While waiting for a jab at rpa, I saw someone starts doing a high knee walk on the spot.
It doesn't disturb others I think, it wasn't excessively vigorous exercise.
But I wonder what you think about it?
While waiting for a jab at rpa, I saw someone starts doing a high knee walk on the spot.
It doesn't disturb others I think, it wasn't excessively vigorous exercise.
But I wonder what you think about it?
As long as your skipping rope isn't smacking me in the back of my head, knock yourself out.
It's the dropped dead lift bar and weights that worry me.
@DashCam AKA Rolts: I would tell them to stop, it's not good for your health to exercise right before or after a vaccination.
But in any other scenario, I wouldn't care. If anything, I think it's a good thing. Might join them.
But yeah, don't do cardio and/or weights before your jab. It increases your risk of side-effects.
@Kangal: My gp has advised the opposite of this, and said that exercise prior and following is more likely to reduce side effects
@buckster: Yeah, it's not true though.
Cardio in particularly allows your body to move at a higher metabolic rate. You're essentially moving blood and other factors to further reaches of your body at faster rates. It's why they say to not get "excited" in case of a snake bite.
Exercise is great for priming your body, not just your immune system. It's a form of vaccine in a roundabout way. Most of the covid deaths happen in individuals who are not fit.
However, the key thing to realise is how the AZ/P vaccines work. They're mRNA based, and work by having human cells be infected with the genetic markers of the virus. Followed by the white blood cells recognising the foreign body. Then attacking it, and keeping the antigens in memory cells.
Now, they usually give the jab on the shoulder muscle. It is relatively safe there. If your body has complications, the danger could be to that organ (deltoid). Now, if you happen to have exercised briefly before or briefly after, this will send the genetic markers to other sites in your body. One large risk is your heart muscles, as humans cannot re-grow these cells, and that's what we have been seeing with the Pfizer shot. And in the case of the AstraZeneca, we're seeing complications in blood vessels leading to clot formation.
If you're thinking, but I want to ensure my white blood cells get to the vaccine, do not worry. They're usually good at this, and have special pathways through the lymphatic. And if you think, I just want to give my immunity a boost to this antigen, well again it is not recommended by doctors. That is what your second/third booster shots are for. They do not need your help finding the antigens. Although one thing should be mentioned, that doing exercise doesn't affect side-effect risk as much in the booster shots as it does in your primary shot. Now, I don't know how much the increase in risk is, but it's certainly there.
This is the training I've received, and I know it to be true. It makes sense from a physiological perspective. On top of this, we have had to turn away patients who did strenuous exercise before a vaccination, and had them rest and come back an hour later. But again, this isn't a knock back on exercise: you Should do exercise and being healthy will have massive benefits, incorporate that into your lifestyle, just know the risks I've stated above.
@Nereosis: What @Kangal says about how mRNA vaccines work isn't right either.
They contain the instructions to make the coronavirus antigens (in this case, the spike proteins), safely wrapped so that it can get into human cells to instruct those cells to produce the antigens.
AZ's end result is similar in that it aims to have the person's own cells make the antigens for the immune system to recognise, except in AZ's case, it's wrapped in an chimpanzee adenovirus that's otherwise been made harmless.
Neither vaccines "work by having human cells be infected with the genetic markers of the virus."
@lint: Honestly that whole thing had misinormation in it beyond what you pointed out.
the vaccines don't have genetic markers, genetic markers are recognisable DNA sequences in chromosomes. the vaccines do not have any viral DNA in them merely as you said the instructions for making the protein thus no genetic markers
There's also no evidence to suggest exercising before or after a vaccine reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine or exacerbates side effects, though inconclusive, there's been research that suggests moderate and light exercise could be beneficial.
I will say my personal opinion is that heavy weight training could be bad 24 hours before and a few days after the vaccine. Not because it will cause adverse effects for the vaccine but because due to your body being essentially pre occupied making antibodies it would delay healing your muscles after the workout
The reason it gets injected into the deltoid is because it is like a natural deposit the vaccine will linger in the deltoid for days constantly being absorbed into the bloodstream. Given it takes about 1 minute for blood to circulate to your heart and back you cannot prevent the vaccine reaching every part of your body.
@DashCam AKA Rolts: Nah I find the people who drop there dumbells and make so much noise at the end of the rep annoying
As long as your skipping rope isn't smacking me in the back of my head, knock yourself out.
Don't mess with Hybroid or they will be the ones knocking you out. :P
knock yourself out.
Are they skipping or shadow boxing?
I'm not sure why you are asking the question?
Yep this exactly.
Could causing A disturbance in the just be happy Force.
Just be happy.
…… and don't worry.
🎼About a thing🎵
Cause every little thing…
A bit odd but if it's not annoying others in line then it's fine I guess
I would join them
I wouldn't say anything, I would just post to OzBargain.
I'd mind my own business.
not sure why the engs
I don't know either. Maybe ozbargain is not good.
why didn't you pull out your mobile phone and play the rocky theme song and cheer him on
then you start shadowboxing
Guarantee some douche bag will film the person doing it and upload to tiktok
I would mind my own business
My bad the day I saw a respectable gentleman standing in front of a bus yelling obscenities and holding it up for a few mins for not videoing it and posting it on OZB .
Hope you at least offered to hold it up for him as well?
I give up with my words seriously !
Were they wearing a face mask?
Nah, that’s surely strenuous exercise.
shadow box
Peak ozbargain forum question.
I've seen everything here now.
Off to reddit I go.
Seeya suckers.
Why changed it from whirlpool to reddit?
They are came from 4chan though.
Which sub tho?
