Part of Woolworths weekly specials commencing Wednesday 1st September.
Kettle Chips Varieties 150-175g $2.32 (was $4.65)
Woolworths Brand 750g Cashews Varieties $9.50 (was $17)
Part of Woolworths weekly specials commencing Wednesday 1st September.
Kettle Chips Varieties 150-175g $2.32 (was $4.65)
Woolworths Brand 750g Cashews Varieties $9.50 (was $17)
lol 750g? smells like shrinkflation
Same as Cadbury chocolates. Every time they redesign the graphics or packaging, it magically also has less grams for the same price.
There was a much better deal in 2019 for $3 macro cashews and I bought a whole heap of them. I found the deal-
What’s the point comparing the price which was few years ago! Unless someone’s hoarded loads and is now feeling good about it.
Could be true, but Cashew price depends on quality. May they started procuring from lesser grade vendors.
what was the price of a house 5 years ago ?
could you buy it with the same amount of cashews ? :-D
How long can you store cashews for in general before they go off?
Fridge once open. All nuts get worse taste withing month if you keep out and open.
Never had a bag last more than a few days in my hourse
As long as they're airtight, they stay for a few weeks. Just like peanuts.
Coles have 800g for $10 from Wednesday too
50g more, for $0.50 more.
My local Coles only carries the salted version. I like plain.
Looks like the cashews are already at $9.50.
"My local Coles only carries the salted version. I like plain."
Now there's a First World problem if ever there was one…..
Good god. $4.65 is the regular price. Ffffarr out dude.
Good deal. I love cashews but if you know how they are produced, you will maybe stop buying them. Growing them uses a lot of pesticides, it is labour intensive so only poor countries with cheap labour are able to grow them economically, its sap is poisonous and many do not have proper protection when harvesting.
I believe Aldi is $14.99 a kilo so this one works out to 12.67 a kilo, decent savings