Subway Weekly Deal:
Purchase ANY Subway 6" an get a free upgrade to Foot Long!
Includes all the premium subs etc.. So it's a great deal!
Terms: Print out the deal, or show them on your phone in-store. 1 Per customer.
Subway Weekly Deal:
Purchase ANY Subway 6" an get a free upgrade to Foot Long!
Includes all the premium subs etc.. So it's a great deal!
Terms: Print out the deal, or show them on your phone in-store. 1 Per customer.
You probably shouldn't say his name if you're not sure he wants it shared :P
Who's that, Dylan you mean?
his full name :p
Really doesn't bother me aha ;)
heh its been removed anyways :p
Now this is a deal! I never buy drinks with my order so 90% of the other subway coupons aren't good value for me
Is there a way to find out the list of participating stores???
Been wondering the same thing.
Hope my local accepts it. The things I do to save $1.55. :)
This same offer is sent to me on my mobile number today morning, with link to this voucher.
Just to let you know letters at the bottom of the voucher(UMQJGK in this case)is unique for everyone. My voucher has different one. Not sure it will make any difference.
That's ok. If they ask, my name is Dylan. :)
I'd be impressed if the cashier can read the tiny letters and has to the time to do so. More likely they will not be a participating store, that's my usual luck. :(
Identify theft. Bloody OZBargainers ;)
Worked fine thanks OP. Manager, who recognises me, said it was the first time he saw it but he would give me the deal.
Gotta love these subway weekly deals.
Its great get a cheap and semi healthy feed! :)
a) How do you find out if a particular store accepts this offer.
b) You have to be a Eat Fresh Member to avail.
(a) As Subway are a franchise, head office cannot force a franchisee to accept the offer. It is up to each individual store and some do not, as have been mentioned in other subway deals before on this site. If you want to be tricky, order the footlong, go to pay with the voucher and if they say no, tell them to keep their sub and walk out the door.
(b) Technically yes, but it depends on the person serving you how much they care I guess. Most just verify the offer. I've never had someone scan my offer or put the individual code in the computer before.
"As Subway are a franchise, head office cannot force a franchisee to accept the offer"
It would be very easy to put in the franchising contract that all promotional events must be participated in.
As with MacDonalds.
Nothing to do with being a franchise or not specifically, just different companies have different arrangements. Non franchises may still have store specific deals too.
Actually, I believe there is a legal reason why the franchise agreements don't have these kind of clauses. Not being a franchise lawyer, however, I can't say for certain.
it mentions for club members only???do i just need to print this out and throw it at the cashier chick?
Yes but I wouldn't advice throwing it at the cashier dude.
Throwing it at a cashier chick is okay though.
Violence against dudes - Australia says no.
Me and a mate had our printouts accepted at the Subway on Exhibition St in Melbourne. :)
Our local store entered the unique code # on my last members coupon (which this is).
I never show the coupon until the payment stage.
I just sent this to Subway as a complaint:
I am appalled from the service in XXX Westfield’s Subway. Today during lunch time I ordered a steak and cheese sub and I tried to use the free upgrade subway voucher that I received from the subway eat fresh club this morning via sms, However, the owner of the franchise (the guy that is always on the cash) refused to accept it claiming that their branch don’t accept vouchers. I answered back this is not true as I have used a voucher just a couple of weeks ago from eat fresh website and he himself accepted it. He denied and said he has never accepted any voucher anytime and it would have been someone else on the cash which is a big lie.
It’s a shame that he did that cause I live and work in XXX, I buy a sub from there at least once per week. So because he wanted to make $3 more he had to lie and claim he never accepted an eat fresh club voucher.
And shame on your eat fresh club when you list the Westfield’s branch in your eat fresh club if they are not part of the club as per the claims of the guy.
In a nutshell that’s very poor customer service and yes you might have made a few dollars from my lunch today but you have lost me as a costumer.
So you ended up paying for the whole sub because they didn't accept the voucher? You should of just walked out.
Its fine if they dont accept vouchers, just don't lie to coustmers.
If folks don't "walk out" (& maybe complain to Consumer affairs), they are -rewarded- (in this case, by you paying -full- price… after you left, they may call that -fool- price…)
Find ways -not- to lose your voucher before it's time to pay; help (& -fully- expect) them to do the right thing with these things, so their local owner doesn't -refuse- to accept them next time.
my 2.2 cents towards Practical Wisdom… ;-)
which subway store was this ?
