This was posted 3 years 6 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Large Pizzas: Value $3, Traditional $5, Premium $7 (Pick up) @ Domino's (Excludes NSW)


Another rad offer from Domino's Pizza. Time to build up the COVID belly.

Value: 233177, 184083
Traditional: 389673, 486601
Premium: 173142, 980899

Original scanned image

Additional codes added.

Mod: Alternate voucher codes: 547530 / 561562, 985994 / 883658, 585697 / 383083

Mod 2: 30/8: At this stage it appears that Domino's may have cancelled the deal for NSW/ACT/VIC at least, see here. The deal appears to work in SA/QLD/WA/TAS/NT however.

Mod 3: 31/8 11am - Codes are now working in VIC & ACT, but still not working in NSW.

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closed Comments

  • +117

    I am upvoting the deal because Domino is one of the few big companies doing the right thing and returning Jobkeeper money…

    • +46

      Hardly Normal can’t hear you.

      I’m upvoting this deal because I like pizza and my local store is decent.

      • +1

        Can't you either Mercedes Benz…..

        • +1

          Always hoping we don't get Covid transmitted from workers in these fast food deals

        • +2

          A German car company, selling cheap South African cars that break the second your warranty is over absolutely deserve that JobKeeper though.

    • +8

      As if their revenue dropped 30% in the first place. 😂

    • +1

      That's probably because they only got peanuts compare their revenue during the lockdown?

      • +7

        Who cares…? No need to dismiss that they're still doing the right thing.

  • is dealbot an AI bot?

  • +12

    Time to start clearing some space in the freezer for all those $3 🍕 pizzas!

    • +1

      How many do you usually get? And which type (pepperoni is the best, right)?

      • +4

        I prefer the beef and onion personally

        • Yeah, not bad for a cheap pizza, always added Pineapple.

      • +11

        As many as my freezer permits, which is not many. I go for thin and crispy pepperoni, and once they’ve cooled down I separate the pieces and put them into freezer bags (1 pizza per bag). They last a long time and reheat pretty well.

        • Oh yeah, thin and crispy pepperoni is awesome (-ly unhealthy)

        • +1

          Went with 5 pizzas in 2 bags. Could probably fit double that in my remaining freezer space. Hmm…

    • Wouldn't it make more sense to buy a pizza from a supermarket for about the same price which is designed to be frozen and reheated?

      • +14

        Uhh, no

      • Have you tasted a supermarket pizza? ugghh…. Dominos are a bit better, but really the cheap ones are all just offal on deep fried bread not a pizza.
        Note: Codes don't work for most people.

      • Frozen Domnio's pizza straight into the sandwich press for couple of minutes is really good.

        • I will give that a go next time I order pizza. I've only had left over pizza once and it was from a microwave which turned the bread into moist sponge like texture. Does it work with any thickness of base?

        • Any pizza is best reheated in a sandwich press (I use baking paper on the top so it doesn't get messy).

          Fry pan also works okay, but anything is better than microwaving it.

    • Wish I had more than 1 freezer shelf where I'm staying, small accommodation.

  • +2

    Dinner sorted for next week!

    • +3

      More like dinner sorted for the whole year….. I'm vacuum sealing and freezing these bad boys

  • +4

    Ordering and paying now before my local store stops accepting these coupons

    • Good idea…

      • +1

        Arghh I tried the vouchers before and they worked and I swear I pre-ordered, but it looks like I haven't or they've cancelled my order. Can they cancel my order?

        • Yup pretty sure stores can cancel your orders

    • +1

      Thanks rollthedice, no issue with collecting in NSW with your advice (ordering 6 days in advance), sucks the change though for all others though :(

  • +2

    Uhhoh! But Thanks!
    What are the actual downsides to buying too much pizza? Anything wrong with buying in bulk and eating in relative moderation?

    • +3

      The downside is the pizza isn't as fresh after it has been stored in the fridge / freezer. Although the benefits of the price, and not having to travel to get new pizza each time, means it is a winner for me

      • +3

        Honestly reheating it in an oven properly still makes refrigerated Domino's taste alright. If you're microwaving it, you'll want a small glass of water in there so it doesn't get floppy (but microwaved is never going to taste as nice)

    • +12

      reheat in the air fryer, bloody great

    • +1

      Just heat it on the pan, crust side down

    • Yes you're buying domino's

  • +11

    "Time to build up the COVID belly" - way ahead of you there, I'm afraid…

    • -1

      When you can workout at home, Covid is no excuse lol. If anything, you probably have more time to exercise and should be fitter/slimmer than before.

      • What if we are trying to gain weight?
        Being fatter means I get to be fat.

  • +3

    Thats why domino is so successful they making millions from these offers

    • Sound almost like loss-leaders to me. You think they still make bank at these prices?

      • -2

        of course they make money, even the 3 buck pizza, costs about 50 cents to make.

        • (I didn’t neg).

          One thing: the staff would be super busy during these events so they probably don’t cost much to pay per 🍕.

  • Nice to see Dominos looking after the Franchisee's again .

    • +5

      Sorry I am out of the loop, do deals like this harm the franchisee? Or do these deals help and boost their profits / sales? Not trying to make any points: I truly do not know

      • what difference does it make.

        • +6

          what difference does it make.

          I am out of the loop and therefore have no idea, which Is why I asked

      • They stuggle to make a buck with current agreements .

