Dentist Agreed to 50% Refund, 3 Days Later, Still Waiting. What to Do?

This is a part of a long story I haven't posted (yet) but I'll try to keep short.

The dentist agreed to a 50% refund on a nightguard that does not fit. I gave the receptionist my bank account details on Tues 17/8 at lunchtime and was told I would get the refund soon or ASAP (can't remember exactly but no actual date was mentioned). Checked my bank account every day and as at today Friday 20/8 9.30am, still no refund.

Should I ring at lunchtime today to chase it up after I get some work done?

Or should I leave it until next Tues as the dentist is closed Sat-Mon?

I paid by credit card but they wanted to refund into my bank account. My bank has Osko but I don't know if his bank does or which bank it is.

Thanks for reading.
P.S. The refund is for $275.
P.P.S Finally received the refund on 26/8/21!


  • +13

    Ring them. Today.

    Knowing what's going on will probably stop you from going insane thinking about it over the next few days.

  • +2

    Agree ring today. If you don't see a refund soon you could also try a chargeback with your credit card bank.

  • Thanks, guys. I feel like I've been mucked around a lot already with this saga.

  • +3

    The dentist agreed to a 50% refund on a nightguard that does not fit.

    Why only 50% refund?

    • Exactly. Part of the long story I haven't posted yet :-( but I felt 50% was better than nothing.

      • +3

        If the dental work wasn't done correctly to your satisfaction, why would you not be entitled to a full refund?

        • Because he has the expense of paying the lab to make the nightguard plus the appt to take the impression of my teeth and then the return appt to make sure the fit is right and the bite. He got it on me in the surgery but I cannot get it on at home despite trying numerous times. But why those expenses can't be written off on his tax I don't know.

          • @tulip99: That sounds dodgy. If the lab didnt make the nightguard correctly, then they or the dentist should be covering the cost, not you.

            Medibank has free mouthguards on their extras btw, at their choice providers. I got mine for free.

  • +4

    Maybe even send them an email so you have something in writing.

  • +3

    Should have got them to refund back into the credit card. No excuse for them not being able to do it on the spot.

  • +3


  • +1

    send them an email asking them to confirm when it's expected to arrive into your account. If it's later, then call up.

    Sometimes things take a few days.

  • +2

    If you don't receive a refund from them, initiate a chargeback from the bank due to incorrect product received.

    Edit: Call them up and wait a week first

  • Thanks, everyone. I didn't have my bank account details with me on the Friday when I asked for a refund, and when I got home after the appt and doing some shopping, they were closed. So I rang Tues with my bank account details. I thought I was originally going to get a 100% refund but on Tues it changed to a 50% refund which I wasn't happy about but thought $275 was better than 0.

    I realise the dentist has to pay the lab for the guard (I've been wearing them for at least 3 years and this is a new to me dentist as I feel I got ripped off by my previous dentist on the last one which is why I didn't go back there for a new one) but I don't think 50% is fair on me either. I'll update re the refund.

  • UPDATE: Just checked bank account now at 12.30pm, no refund, so I rang up and spoke to another receptionist who said she'd look into it and get back to me today or Tuesday. Grr.

    • Why not Monday?

      • +1

        OP mentioned they’re closed on Monday’s.

    • +1

      On Monday go to your bank and ask for a chargeback. Whether it cost them money to make it is not your problem, if you can't use the product and it is useless to you it is their screwup not yours.

      • Thanks :-)

  • +1


    No refund yet at 3.29pm Fri, and no return phone call update from dentist.

  • +1

    Being a dentist, he is obviously struggling financially…NOT.

  • +1

    Just be careful that they haven't already started the refund and that it's not already processing. If you did raise a case/dispute and then receive a refund, it may be more work for you.

    • +1

      Thanks. Just checked my bank account Sunday morning and no refund, not that I expected it to plop in over the weekend. The receptionist said she'd get back to me Fri (she didn't) or Tues so I'll wait until 4.30pm Tues and if I haven't heard, ring them again for an update. They close at 5pm.

      • +1

        Hope you get the refund back soon..

        • Thanks. No refund this morning (Mon, 9.44am). I'll update after I speak to them on the phone tomorrow, even if I have to ring them at 4.30pm.


    I just rang the dentist and spoke to the first receptionist I've mostly been dealing with, and she asked if it had gone through and I said no I haven't received it and she said she'd write another note for the dentist.

    She said to check if I receive it tomorrow.

    They didn't get back to me re my phone call to them on Friday like the 2nd receptionist said they would.

    It's been one week since I gave them my bank account details.

  • +4

    Dentist Agreed to 50% Refund, 3 Days Later, Still Waiting

    Getting money back from a dentist is like pulling teeth…

    • Ha ha :-)

    • +1

      LOL its not that easy

  • +3

    FINAL UPDATE: I received the 50% refund this afternoon!!!!

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