First timer here.
Not a bad price for this model of a card. I see these go for more on fb markets/gumtree.
Bought one idk how much stock left.
Edit: shipping is also free.
First timer here.
Not a bad price for this model of a card. I see these go for more on fb markets/gumtree.
Bought one idk how much stock left.
Edit: shipping is also free.
Fixed ty
price and store in title please
$ sign please
I like how PB Tech tags the GPU as 'Essential'
Anything that can generate income is labelled essential as per NSW Government.
Like selling illicit drugs?
If you have prescription, then hell yeah
PBC? BPC? PCG? PSG? Barcelona?
Sorry was trying to post as quick as i can. I mentioned this was first time posting.
RMA? Real Madrid.
This should be a deal on its own tbh. Great find!
what a champ
Hold. Don't pay these prices.
I'm with you Comrad.
HOLD the line don't give up. We can do it, lol.
Aren't pricing going up again anyways as reported by the tech lads Linus and Others due to the cost of fabrication going up?
Predicted ~$50-$100 US who knows for us ;/
It's going to be a long war.
Hopefully you get a GPU in the next 2 years.
@pharcyde: I guess if you can't hold with your current GPU then you have no choice but to pay the getting-raped-in-your-backside prices.
this card is massive
This is how I read this post: EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 FTW3 "Ultra LHR" GPU
Hardly bargain. Even with todays prices.
they go for more on gumtree/fb because they're non-LHR, this is LHR
ultra LHR? or ultra 3070
For a LHR, standard price.
LHR and FTW should not be in the same name
Unless you don't give a f**k about crypto mining
Which means the price should be closer to $1000 or under…
Does it matter between LHR and non LHR?
I don't mine but having the resale of a non LHR would be nice
But it is offset by higher initial purchase price of a non-LHR card.
Only 8gb RAM is a shame for such an expensive card
Wouldn’t a lower end 3070ti still beat this card?
If you can find a 3070ti card at a cheaper price than this card, then many will be happier.
Or preorder the 3070Ti FTW at PLE for $1379
@Lolitsjoel: Even better, gives you some time to wait and see the price trend and cancel your preorder if it's favourable. That won't be a problem for most people except those who need it for work or desperate people who absolutely MUST play their silly video games RIGHT NOW
Blahaha not even a 3070 Ti
My 3080 was $1260
Going into a massive HODLing mode for my 2nd Rig.
Did you just wake up in 2021?
Are you kidding?
There have been decent 3070 Ti's selling between 1200 to 1300.
N it's all supply v demand based -
So if more people hold from pulling the trigger at these exuberant prices - the prices will be forced downward.
Looking forward to see if Intel can shake the market next year. If their GPU production lines roll out like there CPUs then their ain't gonna be mass shortages in supply and should help lower prices even further.
I bought my ftw3 3070ti for $1300
Should be around 1100-1250 , i bought the asus tuff which is on par with this one wanted this but am very happy with the tuff. Stays cool very fast and with metal and not plastic i think it looks better. Wait for prices to drop or a better deal unless you want to pay covid tax
Please post the price and shop name in the title.