Who Has Right of Way?

Today morning at school drop faced this situation. Who has right of way. Its Queensland.

Blue or Red.?
Blue is turning right from street to straight road and Red Turning right from straight road to street. (Blue car has limited visibility due to parked cars on left side. )

Obligatory ms paint.

Edit: this came up as a discussion with my friend when we were waiting at school. none of us in any of the cars. We saw blue car started making turn slowly,and red without stopping made a quick turn. This puzzled us started having decent discussion.

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  • +1


  • +1


    You must give way if:

    you're moving onto a road from a driveway or land next to a road
    you're turning right across the path of an oncoming vehicle at an intersection

    • Does this apply if you're turning left out of your drive way and oncoming traffic are crossing over into your lane (going opposite direction) to avoid a parked car?

      • +3

        Pretty unlikely scenario there (I think there would have to be a no stopping zone where the parked car is) but yes, you would need to give way. Basically, you're required to give way if leaving private property to cars already on the road.

  • +12

    Blue must give way to red.

    I'm a bit concerned that you even need to ask this question!

    • just clearing up my confusion. just had a discussion with friend and he says blue has right of way, some weird explanation.

      • +1

        In the diagram, the red car would usually be waiting in a slightly more forward position so that, in most cases, the blue car is "blocked" and forced to wait until the red car moves.

        • Here was the confusion, red didn't wait at all, where as blue was waiting for the ongoing traffic to clear. Red made a quick turn.( none of us in any of the cars, we were just waiting at school gate and observed this).

          • +3


            Red made a quick turn

            If the red car is coming in for a turn and they can see that there's no oncoming traffic, they can indeed just make a quick turn 🤣

      • +4

        just had a discussion with friend

        Don't listen to your friend anymore …

      • +3

        Your friend should hand in their licence.

        You need to give way if:

        • the rules say that you must
        • there's a give way or stop sign
        • there are stop or give way lines on the road
        • you're turning right across the path of an oncoming vehicle at an intersection
        • you're turning left or right at a T-intersection
        • you're moving onto a road from a driveway or land next to a road
        • you're moving off from being stopped on the side of the road
        • you're doing a U-turn
        • you're turning left at an intersection with a 'left turn on red after stopping' sign.


      • You should ask your friend to go back to driving lessons. Ask your friend when he gets onto the middle road, wouldn't then Red would be on his right side and we must give way to the right in Australia?

      • +1

        Please ask them to redo their theory test as these are the type of people that will drive the wrong way in a divided road cause they need to get to a driveway they wouldn't be able to from the other side of the divider. Or they overshoot an exit and reverse on a 3 lane motorway.

  • If you are unsighted by parked cars - when red makes their turn, blue should also turn LEFT (knowing that there is no oncoming traffic for red), and then chuck a quick U-turn if clear.

    • …when red makes their turn, blue should also turn LEFT (knowing that there is no oncoming traffic for red)

      It's really not a good idea to rely on someone else's judgement, especially when they're going to be only momentarily crossing other vehicles' path (which requires less time) and you're not. It becomes even more dangerous when there's multiple lanes.

  • +1

    Yeesuz, do you have a driver license ? o.O

    Of course Blue car has the right of way. /s

  • From the image it appears as though Blue would be momentarily traveling in the opposite direction to traffic.

  • +2

    Anyone that answers blue or are even unsure, should be permanently disqualified from driving.

    OP, please hand in your drivers license.

    • +1

      I just updated post with what's happening. We were not in the cars mate. 🙂

  • +4

    The person on the continuing road has right of way, the person coming up to a T junction does not.

  • +5

    Neither car has “right of way”…

    Blue has obligation to “give way”… (Qld Road Rule 73 in case anyone wanted to know. (Or RR 74 if it was from the school’s driveway.))

    • Thanks for informative reply rather than, 'hand in your licence'.

  • +3

    a professional instructor said there is no such thing as right of way, you only proceed when safe to do so.

    • -4

      Uh, yes there is, it's the requirement to "give way" to determine who is allowed to proceed in situations like this post. It would rarely be safe to proceed in situations like this post (or a roundabout) if there was no defined requirement to give way to traffic.

      The yanks call it right of way, we call it give way.

    • -2

      a professional instructor said there is no such thing as right of way

      Was this the Kama Sutra Instructor you posted about last time ???

  • -1

    Who Has Right of Way?


    This is either a troll post or you should never get a driver's license

  • +2

    I’ll say it again: There is no such thing as ‘right of way’ in the traffic rules. The rules are all written in the context of who gives way.

    In this case, the blue car gives way to all cars on the straight through road. The red car gives way to all cars travelling along the straight road, ie any car the red car needs to turn across the path of. The blue car gives way to the red car.

    Please change the poll to reflect who gives way.

  • That was an easy one.

  • +1

    Show us the real intersection via google maps link. Your picture may be missing subtle things - exact road positions, line markings, signs/lights.

  • OP has the answer they were after and have asked for the thread to be locked.

    Comments closed.

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