democratic Presidential candidate Wesley Clark criticizes the course of U.S. foreign policy in the wake of September 11, 2001.
    America's Foreign Policy "Coup"


    • Lol, downvoted by some brainwashed left wing warmongering nutter.

  • +1

    FBI could have stopped the 1993 World Trade Center bombing



  • +4

    Obvious inside job

  • Wow, conspiracy theorist dumpster fire of a comments section. Haven't been this disappointed in Ozbargain since the anti-vaxxers outed themselves recently.

  • Can’t figure out how to watch this without paying $7.99

    • +1

      Maybe it’s 11/9 US time?

  • +1

    Available now !!!!

  • Does not work for me? Anyone else? It makes me sign in my Apple Id, then when I click on play a pop up appears and tells me to Verify my credit card?

    • I believe the credit card is to verify you are a legit aussie user, and you won't be charged for this.

      • Thanks for the response, I thought I was doing something wrong. I feel so dumb now, didn't fully read it. And your right. I'm happy now, I will be able to watch it. I watched the Naudet brothers documentary one and it was just heartbreaking.

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