Stumbled upon this deal today if you looking for a bargain gaming laptop or even just a good laptop..
11th Gen Intel Core i7 11370H
1 x 8GB Memory
1920 x 1080 144hz Panel
GeForce GTX 1650 4GB
Enjoy !
Stumbled upon this deal today if you looking for a bargain gaming laptop or even just a good laptop..
11th Gen Intel Core i7 11370H
1 x 8GB Memory
1920 x 1080 144hz Panel
GeForce GTX 1650 4GB
Enjoy !
i wont support them if you find a cheaper deal
It's worth paying more to not support shitty companies/owners
Most HN's are franchises that lease the space and kick up franchise fees to the boss, so you're only hurting local business people/stock holders. Gerry gets rich either way.
Even putting aside the moral issues(which are more than enough to boycott them), their franchises have a reputation for being unhelpful in general after the sales process is done and if there are any issues. They were even fined a while ago for turning customers away when they purchased faulty laptops, if you go to their facebook page you'll even find a bunch of people complaining about support to this day almost daily. Even with a deal, they're not worth it for expensive items.
I was treated like an idiot when buying a TV last year, almost with contempt just asking simple questions at HN. Went across the road and bought the same model TV from JB Hi-Fi, for 50 bucks less too.
For new participants
Harvey Norman forces govt to introduce GST on International imports.
and Harvey Norman kept/legally stole ~$15 million dollars in JobKeeper benefits they should never have received as they made record profits.
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Good news, they just announced in the news that Harvey Norman will be repaying jobkeeper. Still, no forgiveness from me for the GST on imports.
@findingbargains: No, they are repaying ~$6 of the ~$22 million they kept/legally stole. Thus my reference to ~$15. Don't fall for MSM tricks.
The GST doesnt even bother me. Its the vested interested and influence from a company onto the libs which is disgusting.
Yes, out of consumers' own pocket
They would have done it eventually.. but yeh HN made it happen quicker
They will, they can't stop themselves, it's the consumer🐑 in them. They'll do anything for it, they must obey their master.
yeah F* Harvey Snore-man
while I agree, i cant agree with the neg for the deal.
against my better judgement got my friend to get the recent acer with the 3060 from Harvey Norman.
would have prefered to price match, but given she was remote and could just drop into harvey norman to get it… we caved and got it from their…
Whats up with Harvey?
welcome, you must be new here.
Worked there while studying for 6 months. You would have to be desperate or absolute scum to work there. Disgusting morals and ethics. Felt like I needed a chemical shower to get the filth off me after each shift.
@canberrascooter: A chemical shower is a unit designed to wash an individual's head and body which has come into contact with hazardous chemicals. Large volumes of water are used and a user may need to take off any clothing that has been contaminated with hazardous chemicals.
@canberrascooter: Well I worked in the computers section. But selling computers was the last thing we were told to sell. It's all about optus plans. Pushing them on to people who didn't need them and some of the ways the other salesman wormed their way into it by saving $600 off a computer was just sickening. They would constantly get us to push cheaper worse laptops and convince the customer to upgrade hard drives/ram etc which half the time was just a component from a extended warranty return model or a different laptop that was 'upgraded ' before. Every sale had to push internet security (1 item that I did believe was a legitimate addon based on the average person purchasing a laptop should have as a must….just not what harvey charge at 600% mark up.. or more.) It didn't matter how many sales you made and I constantly had a great turnover in sales gross but my margin was shot. They even had a target for Surge protectors and if you didn't hit 5 a week that would be 2% off your bonus. A little clause in there to drop your potential earnings. They also expected every one to be half an hour early at least for every shift and an hour if there was a meeting which would be sometimes twice a week and then 5 mins before the shift started the manager would tell everyone they need to sign in. Stay back late every day but as soon as your time hit you would be asked to sign out then go back to work on things like stocking shelves etc. When I first started there was no training, and I'd you asked for help you would be treated like crap. Constantly given wrong information by your colleagues because your failure is their success.
Funny thing is I actually got fired by them because I was talking to one of the other staff and said in the back of the store that my boss was being a real c$%t that day and I believe they had sound recording devices in the store because she was in the office on the otherside of the store like 50mtrs away and said she 'overheard' me.
How do I take this store Association button off. I'd rather have 'registered sex offender' than that next to my name .
@dickiee: Reply to my comment, uncheck the I am associated with Harvey Norman box at the bottom of the field
@dickiee: Well… you technically are associated; just not in a positive way ;)
I had a mate who used to work at HN ~15yrs ago and it was the exact same then - peddling TV's, pushing Monster cables etc. If I recall they had some scam going on with… Phillips? at the time. Basically, getting TV's at a 'special' discount allowing them to undercut everyone else. All sorts of shady stuff.
Why shouldn't we support Harvey Norman?
Got to do with Gerry and his mates keeping JobKeeper money and paid themselves more bonus ….
Yes, this was a dog act, and his business wasn't the only one.
He is also the reason we pay GST on international imports
and being the main driver behind the GST being added to overseas products, (even though its wasn't profitable to actually collect the GST.)
and his comments regarding ozbargainers being professional shoppers so they dont have to honour deals.