I would have walked and got lunch somewhere else. Very poor service on Subway's part.
Did you ask if he will accept the voucher before ordering?
No I did't cause the same guy accepeted a voucher 2 weeks ago.
This voucher wasn't around 2 weeks ago. You should have asked again.
I said "a voucher" not this voucher. The voucher I used 2 weeks ago was a different one from th eat fresh club. The voucher in this post is new I only got the sms this morning.
Complain on their Facebook page. That sometimes gets some attention.
Am not annoyed cause they rejected the voucher, am annoyed of the cash guy bullshit. and I feel bad cause I have been buying from those douchbags for over than 4 yrs.
However why do you neg this deal? the owner of that franchisee is an asshole, doesnt mean this promotion deal is fake.
Well it does alert us that Subway hasn't gotten their act together and sent out a memo about the vouchers to the stores, or there are stores that didn't read the memo.
Either way it's pretty poor form to not accept vouchers. I mean sheesh, its not as if Subway have vouchers every single week so not as if they have to have loss leaders every week.
they have had vouchers for a last few weeks now, but the voucher changes every week.
apart from the free sub with drink purchase which may be a loss leader. The others would definitely not be. Plus most city stores jack up their pices anyways!
'you have lost me as a costumer'.
My local Fairfield Neeta City Subway is pretty shifty too.
If you buy with a coupon, he'll sit there watching you while you eat.
Get a group of people to buy with coupons then sit all over the lunch area so that he will be totally occupied watching all of you and neglect his business. :)
Such a pity they have lost a 'costumer' :P
Subway right near Mascot station only accept print out vouchers. I went there with my phone and showed them the voucher but the cashier said they only take print outs. And it looked like they actually checked vouchers since he had a container full what might of been verified receipts.
They checked the name on my voucher matches the name on my drivers licence. If in doubt, don't use the voucher in the link above. Instead join the Subway Eat Fresh club and then you will get your own personalised vouchers.
Subway King St Sydney CBD no problems
Worked in Subway Adelaide Terrace Perth.
But had to interpret the coupon to the girl who was adamant that I had to buy a footlong to upgrade to a 6 inch.
Oh dear.
Indeed a shame, the young have never heard of the imperial units. :)
Or a 6 inch in her hand it seems.
Shes probably never seen a 6-incher….yet!
Challenge Accepted.
Probably couldn't read / write English. It's a shame what's happening to this once great country.
Exhibit A: You.
like i said maybe throw the voucher at the Girl "edit" bloke.
Probably looked like a dude. It's a shame what's happening to this once great country.
Good news: they honoured my voucher. Bad news: paid $7.50 for a 6 inch chicken teriyaki. Who the F&&& pays that much for a regular sandwich sized sub at retail prices?
Basically on sale, 1 ft subs are now aroun the $7 mark.
I'm not complaining at $7.50.
Just to let everyone know, you can sign up for the subway eat fresh club and print out the voucher immediately on the website, you can even use an incorrect email address and still print out the voucher without verifying it. Just make sure you use your correct name because it will be printed on the voucher.
So if I call myself Dick Wittington, a Subway employer would actually recognise that I'm referring to a fictional character? What about if I use John Lennon? George Bush?
I'm wondering how far a Subway employee's education goes.
OMG, don't expect much, it's only a job that pays a pittance.
The user "matt_will_fix_it" above said that they actually asked to check his drivers license to see if it was really him, so I would use my actual name just in case they do check it.
Thanks videoman. This did the trick for me. Also, I got another voucher that says "Buy a 600 ml coke or water and get a free six inch sub". I can activate it anytime but have to use it within 24 hrs once activated.
Used it tonight in Corrimal. Never have any dramas with them accepting vouchers.
I used a 'Free Subway Six Inch Sub with the purchase of a 600ml Coke or water' coupon at the High St Preston store today but was told by the staff that only the Coke was free and I had to pay for the Sub. Needless to say, I was perplexed so he checked with the manager and came back with the same answer. I ended up paying for the Sub but in hindsight I should of just walked out.
lol you should have asked them if they knew how to read and then get them to read the coupon out for you.
I have to say Subway Richmond is great. They always accept vouchers and let me replace any of the voucher drinks for Mother =]
has anyone used this voucher more than once?
I've been to around 4-5 subways and this has worked at all of them!
I've just shown them on my phone. Couldn't get the premium sub using this though…
Dylan - the link has ur name in it (in case you didnt want to share it…)