I had no idea that existed.
128 Online
Oh I was hoping for endless discussion topics to the calibre of this very question but it's just filled with deals. Disappointing.
I'm surprised. No I'm shocked, that you didn't ask for an MS Paint diagram!
Gotta keep the blood pumping. They don't call it the clotshot for nothing.
Can't they just give you a needle of warfarin while they're at it?
Chris Traeger has entered the chat
I saw this in a movie about a man that had to SPEED around the city, keeping his SPEED over 50. And if his SPEED dropped, he would explode! I think it was called…
The Man That Couldn't Slow Down.
Believe it or not I saw a similar movie with Sandra Bullock in it where she had to keep her speed up. I hate it when hollywood rehash the same stuff. Come to think of it, it may have even be called…
The Woman That Couldn’t Slow Down
I think Keanu Reeves was in another one, just like these two
It was only 7%, but was called lovekeanu
How many % off did it get you off DELL products?
@Jimothy Wongingtons: None. Stupid me called Dell to order, and there was no box to put the code in during the conversation
I think that was the Flash in Justice League Doom.
You're thinking of 2006 Crank with Jason Statham
*Chev, an assassin-for-hire, is injected with a serum that requires him to always keep his adrenaline levels high in order to survive. *
Peak movie making right there
I started doing lunges when it was my turn to move forward, calf raises when I was standing still. I did it mostly out of boredom. Got there early for my 1145 appointment, and got my actual jab at 1515hrs.
What’s wrong with it ?
Or you have an issue with it ?
Nothing's wrong and no issue.
Perhaps my reasoning is the same reason as to why so many people answer this question. Because it is curious.
Curious about what though? I could understand if they were disturbing others but how the hell is someone minding their own business in a queue curious to anyone. Some play or talk on their phone, others stretch, others fidget, I am not curious about any of those things, I am curious though why you find such normal behavior curious?
Probably normal, standing still for a long time is probably uncomfortable.
I do deep lunges so the person behind me stays 2 meters away
A guy at work just doesn’t shower, it works just as well…
Those are rookie numbers.. you gotta pump those numbers up
Username does not checkout.
Also, missing mspaint and dashcam video.
Totally normal behaviour.
Standing in a long queue can hurt. This is just logical to get the blood pumping.
Alternatively, or in addition, they may not be good with needles and this is a way to relieve anxiety.
probably on meth
How dare people do whatever they want
"It doesn't disturb others I think, it wasn't excessively vigorous exercise"
I'd go to OzBargain and ask what they'd do if someone's doing something that doesn't seem to affect anyone else…
Google says : The study reported that even breathing or talking could possibly release tiny particles (Bioaerosols) carrying the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes COVID 19. The team explained that the virus can stay suspended in the air in the ultrafine mist that is produced when infected people exhale.
Note it doesn't have to be vigorous .
And yet exercise is an excuse to not wear a mask in Vic.
If the person was queueing for the jab, he/she was probably wearing a mask, and keeping a safe distance, likely stepping on the "x" sign on the floor. If the person coughs, wheezes, or exercises, he/she will potentially be eliminating particles and that's life.
"Once infectious droplets and particles are exhaled, they move outward from the source. The risk for infection decreases with increasing distance from the source and increasing time after exhalation."
Next time you go to Coles, you have to check if there is any chance that someone has coughed in the last hours as particles might be in the air.
I'm sorry but I think that's just too much. At least the person in the queue is trying to be happy and active in this shitty world we are living in right now.
The good news is that OP and the person in the queue have been vaccinated. Although OP's "a jab" seems a bit generic, I'd like to believe that's the COVID-19 vaccine we are talking about.
he was probably anxious about his beef jerky arriving :P
"That guy seems to be exercising…"
Though in the heat of the moment, I might unexpectedly throw in a pronoun.
Offer him some tea.
Get the phone out, walk up, play some dance music and start looking for a podum! Hahahaha
Oh, and take a video then post it to IG and tag browncardigan… lol…
Btw. Was it cold? Trying to get blood circulating perhaps?
True OzB'r would try to sell a gym class, free F45 voucher, etc..
I see it every day at traffic lights, especially in the winter like now. It's easier to jog when you're warm than when you're cold.
Nothing, they're doing something my lazy ass isn't and trying to keep healthy, if that is reason to bitch then that is a YOU problem, the fact you made this post tell me you have a problem with it for some odd reason.
If I'm standing in a line, I'll be doing some kind of stretches. I can't stand being idle.
Stretching makes zero noise though. No loud breath, no jumping, nothing.
Okay, I'm confused as to the level of exertion he was putting in. I presumed "not excessively vigorous" would mean no loud breath & no jumping.
Non-vigorous exercise on the spot seems fine to me, burpees don't.
Obviously they are anxious. Moving limbs is a fight or flight response. They do not realise how silly they may look to others, bc they are in this state of fight or flight. Maybe a few words of reassuring would be appreciated, rather than glances of disapproval.
Tapping the pen, bouncing the knee, fidgeting in general, are signs of stress. Stop being a Gladys Kravitz
Such a passive aggressive post. Tell us what you really think.
Are you athletic? Maybe you could have critique their form and given them some pointers and see how this went…
Exercising or exorcising? Both can be quite vigorous I hear…
May as well get that demon cast out while waiting for the shot
Call Crimestoppers.
At the menu press 8 for inappropriate exercise.
I would immediately call ScoMo and probably also A Current Affair.
the news would spin it like crazy "people at so and so clinic are so excited to get their jabs they are literally jumping for joy"
To each their own? Doesn't affect me, they're free to do as they please.