They repaid it so……
@Drakesy: @Drakesy The Shake My Head is reporting this morning that HN paid back $6.01m being "all the wage subsidies received by company-controlled entities over the 2020/2021 financial years".
They're still scum.
@plmko: Yeah, 6m out of 22m and after initially saying they WONT payback. Full damage control mode not because they want to do the right thing
@cmyk: Haha gonna get awkward with you guys now because you can't pull the JK card. Looking forward to future HN posts.
@plmko: Haha, not at all.. JK is one of the many reasons not to support HN. And if we were all use the same HN logic, we can head into the store to buy something at $2,200 and pay only $600…
@plmko: Not at all. They could have paid it back in full and they would still be scum, because they didn't do it immediately.
"It might be a callous way of putting it but what are they doing? You are helping a whole heap of no-hopers to survive for no good reason. They are just a drag on the whole community."
Good news, they just announced in the news that Harvey Norman will be repaying jobkeeper. Still, no forgiveness from me for the GST on imports.
*$6 million out of $22 million
Basically a PR damage control payment
This community is great, I don't even have to think, just get told what to do. Thanks
We already support them through our tax dollars!
Latest gen CPU with gens’ old GPU. And an Acer. And sold by Gerry GST.
What can go wrong
Latest gen CPU with a Core i7 name (indicating it's one of their higher end CPUs) that is weak and bottlenecks software and games.
whats the deal with harvey ?
i have no idea and would love to know…
me too… i am abit surprised by this….
Pocketed jobkeeper after making record profits and spearheaded the campaign for making us now pay GST on all overseas purchases.
as well as:
"Mr Harvey is pushing for a minimum wage freeze"
Taxpayers like you are paying for his exec bonus
to be honest
yes, first of all don't buy from Harvey's, price match elsewhere
second, Acer Nitro is better this year, I got AN515-55 with i5-10300H and 3060 and it's fantastic, I have no complaints whatsoever
last gen nitro 5 I had to return due to unusable keyboard and it was built much worse. this gen is way better
but it's too much to pay for a 1650 come on, unless CPU is more important for you
I got my 3060 based model from Acer for $1149 refurbished (looks like new, same warranty)
so if gaming is or may become important to you, look elsewhere
I'll pay $5 to anyone who price-matches this deal and doesn't pay HN.
Not a good deal, sorry. Better off waiting for 3060 version to be cheap again.
I get that this laptop is cheap
But a 1650 in this day and age is like saying you'll go out and buy a bmw m3 and opting for the 318i.
It'll get you from A to B but you'll regret buying it because it doesn't live up to expectations.
FWIW if you really want to go bargain basement Bing lee has the 1650ti & i5 version for $879…
But my pick would be with the 3060 for $1279……
~7% slower CPU. ~$150 cheaper. Not supporting HN - priceless.
also people, please calm yr tits about laptops, father's day is this weekend! sure there will be better deals to be had
buying now is not a good idea
Retailers don't have sales on Father's Day.
They have them before so you can buy them to give to fathers on Father's Day.
last year Acer website had the deal exactly ON the father's day weekend, kinda makes no sense, but FWIW
probably it's for dads to buy presents for themselves
like all dads do pretty much
who is going to buy me a laptop! jeez
Dont care what the deal is. I dont buy from corporate bludgers like Mr Harvey who laugh in the face of hard working aussie taxpayers. In the words of Derryn Hinch, Shame Shame Shame.
Sorry i call bullshit on all these comments most of you walk into a Coles and Wesfarmers store and shop freely smiling without criticism but give shit to Harvey's kinda laughable
bad publicity makes corporations more accountable
I dont shop at Coles or Woolies and very rarely at Aldi. You should know by now that the ozbargain crowd is far more educated than you think.
Got a call from Matt from Harvey Norman
who advised that the laptop was ready
I went pass after work, signed for it but when I checked to see if it worked it didn't turn on
I told him he plugged it in and told me it works when plugged in then advised me that he will need to send it in again which took a month last time I said no that's not good enough and I want a refund he told me that the same part has to be fixed three times before I can get a refund
I told him that I will speak to Fair trading he said to tell him what to do I told him that you just told me that you will check for the refund and get back to me and when I say I want to check with fair trade your asking me what he should do I got really angry about that
I spoke to Fair trading when i got home they said that he lied that I can request a refund for a faulty product
I called him back and told him I want a refund and if I don't hear from him back the end of the week I will do two things write to HN and make a formal complaint about him. He told me it will take 10 days. I made a complaint got a refund in 3 days. I will never deal with HN again and never by a Asus gaming laptop
it's i7 10th gen Or 11th gen?
Harvey Norman website says 10th gen.
Harvey mainly stocks 8gb overpriced duds. 8gb doesn’t cut it these days.
Any recommendation for a laptop for just office use 1k budget?
I got this off Amazon us sold out here Is very good for the specs and price. The bonus is getting an amd ryzen which is much better than the intel
Lenovo Flex 5 14" 2-in-1 Laptop Tablet 81X20001US 16GB RAM 512GB SSD Ryzen 7 4700U (8-Core) Processor at 2.0GHz
don’t support Harvey Norman please