This was posted 3 years 6 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Breville The Barista Pro Espresso Coffee Machine - Black Truffle $721.65 Free C&C/ + Delivery @ Harvey Norman


Please do the world a favour and do not purchase this from Harvey Norman but get a price match at JB Hifi, The Good Guys, Bing Lee or anywhere else.

Includes bonus gift pack through redemption
BONUS Gift Pack valued at $196
• 1x Breville Knock Box™ Mini in Black Truffle
• 1 Month of Veneziano Crave Blend Coffee Beans
• Voucher to redeem 1x Veneziano Online MasterDemo)

Breville The Barista Pro Espresso Coffee Machine - Stainless Steel

Related Stores

Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +80
    • for the call out not to buy from Harvey Norman
    • +27

      Boycott Harvey Norman until they hand back Job Keeper, because job keeper is our money, taxpayers money! Until then, JB and Appliances Online are getting ALL my business!

      • Aren't Harvey Norman stores franchised? Gerry is just sitting on his ivory tower collecting money while the franchisees are the ones suffering.

        • hed be much safer inside

        • +1

          Its all centrally owned and listed on ASX. They "franchise" it off to their own employees to get around not paying them superannuation. This is the sort of business model dreamt up by accountants of a certain race and is a massive super loophole that the government dont really know about.

          • @Fuzor: Didn’t know this. What a scum rat.

        • You cannot buy Harvey Norman franchises. You are promoted as a franchisees after working as a store manager for several years with a proven record and refer to by other franchisee.

          What Harvey give he can take back. Or move the franchisee to another store.

          • +1

            @beefmaster: Understood. Even more reason to avoid his stores like that plague now.

    • Not sure I agree with this. A lot / all? Of the stores are independent franchises.

      • From what I read the majority of the job keeper was kept by the franchisees, but that doesn't mean head office didn't keep theirs either…

  • +36

    I reckon HARVEY NORMAN deals should be banned until he pays back JOB KEEPER.

    • Jerry wont care. He's already got more money from you as a taxpayer upfront automatically than he would have got from you by slowly selling you stuff. That guy is the true ultimate Capitalist.

      Don't think for a moment your single decision is going to affect his bottom line. We are the sucker plebs. This guy has a massive chain in a capialist society. The only possible direction is him getting richer and you poorer, not the other way around lol.

  • What is the added benefits of the pro vs express (sorry not a coffee drinking, getting for my wife)

    • +5

      Biggest things are Pro heats up a lot faster. Pro's grinder has more options. Express has a pressure gauge.

      I got the pro and love it.

      • Had the express for a few years… I find the pressure gauge useless!

    • +4

      Better grinder, digital display instead of pressure guage (I would prefer the display as it has integrated shot timer). The heating time is slightly faster but it does not matter, both heat up by the time you grind the beans. I have the express, I would pick up the pro if I had a second chance.

    • For the general questions

      - Built-in grinder (can be a con)
      - Digital Screen
      - Lots of spare parts in the future
      - Fast heat-up time

      - Built-in grinder isn't the best solution for coffee. Suggest you don't store beans in there.
      - No pressure gauge
      - Single boiler/ thermoblock = inconsistent heat. Beville BES920 has dual boilers (better for milk steaming)

    • +1

      Also no one seems to be mentioning the stronger steaming wand on the Pro, 4 holes vs 2 holes on the Express.
      I would buy the Pro for that single feature alone.

      • I was actually trying to help with that YouTube link… haha

  • -1

    Where is that code came from?

    • It was on the site 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • +2

    FFS, I bought it like a week ago for 840. It's a great machine that have everything you need. My gf is a barista and she reckons it's best value for money machine.

    • +4

      Express is better value, like the $500 deal the other day…. Otherwise it pays to get the dual boiler model if you're going to spend more

      • +4

        Express is quite slow and old by now. It's not a bad machine, but the features in this one just made it for me. Especially the grinder and milk steaming feels so much more powerful. Had Express in the he past and I'd pay more to get the pro, which I did. Especially for 720. Good deal.

        • How about the pressure gauge?

