All Parcel Post Collections from Customers and Merchants in NSW, ACT and VIC Paused from 4/9/2021 to 7/9/2021

Last edited 04/09/2021 - 10:43
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I've been waiting for my Express Post parcel which was posted to me just 25km away from me. It's been 3 business days and it's still just sitting in the depot since Monday with an update saying my parcel has been delayed.
You can usually get refunded the amount with certain companies if its not considered expressed post. I've done it before. Your paying for a service that isn't being completed…. still wont help get your parcel sooner but at least the refund might be nice ;)
Auspost are not honouring express post refunds under their COVID-19 arrangements (since April 2020).
"Express Post is still available and remains the fastest way to get mail from A to B. But current operating constraints mean we can’t guarantee next-business-day delivery at the moment.We’re doing everything possible to deliver items quickly and will reinstate our next-business-day guarantee as soon as we can."
@ronafios: IANAL but that doesn't sound like it would stand up to scrutiny. If you are selling a service the you are have to do your bit. Unless there is a big kick ass sign up right next to the express post packages stating this, it's almost a deliberate deception
Ahh Damn, I was expecting my Cartier Watch via express…
In short, pay more to avoid interruption.
in shorter, no not guaranteed
is ng
Yes, usually it’s criminal groups that extort money in this way
Express Post is getting delay as well while Express Premium/Platinum seem to be ok but it double price of express.
Yes, it’s a parcel protection racket
All those jobs cut by AustPost over the years have come back to bite us in the arse. That'll teach us. Lucky they still had the means to pay senior staff $92m in bonuses.
Which political party is for expanding the AusPost?
Government may own it but that's about the extent of their involvment. It's self funded and run like any other enterprise.
Government may own it but that's about the extent of their involvment. It's self funded and run like any other enterprise.
Are you sure?……
@orangetrain: From
In cooperation with the Department of Finance, we also provide oversight of Australia Post as a government business enterprise, wholly owned by the Australian Government. The Australia Post Board and management are responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation. Australia Post is required by law to operate commercially and does not receive funding from the government.
Yep and that’s why their executives are paid the millions you mentioned, just like all other big organisations.
AusPost is a corporation run independently
However they must apply to the government for price rises-and major changesThere are no politics or funding involved
There are no politics or funding involved
So the sacking of the previous CEO wasn't "politically involved" when ScuMo said she should be sacked?
@smartazz104: No it was not forced. The PM has absolutely no power to force them to do anything, that is the point. Yes the immense public scrutiny (much deserved) forced her to resign but pollies have no more power to sack her than you or I.
@MrBear: Well the chairman is not scomo and yes he should have sacked her but he didn't, she resigned. She was completely out of step with reality, awarding people luxury watches for doing what they were paid to do while cutting services elsewhere. The way it went down was ugly, but it was a wake up call that was much needed.
@gromit: You do realise their usual bonuses are substantially more than those watches right?
Also she wasn't fired because she didn't do anything wrong and it would have ended up in a horrible case of unfair dismissal.
So instead of doing that get name was dragged through the mud for saving auspost, and she had a massive amount of stress and personal attacks on her. Sounds about right coming from the people that created Centrelink robodebt and refuse to make massive companies to pay back jobkeeper.
@flametornado: She was unlawfully dismissed, she's receiving a million dollar payout, although with the caveat of admitting no wrongdoing…@flametornado: exactly correct. execs on huge salaries and bonuses doing their job getting additional huge perks while she sacks and reduces services elsewhere. It was a disgrace.
@flametornado: I can’t +2 you so I’m saying “exactly”.
Imagine what it’d be like to have the prime minister, the most senior person in the country bag you out and show no confidence in you doing your job, in front of the whole nation. If my CEO did that, gees I’d be looking on Seek.
the immense public scrutiny (much deserved)
Are you alright mate?
The CEO awarded $5k bonuses instead of giving the optional, at her discretion, $150k bonuses.
Saved Auspost $580k.
The only person that deserves intense public scrutiny in this is Scotty, who wasted a month publicly defaming a female public employee he had no control over, while ignoring a male alleged child rapist who he could fire.
@This Guy: That’s all he’s good for, just like his predecessor Mr Rabbit. Attack dogs.
Couldn’t plan a vaccination program if they tried. Off topic. /rant
@gromit: Read past the headlines Gromit.
ScoMo wanted her out as she made auspost profitable and therefore undermined his plans to privatise it.
She did a great job.
Dont know why this is greyed out. Plenty of industry regulation as to price rises etc for electricity companies.
It wouldn't be right to deny those execs a new beach house.
…or a basic watch?
