½ Price Philips LED Globe 2-pack 1055lm Range $6.50 @ Woolworths

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can't speak to that experience, but we've fitted our house out with a bunch of the 1400lm ones and they're bloody rippers
Same. Although would still prefer brighter.
Btw these go 1/2 price fairly often.
Those are so good, need to stock up when they go on sale
Yep! I went with the 1400 B22s and they're awesome. Think it was 2 weeks ago i fitted my house…went to 2 woolies as I needed 1 more!
In true ozb fashion they ran out of the double packs and I refused to buy the single for $10 😎
Good to see this come around again.
Was actually looking up them LEDs that do all sorts of colours and remote control etc then just cbf'd and grabbed these lol.
I've got a blown globe. Need to check if screw on or clip. Thanks OP
Screw you OP =p
why so rude?
Do you want OP to bayonet you?
So bright! Love this product.
Is it only the 1055lm? Last year they had the whole range around this time of year.
Filament style globes wouldn't usually happen to be on special too would they? Got a couple of fittings that need more wide, omnidirectional style light output.
Grab the 1400 lumens, or there are even ufo type ones, bright af!
need more wide, omnidirectional style light output.
Candle-shaped LED globes are less directional than round globes, you could try them. However they're less common, never seem to go on special, and seem to exclusively be "warm white" colour. I have some in a chandelier-style light fitting, where the globes stick upwards from the base, and they still give good light (except directly under the chandelier, but no globe type is good for directly under the fitting).
I have these ones, $6 each at Target: https://www.target.com.au/p/mirabella-candle-led-5w-b22-bayo…
and here I'm stuck with Hue smart bulbs 800 Lumens
I got the cool 1055 lumen bulks. These are super bright and white/slight blue-ish. Probably about 6000-7000 kelvin is you look at the chart.
Yeah I prefer the 3000k Phillips in the purple packaging. I think they are a better quality product. These green packaged Phillips are the budget range.
The warm white is called soft white and is 2700k, too yellow for me. The cool white is too blue and sterile. The 3000k I find nice, a bit whiter bit still on the warm side.
Yeah i agree, both products are at the too warm or too cool spectrum. A more neutral bulb will be great.
Exactly. I bought these once and changed them after a week, they just annoyed me.
No experience with this product but agree that 3000k is perfect. Not sure why we need other choices.
So many LED manufacturers offer 2700K or 6500K, I don't know why there's not more options in between like 3500K or 4500K
6500K is so blue ( I want to feel at home, not like I'm in a surgery about to perform a surgery) and harsh and 2700K is too yellow and makes everything look off, especially say a white bed sheet look old and stained under the 2700K light.
@placard: My LIFX bulbs (side lamps) are currently at 2500K @ 59% brightness, and on their way down to 1500K @ 1% brightness at 12:59am (before lights out at 1am).
I want to buy these to replace my overhead dumb lights, but I don’t want to swap out the bulbs every hour for temperature changes. Maybe I’ll get more LIFX bulbs! 😆
Are these dimmable?
Wait for Dubai lightbulb, all those ones are rip-off
What's a Dubai lightbulb? Does it automatically turn off when you undress?
I think he's playing with you about the bayonet reference.
When I did a search I did find this interesting video of something available in Dubai - but I don't know how you would get hold of them in Oz.
(well the first few minutes - I don't have half an hour to spend on a lightbulb video)
I got some of these in 9W and 14W discounted recently from WOW - as a cheap price for a good brand like Philips
but beware the warning on the label - 'use in open luminaire only' - see https://photos.app.goo.gl/67ueWWc4te92SQ796 from this pack https://photos.app.goo.gl/Fz5VtSEmCToeJdy56
suggesting that heat trapped in an enclosed fitting is expected to reduce the life of LED bulbs significantly - I've returned 11W 1050Lm Osram stick LED bulbs to Bunnings after 3 of them failed (dimmed to barely on) after only about 2000hrs (5 months of 12x7 - night-time only use) rather than 12000hrs as on some packs. I had tried them in glass-enclosed garden bollard lights and guess the trapped heat reduced the life.
I've also been trying the ones beside them on the shelf in Woolworths - Olsent (rebranded Osram) clear glass exposed filament long yellow elements - (along the lines of the legendary Dubai light bulb) - a bit dazzling if you look directly at them - but seeking optimum energy saving for the equivalent light output of the original spec 60W incandescent bulbs which were about 800Lm I believe - so I've used 6.5W 806Lm Olsent WW (no Cool White available due to the yellow filaments I believe) at $10/2pack which have lasted 6 months so far with no failures in about 10 of them compared to 3 failures in about 10 of the 11W stick LEDS.
My idea being the $5 6.5W LED bulbs will pay for themselves in 6 months of night-time only electricity savings compared to the previous 15W 900Lm CFL with similar light output which were costing us $6 each. In other words those new bulbs I've tried have already paid for themselves in savings just in the last 6 months.
Apart from some people hating the yellow/warm white in a green garden (I'm yeah nah maybe) the main concern seems to be if you use a higher power (14W?) LED in an enclosed fitting it's likely to shorten the effective life, maybe killing your cost saving there.
I had tried them in glass-enclosed garden bollard lights
The packaging in your photo says "For Indoor Use".
Whatever that means.
Sale is on in-store now already at my local Woolies in Kew, VIC!
Not dimmable, can get similiar globes for $1.35
Emerald planet
had the 805lm ES version of this splits off the thread cap from the plastic housing, stuck inside the light fitting
the plastic housing are cheapass plasticky