More deals from First Choice.
As the weather gets warmer enjoy a refreshing Moscato moment with a delicious Italian wine style that is naturally only 5% alc.
More deals from First Choice.
As the weather gets warmer enjoy a refreshing Moscato moment with a delicious Italian wine style that is naturally only 5% alc.
Well that was a rollercoaster!
It is only allowing maximum 2 packs for pickup WA.
Out of stock for delivery, but not if you do click and collect. I can order 6, but my nearest is 10km away and Aunty Gladdy says no.
She’s lookin out for your liver
Picked up a couple of packs, thanks OP!
also combine with 10%cashback on cashrewards
Thanks OP, ordered 10 packs to collect 2000 FB points
Limit of 5 here, so couldn't even get it at the 6 pack rate of $4.75..
No where's the ozbargain sprit in that bthen….
Marne up for it with cashreward 10%
And a 2% Back in crypto coins…
Really? I added 10 packs to cart and I still can checkout
Qld said limit 60 packs 😂
I wish, jellyfiah
They SMSd me to then tell m the only have 3 in stock.
Crypto how?
My crypto account gets me a lot of kick backs.
So far the level I am at I get only 2% back on most spends (they don’t include things such as mortgage repayments and utilities, but most others)
I’m about to lock in the next level which pushes it to 3% back in crypto coins, along with 100% back on Netflix and also free airport lounges.
I can also lock in , like with term deposits, for at least 6% returns.
Great system really as when the coin dips in value I get more coins p-e $ spend , and when it moons I often sell of some and then rebut when it dips again.
Overall though I’m HODLing some of the safe coins on their portal (such as Bitcoin and Etherium) and slowly building my wealth.
Also, I find it more fun than any app game, or pokie machine (and better payouts,lol).
I just had some fun with a coin based around making it easier for musicians to sell their music.
I bought $250 of their coins when it wad still dipped, but climbing, and then sold off $100 of them when they doubled in value. (Holding into some of these coins though, as they seem like a low risk)..
There’s some great advances in crypto mining nowadays… if I want to buy or sell I just simply do that though an app, and hey presto¡
@FredAstair: I ordered the plastic blue card numerous months ago, never arrived.
Does the 2% back work on online spending as well, any cap? (I have HSBC 2% back But only for swiping in-person capped on $100 transactions)
@capslock janitor: Yes. For some reasons they have problems with sending cards atm.
I have the Ruby one and it took 1 month to arrive.
I kept pestering them regarding approval which probably helped.
“Squeaky wheel gets the most oil”.
The 2% on both online and tap and go purchases.
I have the HSBC one too.
I used to use this for purchases under $100 to get the 2% back, but now I use the crypto card instead tbh.
I know there’s a cap limit per card tier.
Not sure off hand as I just use the card for transactions that I’d normally get and I’ve never reached the limit yet.
I’ve heard of people buying cars with the card and getting the percentage back in coins, so it must be quite liberal.
Hoping to get the Green card tier by November so to use the free airport lounge access when travelling for xmas.
@FredAstair: I'm keen to aboard again then and hound them.
Do you mind DMing me and turning on your Conversations?
As it's getting a bit OT - Would like to discuss some more!
Is this nice to drink?
If lolliwater. Moscato is sweet, Italian Moscato is even sweeter. But its $5, so nothing to lose!
Yeah… I don’t really drink moscato… but I guess one pack wouldn’t hurt to try at this price. Thanks
But does it mix well with the Pffffiiiiiizer darling like these Spritzer????
Bondi Spritz…
Brighton Spritz…
Noosa Spritz…
Thanks OP. Ordered 10 packs + 2000 Flybuys points+ 10% Cashback. >> $35.45 all up
This is the way.
Just got a call cancelling my order from Concord NSW as they didn't have stock
And also can't order it from North Rocks NSW. Fails on last step of checkout
None in QLD :(
I think it was a pricing error. I was checking out at 2 for $10 then charge to card was $40 - $5 per can. Then item can't be found on the site.
Got 6 packs paid for delivery, bargain.
Yuck no thanks
Not really naturally 5%, it's spritzed. Damn…talk about nit-picking, I need to get out more. We all do!
But don't.