A basic mechanical watch
Yes, no fancy watch was ever going to keep VIPs satisfied, Holgate was such a cheapskate not handing out the millions to her colleagues…. She should have offered ScoMo a watch and he wouldn't have spat the dummy with her.
I bet they'll still get their Cartier watches delivered on time.
express shipping no less
Are we still beating that dead horse?
Yes we are still beating AusPost.
Well you need to beat it harder
Its almost as if they think that the current chief executive is better… Newsflash, much worse than the outgoing.
Yeah I guess people don’t read past the headline much. Nor try to understand an issue before talking about it.
It makes me think they have big piles they cant get to the bottom of, and they need to be cleared before the complaints roll in… All the Saturday to Tuesday packages will roll in on Tuesday and the piles will be the same as they were before, but at least they will (hopefully) get the ones at the bottom of the current piles moving, lol…
I'm picturing this:
(tongue in cheek)It makes me think they have big piles
There's some ointment that can fix that…
Which ointment you suggest?
I suspect your not far wrong.
AusPost have had 18 months of these high volumes and still cannot get their act together. Maybe if they paused chasing profits and put some more money into infrastructure at an earlier date they would not be in this mess.
Let's hope they re-invest some of the extra $150 million pa revenue they will generate when the increased postage rates kick in next MondayThe states involved all have lockdown rules in place currently. In case you are unaware, without Covid-19 lockdowns, AusPost would be able to sort parcels late at night. Do you expect AusPost staff to travel outside of the 5K or 10K bubble every day and being checked every day?
Also, do you expect the Covid-19 virus to automatically skip AusPost staff so 0% AusPost staff will be tested positive? Furthermore, every since Covid-19, the online parcel volume is basically above pre-Covid-19 Christmas volume every month.
I thought this was due to something like 500 Aus post workers having to self-isolate
How can you tell if it will be any slower?
If they didn't announce it, most people wouldn't have noticed the difference.
Just like covid 😆
Yep, India, USA, UK wouldn't have noticed at all…
Indonesia: thousands of people dying everyday? Hmmm… nothing to see here
cats out of the bag now…..
Thank you Scotty for cracking down on AusPost bonuses and sending the best performers to the competition. We get the AusPost we deserve with LNP in charge.
ABC take on it:…500 staff in COVID isolation
delivered more parcels last month than during the Christmas period last year.
Last week, the business announced a hiring blitz of more than 4,000 new staff to cope with additional services prompted by high demand.
Weekend deliveries will continue until the end of the year. AusPost estimates that up to 500,000 parcels will delivered every weekend until Christmas.
People here shitting on AusPost when a huge amount of their staff are in isolation due to COVID.
Couldn't really anticipate NSW cocking up in such a big way as to cause postage issues for multiple states but here we are. :\
They were shit 30yrs before China let Covid go….
While I agree on NSW cocking up more than once, precovid I had a parcel go from Mel - Syd and back 4 times before I got it… it was supposed to only go <20klms which should take 1 day, but took 2+ weeks.
I'm in Qld, and had a letter take 2 weeks to get about 30km to me. Their covid excuse is bullshit, they are just hopeless.
Sorry to hear that but glad I'm not alone. I'm usually pretty patient with Australian Post, but the past week has been 'amusing'
Bought an item from a suburb 17km away last Wednesday morning, received by local post office same day evening.
Fast forward a week, it's bounced between Dandenong & North Melbourne distribution centres, twice, and still undelivered. I can't fathom why it went to North Melbourne in the first place, totally the other side of town.
Called, CS claim I have to wait till next Tuesday to lodge an inquiry, yes 13 days from lodgement date. I don't know how long they can beat the Covid horse, but to deliver a parcel from a neighboring suburb 17km away taking two weeks, go figure…
I can't fathom why it went to North Melbourne in the first place
The 3 bears story I was told is there are staff shortages in the sorting centers, so its going interstate to be sorted….
yea I dont believe it either.@88mph: Update: posted 25Aug, received 18Sept. 17km Metro Melbourne.
New record?
P.s lodged 2 online inquiries spaced over 3 weeks (phone wait times over 30min), gets closed a day later with a generic copy paste response. Amongst usual excuses, claimed air freight delays, yes to go 17km. Proof cases are automatically closed with template responses, unsure if they add any value.
Still blaming China?
Yep, auspost has always been shit compared to other countries, even second or third world countries lmao. My friends in Malaysia were surprised at how long it takes for things to get her in Australia, even from a neighbouring suburb.
The gall to increase prices too with poorer service…
I’ve been waiting since Thursday to get an express post from NSW to VIC. COVID has definitely affected staffing levels. It’s ‘received and ready for processing’
Australia Post have been waving the "COVID" flag for the past 18 months - they need to get with the program and realise this is the new normal. Hire more staff, open more distribution centers. Either: Charge less for less service or charge more for better service -
Currently we're in a twilight zone warp of paying more and getting less: meanwhile the small business owner (like me) pays out hundreds a month in chargebacks and deals with angry clients - charge backs and angry clients in my world are ENTIRELY attributable due to slow Aust Post delivery. I've got no sympathy for Australia Post, they are literally choking the golden goose.