      • They earn basically nothing from the value pizza's, only the premium pizza's and sides make money. From memory there's only 20c to the owner for every value pizza sold, even with 1 pizza every minute, that's $12 an hour.

        Why anyone would franchise domino's is beyond me.

        • Is the approx 20c after this $3 code deal? Or is that around the price they make during the regular value pizza price? It certainly doesn't sound great for the franchisees!

          I know I've bought at least 100 value pizzas in my time.

          • +1

            @DiscountForThee: I think that's from without the discount let alone with it. I got that 20c from an AMA here a while back.

        • +1

          They make most of their profits from the normies who dont use the 40% off codes, sides or additonal topppings.

  • Wonder if premium includes super premium

    • -7

      Only dog meat

    • +1

      Just checked and it doesn't this time…

      • awww, i liked the super premium meat lovers. they have the most toppings. guess dominos is putting me back on the diet

  • +1

    About bloody time, thought Domino's went to Hawaii

    • +4

      You are confusing pizza with our supreme leader..

  • +3

    My local is 15-20 min walk away so the preemptive exercise stops the COVID belly :)

    • +4

      You'd have to walk to Broken Hill to walk off a pizza… 😂😂😂.. !!

  • +1

    è ora di mangiare

  • Preordered one. Thanks.

  • It says not for this time of the day? Am I doing something wrong?

    • +5

      Offer is only for one day. 31st of August

  • +4

    I'm already warming up the air fryer :)

  • +1

    That's insane. Surely they must be losing money on each pizza.

    • My thoughts would be definitely on the value range, probably selling at cost for traditional and still profiting off premium. Domino's are relying on people to load up on sides, which (mostly non Ozbargainers) are more bound to do when they get a discount.

      Probably be for stats/data/marketing too. Whatever performance targets are at the top level

      • +2

        I'd say they'd still be profiting off all three… they're small af these days with little toppings (even fewer for cheap deals like this I reckon).

        • +1

          The Domino's AMA said net profits were only around 50c on a $5 value range after all expenses but drive as an almost loss leader to make people order sides

          And upon seeing almost half of their orders are full price they can certainly afford to have one that makes less.

    • +2

      Have you seen how small they are?

      • +1

        Yep, and also shit quality usually. I got 3 traditional for free last night (from Little Birdie codes) and they'd probably be the worst Domino's pizzas I've had for a while - super small and bland. They probably make them worse on purpose when they see that they've been ordered for free or cheap like this deal.

        • They probably make them worse on purpose when they see that they've been ordered for free or cheap like this deal.

          Btw they can't see they are free when they're making them… Some stores are better than others, my pizza I ordered yesterday was nice.
          Perhaps karma from being greedy with 3 codes?

          • @pennypincher98:

            Btw they can't see they are free when they're making them

            This comment suggests otherwise.

            Each pizza I got had a physical receipt with it showing $0.00

            • +3


              When they're making them

              In that comment, transaction had already taken place. Obviously they can see the price then and the store manager used it as a cheap excuse to get the customer off the phone (which they should get reprimanded for)
              Yes the receipt shows $0.00 but that's only after they've made it. The screen (which shows the orders) doesn't say "free pizza pls use less toppings"

              Same thing with Maccas. Your receipt says free/discounted but the display doesn't so unless you get served by the same person who makes the order they won't know

              • @pennypincher98: Maccas do know when they're making it.
                Their TV screens says *PROMO so all staff at all areas can tell.
                Also prints it on the packing receipt so the people picking your order know too.

                • @Webber000: Oh okay I stand corrected for Maccas then. Although sometimes they've left packing receipts on and I can't see where it says.

                • @Webber000: people working at maccas dont care but dominos pizza hut defo dodgy with free pizzas

  • +2

    Pathetic customer service response (not the fault of the person). When I received a poor order I complained and received a voucher for a free pizza and garlic bread. Entering that voucher for delivery, it told me there's a $22 minimum spend required. When they are literally letting you order pizzas for delivery for $15. Okay, I switched back to pick up. SAME THING. So, in conclusion, an apology voucher is going to cost me more from their minimum spend than just purchasing a pizza without a voucher. I'm glad this happened. I can finally stop buying Domino's. I'm done.

  • -1

    I'll pass. Hardly any toppings and therefore, only the bread (dough) will be eaten mostly. On the other hand, Crust Pizza is the monkey's nutz. Can't go wrong with this store. I'm speaking from experience (eating) of course. In this case, it's literally you get what you pay for. nuff said

  • is this a good deal? I can't tell because their website won't show me their normal prices without signing up.

    • +1

      Large value pizzas are normally $5, traditionals are $14-15, and premiums are $17+. Honestly a really good deal, better than the 50% offs or buy 3 for x if you like their pizza. The prices should be available on the domino's online ordering page with no sign up needed

      • +2

        Traditionals are normally $7.95* with any long running code
        Premium usually $10.90.
        If you're spending more than this hand in your OzB badge.

        That being said, this still provides a substantial discount on those prices.

    • nevermind doesn't work at my local store in NSW

  • I don't usually go to domino's, what's the best topping? I reckon I'll get a couple of supreme, and try new things with the rest.

  • +2

    None of the stores near me seem to be honouring the codes. Hmm

  • I notice that few of the pizzaz in premium range has been taken offline for this code "product not available". Will try again tomorrow.

  • +6

    Trying to pre-order, but the codes don't work for my local store :S

    Tried pre-ordering one in VIC, but also fails :S

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