          I've been researching and apparently the pro doesn't have one, vs. the Express having one

          • @AL008: Yeah it doesn't have it. Never paid attention to it on the express so didn't need it here. I don't drink espresso though so not sure if that helps.

          • +3

            @AL008: Pressure gauge is useless for calculating good extraction. Should start with weight of beans in, weight of coffee out, and time of extraction.

            • @WillisAU: ….or go full coffee geek and get a refractometer like this (not a VST but still does a good job).

          • +1

            @AL008: Timer is better and easier to dial in the grind. Better again is weighing coffee and water in and out (but I find the timer gets a good enough shot for me)

        • +1

          Here's a well informed and experienced coffee nerd (no offence intended) giving his views on which one is better value.

          • @WillisAU: Why can't he show his face? Does he also happen to be a denist?

        • Express is the only machine I've ever had but the steam wand seems really weak to me.

        • +1

          Review I read online said both machines need 15-20 mins for all the parts to warm up correctly anyway. That's probably for a slightly better extraction though.

          Milk steamer takes 45s for the little jug of milk vs 60s with the express… Grind settings are more granular on the pro, but whether a few extra features is worth a couple extra hundred is up to the end user.

  • -4

    Can't use code on Oracle touch.

    • +2

      Oracle touch isn’t listed in the deal…

  • Sorry if I missed something, but why there's a strong opinion on HN?

    • +4

      Refer to the comments on Jobkeeper.

      • +5

        And his campaigning the LNP government to add the 10% overseas tax in order to make the awful prices at HN seem competitive.

        • +1

          Thanks that makes sense. Won't be supporting Gerry from now on.

        • +7

          To be fair, as much as we all hated it, the GST thing was a fair call, overseas businesses did have a leg up on local businesses as they didn't need to pay the same GST all the local ones did.

          Jobkeeper is bad though, they should be paying that back, along with ANY business who made profits from jobkeeper when their revenue actually went up. Small and medium sized businesses seem to get a pass from most people… But it's frustrating watching your tax dollars pay for someone's new boat or whatever. I know quite a few small businesses that made absolute bank out of the jobkeeper scheme.

          • @Binchicken22: Agreed. As much as I want to get the cheapest deal there is. I don't wanna see local businesses suffer either. Fair call!

  • +1

    +1 for the description alone

  • +1

    Is there a machine that does everything for you including the frothing etc etc and still makes a decent cup of coffee?

    I'm not really into spending the time making the coffee etc..would rather the whole process be automated!

    • +3

      They're called baristas

      • With the cost of labour these days…buying a $10k machine would be cheaper in the long run!

    • +1

      Yes there is the Oracle Touch where there is automation at every stage

      • You still have to adjust the grinder (grind size and dose) and from my experience that's where most of my friends are failing.

    • Breville Bambino plus has an auto milk frother

  • +1

    Bought this machine back in May for 650 from TGG. Highly rate it. Very easy to use and dial in after a few days of research and experimenting. Can't imagine mornings without it

    • wow that seems an amazing deal for the Pro! How did you get it for that price?

      • Was during or right after an after dark sale and there was a store credit promo which they just deducted off the sale instead. Have bought many products from my local TGG so that might have helped..

        • that was lucky they took it off at point of sale….it is meant to be used for a future purchase isn't it?

  • Can you extract coffee and froth milk at the same time?

    • +3

      Nope. Dual boiler can.

      • Cheers

    • +2

      I wouldn't too hang up on the ability to brew and froth at the same time.

      Unless you regularly make milk based coffee drinks back to back to benefit from the time savings, for one drink you can easily adapt your workflow to optimise time making coffee.

      Don't get me wrong, the Dual Boiler is a more capable machine, but I wouldn't buy it just because I want to froth milk while the coffee is brewing.

      • Good point - I make 2-3 coffees daily. It will only save about 30 ish seconds .

        Weighing this vs The Oracle (for convenience / consistency)

        • Weighing this vs The Oracle (for convenience / consistency)

          Ballin, given the cheapest Oracle is more than three times the price and how casual that line seems.

