Another freebie from Veeam. I think I applied for every one of these and have only gotten this shirt and the RC car once.
Company email required and try incognito if the deal link is blocked.
Another freebie from Veeam. I think I applied for every one of these and have only gotten this shirt and the RC car once.
Company email required and try incognito if the deal link is blocked.
Where did you get that info?
black leather gloves no sequins…..
Gave my precious data already to them last time, didn't get anything in return.
No point sending the same to them again?
Never got mine either.
Applied for two (t-shirt & car), I only ever got the first.
I finally have a good reason to start that business!
Got my shirt delivered a couple days ago from the last post.
Reminds me of a DMT trip, awesome.
mine arrived today from last deal too
Yep,my second Veem shirt arrived a few days ago for me as well.
On the plus side at this rate I won't need to buy shirts ever again
On the downside mean kids are starting to pick on me for the way I dress. Though they are my kids so only have myself to blame really.
Same as above, finally got me last one from ages ago. I've got a new company email address, so off I go to grab one!
Not me. Not falling for this scam again.
No harm in trying.
I gave them a temporary email address and a US-based number which, although genuine, has Lenny waiting to take their call.
OMG Lenny is amazing! How did I not know about this?!
Some Lenny clips. Enjoy.
Last week, I started getting spam calls on my mobile. Around 5 to 6 times a day since Monday. This went on until Wednesday. On Thursday, I sprang the trap: I transferred the call to Lenny and that ended their attack.
So much effort for a shirt… Marry me!
Lenny is the best
What scam? I've gotten both the shirt and the car that I registered for.
Me too - car and shirt delivered within the past month
Me three — recieved both.
I've received everything I ordered. The last thing was a shirt that arrived this week, ordered in May.
3 shirts, remote control car, a goody bag thing and then also another goody bag thing I didn't order.
To those that received their items, you are definitely luckier than me. I'm not alone in not getting what was promised. The comments page is littered with many that have not.
Entered, thanks OP
Thanks OP - Entered
I must be lucky. Got the green shirt and RC car. Wasn't there an amazon credit too?
Amazon credit got denied because it was targeted…
received both shirt and mini racing car from them! was actually impressed by the car toy!!
What?? I only got a t-shirt once. Where get car?
Car different offer Kevin
Always got their stuff except the Amazon credit. Thanks OP!
Didn't yet receive the black long sleeve shirt from the last post I guess around 2 months back.
I got mine three days ago, you might be close!
Thanks, if you don't mind me asking, do you live in Melb?
Yeah, just in the metro area so shipping delay not the issue I think. I think they just have them backed up for however long it takes to process them all, they appear to be direct to garment, made on demand type operations.
I'm also in Australia's Blackshirt capital waiting for my black shirt.
Got the green one and RC car so hopefully I get the black one and this new one.
I got the car a few weeks ago
I've never received anything from Veeam besides spam email 😍😍
I signed up… now what…
edit: nvm. got the gist from a previous post, email showed up. Fingers crossed.
signed up, lets see if i receive it
Not signing up, I am still upset with the last offer, and then spamming me with their emails
I've never received anything from Veeam.
perhaps they have a random system for shipping
I didn't get my T-shirt from the last promo. All I get is few junk emails from them.
I didn't get my shirt last time either, just bunch of promo emails since
Don't bother.
Their last pro doesn't work to me neither. No need wasting time.
Never got it.
I received the car and shirt last time, though it did take more than a month for it to arrive.
Has somebody received the email with instructions for the shirt? Still waiting…
For those interested in more than a free shirt, their free backup for Windows is a very useful product:
No nagware, just good automated backup/imaging for a desktop.
Confirmed NOT WORKING for me at least: their last post is about some amazon voucher, signed up for it, and days later they sent me email: nah, you won't get it. "We appreciate the gesture but would like to inform you that unfortunately we are not able to present you with the voucher." was the original word.
I got a remote car instead
I have participated in this 2 or 3 times in the last 2yrs, never to have received one of them.
Oh! Time to create a new email address to get this T-shirt.
These guys dishonor it, don't bother sending your information out
Thx Harryozz
Veeam don't honour these things they just steal your information…
I've received every promo. Might just be your email or company not being valid. Check using DUNS.
Veeam partner - receive these email offers and get them all the time. Really these deals should be marked as Targeted because they're not intended for everyone.
They're not intended for me, but they eventually send them all to me anyway. Maybe I should put in a good word for them with IT.
IT should be using Veeam as it's a really good product. We use it in our data centres
Am I the only one here that is actually a genuine customer of Veeam and pays them money for their product??
I have had one shirt before from the few I have applied for
Got a shirt once before, so maybe this one will turn up
Have signed up to every one of their shirt deals and the remote control car one. Never received any of the items. Only spam, spam, spam.
Never got the last deal. No thanks.
I haven't gotten a single shirt and have participated in the previous 3.
got everything: green shirt, first promo bag (twice), second inspire bag, cloud racer, black longsleeve. Got the long sleeve last week and it's well made. US sizes though (larger fit)
Waste of time based on experience with the last Veeam deal.
thanks, ordered, let's see if it shows up
Have you received the email for the shirt?
yeah about 30 mins after registering
Nothing here yet. I tried 2 different email addresses.
I got the RC Car despite getting an email saying I wasn't eligible lol
fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me..
No thanks..
Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me… you can't get fooled again.
i have also applied for a couple and never received them.
I've received every Veeam shirt I've submitted for :)
The two I've received have been great quality
F**k Veeam, I don't fall for this one
Didn't receive anything. Sent scam email.
I've received shirts and RC cars. + from me!
Didn’t get anything and I’ve been down this road twice before with Veeam. Never again!
I have had both the RC car and long sleeve T shirts delivered within the past month. T shirt arrived this week
This should be categorised as a competition.
Wont turn up.
Just a contact farming exercise, don't expect to receive anything.
haven't received anything for almost 2 hours
Got my tshirt last time so I guess they already have my details.
Never got the t-shirt from the last post.
Trying again though- never give up hope.
Still waiting on the last one
For what it's worth I've received 3 of these shirts across different promotions.
I received my remote control car last time
Never received anything from them! Stay away
Have received all bar one tshirt. So ends up being about 4 t-shirts and the remote control car so def not a scam. Either you didnt qualify or something else was awry. Seems plenty of others also got their freebies.
The last 2 did not show up.
This is a scam. They never sent me anything except for spam emails.
black and long sleeve shirt. nice.