The irony struck me about 18 months ago when Australia Post stopped delivering their own invoices to me via their own delivery service as they kept arriving AFTER the due date to pay them (ie +10 working days to deliver their own invoices to business customers).
And they don’t need to take any signatures now, and aren’t close to coming into contact with people they are delivering. If anything this should help speed things up for them. They’re basically profiteering from covid now.
How will they cope when Christmas actually rolls around?
They'll get everyone their packages by Christmas.
Christmas 2022.
Wanna bet …. ;)
16 weeks to christmas - people are already buying so it’s here on time.
They reported to have delivered more parcels in the last month compared to Christmas last year
There won’t be much to buy come Christmas season. Most good things are going out of stock for a long time.
I’ve had a parcel sitting at ‘received and ready for processing” since last Thursday. I actually raised a query on it with Australia Post yesterday as I though it had been lost. Now I know I’ll just have to be patient.
I have noticed in the past week that updates to tracking are happening much slower than normal. A number of deliveries have not been updated for ages.
One of the DHL warehouses in NSW has a COVID positive case 2 days ago that has caused a fair bit of disruption. Maybe Auspost is somehow affected too
I have no doubt Ebay Managed Payments is going to screw merchants during this time .
An example of a business unwilling to expand to the demand. They are unwilling bc they don't want to spend the extra money on staff.
Suspending achieves absolutely nothing, except creating a insurmountable backlog.
Your parcels are surely going to be kicked around now.
NSW and VIC, in those 2 states, are you able to travel outside your LGA / 5K or 10K radius? If not, you reckon AusPost staff get unrestricted access?
You might go, just hire more people within the 5K or 10K radius, but you still need to get those parcels to the sorting centres. Melbourne has curfew after 9PM. Furthermore, once the lockdown ends, do you expect AusPost to let those people go or you are happy to pay for their wages?
Unlike VIC, NSW didn't have multiple lockdowns. The new normal with the lockdowns in VIC is that I simply switch to Express Post to buyers (and anticipate them to be like regular Parcel Post pre-Covid). My local LPO informed me that even for Express Post, the cutoff (for the day) is parcels has to be lodged at that LPO before 1:30 PM, otherwise, it is basically next day.
Why do you think eBay Plus offers Express Post? That was introduced when Covid hits.
NSW and VIC, in those 2 states, are you able to travel outside your LGA / 5K or 10K radius?
I think if you just issue them with a work permit you'll be fine…
This is a direct result of privatisation. AusPost's primary goal now is profit, not being a delivery service to the nation.
Australia Post has not been privatised, so how can it be a result of privatisation? It is a wholly owned enterprise of the government. Privatisation may actually be the cure to the problem.
I think what afah0447 meant is Comercialised. While Auspost is still government owned, it doesnt receive funding and can price their service to make a profit. This is unlike other government owned entities like water companies which pricing is regulated and typically does not make a profit (or extremely little). I think privatisation might actually make things worse as Auspost is somewhat a monopoly.
The last thing you want with Aus Post is more government interference and politics. No government run department or organisation is efficent, All bringing them completely back in would do would make it more expensive. I think current problems are more pandemic related, but if you want efficiency and pricing then you need to introduce competition.
Really? So you are 100% sure this has nothing to do with the current lockdowns in NSW and VIC. Obviously, the 9PM curfew in Melbourne has zero effect on AusPost. AusPost staff must continue to work after 9PM like before. Also, AusPost staff all already got vaccinated (yeah right, as if). Or, you believe Covid virus has a built in feature that if person = AusPost staff, do not infect?
Amazon has not processed my order for nearly a week now (I am not on Amazon Prime). Likewise for Dell for my eBay order (and that order will still take 1 month to get delivered after Dell started processing it). They weren't this slow prior to Covid.
As crap as Auspost is, please make an effort to thank your posties. They work in a system that's driven by corporate greed, not the interest of the workers or the public.
The Auspost and Startrack posties that service my street are great. Especially since summer is coming up, I always keep refridgerated bottles of water to give to them when they deliver my mail/parcels.
Nice touch… My postie recently upgraded from the usual bike to the Postie Cruiser, looks like Fred Flintstone driving by - slicing letters thru mailboxes, only thing missing is a yabbadabbadoo…
I'm one of the businesses using Australia Post and I still can't believe they've got the audacity to increase rates on the 6th of September after all this rubbish going on.
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And more importantly