          (I mean, it sounds like "Been considering that Chromebook, but MBP is better" - different shelves. You buy what suits you the most!_

        • +3

          Yes, I have the Dual Boiler and never brew and froth at the same time as it's not very practical during the 30 seconds of extraction.

          I think the real advantage of having one boiler for brewing and one for steam is different and better temperature control, steam is hotter and more powerful as a result, the coffee is brewed at about 95 degrees

          • @JTTheMan: Good point ideal brewing temp is different to steaming

  • Would definitely get the Pro if not already have the Touch.

    $722 is a very good price, especially with the bonus knock box and 3kg of freshly roasted coffee beans (250g x 12). Effectively bringing the price below $600.

  • How does the grinder on this compare to the standalone smart grinder. Would the pro ne a significsny step above the bambino plus and separate grinder at around $570.

    • +1

      This has less notches but its definitely enough for most beans.

  • Bought one from Bing Lee eBay AP deal at the same price. Looking forward to my first espresso machine.

    • +1


    • Hey, do you know if the Ebay Bing Lee offer is entitled to the knock box / beans promo? I can't find any information saying it is.

      • Bing Lee is listed as one of the participating retail stores. So I assume its eBay store counts as well. Hope I'm right.

  • +1 for the description. (profanity) Gerry Harvey.
    Works for the dual boiler + smart grinder too, brings it down to $1359, price match at the good guys with 5% off gift cards through Suncorp and I'm looking at $1309…with the 3 months of coffee + other bonuses. Decent for covid times.

  • can price match at appliance online.. likely get free shipping also

    • +1

      They wouldn't price match with free shipping for me, they included HN shipping fee ($20) in the price match.

  • Anyone know what these are going for on TGG Commercial? We're waiting for our login details but don't want to miss out if this is cheaper!

    • +1

      $881 as at today. Available in 3 colorways.

  • +1

    Brought one from JBHIFI, thanks. Free shipping too.
    Also (profanity) Jerry.

    • When i looked at JB this morning they had pickup only, too bulky to ship… Noting that amazon offers free delivery on it

      • I called up the price match number who eventually told me they had none in stock.
        I then checked stock levels on the JB website and called the specific store which had stock. Price matched to $721 with free delivery in checkout despite the website stating $6.95 delivery.

  • I'm assuming everybody had to to in store to get it price matched? Did anybody have any issues with the fact that it's a promo code?

    • +1

      No issues with the promo code. Rang my local good guys store and they price matched. After spending 45 minutes on hold to the general 1300 number they could only knock $20 off their price.

  • Has anyone tried this with Airjo Colombian Beans ?

    Trying to get the right grind size…

    • I have the Barista Touch with the Sumatra beans and use grind size 10 if that helps. Don't worry about getting the pour to start at 8 seconds as per the manual-it's impossible in my experience.

  • Would this or the Sunbeam EM7100 be a better option?

  • +1

    Awesome! Just got one!
    With cashback dollars from ShopBack too! 7% vouchers!

    • Which retailer did you go?

      • +1

        Harvey Norman.
        Use Harvey Norman giftcarda

  • I never understand why people buy from Harvey Norman. They are expensive when no promotion. I get better price from other retailers than Harvey Norman staff price.

    They are great for window shopping. I avoid their sales staff as they can get aggressive with selling.

  • The Extra15 isnt being added in cart for me… anyone else experiencing this?

    • It finished at midnight

  • Damn just missed out on this price! Have been hanging out for the Barista Pro

    • +1

      I just called my local TGG store and they happily priced match the discounted price.

      • Thanks will give it a shot tomorrow

      • Unfortunately they wouldn't price match without proof of the discount

  • Gotta be marked as EXPIRED

  • +1

    got both of mine for $699.00 one home one work..cant have too much coffee, EOFY sales from myer..

    • Now ur showing off haha

  • Lol HN Gordon is not open for click and collect on the weekend despite the website saying it was doing click and collect. What a rubbish company. Wouldn't have bought from them if I could price match TGG at 10pm last night.

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