Get $5 cashback when you spend $25 or more at Vintage Cellars.
Get $5 cashback when you spend $25 or more at Liquorland.
Get $5 cashback when you spend $25 or more at First Choice Liquor.
Get $5 cashback when you spend $25 or more at Vintage Cellars.
Get $5 cashback when you spend $25 or more at Liquorland.
Get $5 cashback when you spend $25 or more at First Choice Liquor.
I am a 28 Degrees Mastercard customer but don't get any of these offers sent to me — is there a way to register?
My email notification says Offer valid online. Implying not available in store.
I have $10 back on $75 spend at First Choice Liquor
why never got email offer from them ? something wrong here.
anyone know if I have to opt in first ? from where?
I never got any offers from them until the card was replaced due to expiry (from blue to black, new look) - now got the first round of offers.
Tried to use the new card on LL website today - same familiar message "The payment attempt was unsuccessful (ref # …)". Tried a few times, verified the card using a code sent via SMS. No luck.
Same situation as with AmEx - something is seriously wrong with Liquorland / First Choice Liquor / Vintage Cellars payment system. Same cards can be used without any issues in store or online via PayPal.
Ordered a replacement card.
Hopefully will receive the offers.
mine already changed from blue one to black long time ago. still no offer.
@CyberMurning: Discussion earlier that Rewards can't be active if old offers (price rise guarantee etc) still in use.
So contact 28 Degrees to set up.
@CyberMurning: Neither did I.
But worth discussing with them.
Possibly earlier customers are on old settings. I set up over 10 years ago for use on travels overseas.
Rewards offers didn't interest me. But placing a First Choice drinks order, I found this offer…
@CyberMurning: Either. I call. Worth a try.
Ask why you don't get Rewards offers as a long time customer?
@INFIDEL: I get both statement credit offers and still have (and claim against) price protection insurance. I also have the new black card.
@sween64: Thanks. That's good to know.
As we aren't told why some of us don't receive Rewards… It leads to a lot of summising.
(Maybe because I don't use the card enough to qualify for Rewards?? Mainly used over a decade for overseas travel. Why I signed up!
About largest purchase in '21 was a $200 Jetstar return flight to Perth - cancelled & refunded…)
Waiting for my black card to arrive.
Will give them a call then.
@sween64: Turned out I was right
If we spend below their (undisclosed) level - we don't receive these promotions.
It's a penalty for being tight arses.
@INFIDEL: Hmm that's good to know. I was using my 28 Deg card quite heavily for 6 months, it became my primary card. I have since signed up for another card and won't be using the 28 Deg card anywhere near as much. I wonder how long I will continue to receive the promos for.
Did they mention a spend limit?
Rang Lattitude after my replacement card arrived today.
Had the explanation to my question of why I don't get these offers:
"I'm sorry sir, we don't offer these promotions to customers who don't spend much money - like you!"
I laughed so much! We had been joking - that I hardly spend anything on their card.
I had rung to transfer $200 refunded by Jetstar after they cancelled my flight this week. That was about the largest single purchase this year. And it was being refunded :-)
ah yes probably thats the reason.
i dont use much as well
oh well their lost !
i made a call aswell asking they said everything in order just you dont get the offer yet
I guessed the reason so they agreed I was right.
Otherwise it is already set up as you were told, (you just need to meet their undisclosed spend limit)!!
Spend thousands per month on the CC, to possibly receive $20 or so back when you spend more…
(My current statement was just the $200 refund!)
Will be happy to stay a frugal consumer & miss out.
Warm deals…