• expired

[VIC] Little Creatures Pale Ale 24x 330ml $30.36 + Delivery or Free Pick up @ Woolworths


I am still learning to post a deal properly, so please excuse if there are mistakes:

So yes I tried ordering some Ale yesterday, I went to Woolworths Website (Not BWS) ordered Little Creature Pale Ale bottles. The website says 24 bottles for $54, so I put 2 case in my cart and it got further reduced to just $60.72 for 2 case (excluding delivery). There is pick up or direct to boot option also available.

My order got delivered today and I ordered 3 more cases for a friend. Just got notified they have only 2 cases in stock so I will get a refund for 1 case. Some of you might get lucky if it is in stock at your local store.


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closed Comments

  • Store name in the title please

    • Ordered 2 from Craigieburn Central, 2 from Plenty Valley. Checked and it showed available for pickup from Coburg Hills. All in VIC. Thanks

  • +2

    $114 here in SA
    Shows this but cannot click on the link "Rewards Offer $57"

    • $74 in Vic, and rewards offer also $57

      • +1

        Do you reckon OP's 2-for offer might only work if you're signed up to Woolies loyalty program?

        • Not sure, I logged in and added 2, and it did drop to ~$30 each.

  • +1

    Site says temporarily unavailable here in Vic :(

    Edit: whoops, just had to change stores.

    • Says most of the stores in the CBD has stock.

      • Stores around in regional vic have stock but I cant select them

  • +6

    Didnt work here in NSW

  • $114 WA

  • Works in Wodonga for pick up.

    • Weird. Doesn't work in Bright

  • +1

    Works for me at Airport West Westfield click & collect, thanks!

  • So you have to buy two?

    • Nope.

  • how do you remove the $1.50 for paper bags?

    • Changed mine to BYO bags

      • Where is that option? Sorry for asking dumb question.

        • +4

          Was on the left after I save the boot collection option. Don't worry I couldn't find it at first. Part of me wanted to pay the $1.50 just to see them put slabs in paper bags

  • +2

    $60.72 for 2 cases = Real Bargain. Hope they honour it tomorrow morning.

    • +1

      I got 2 cases delivered this morning. Good luck

  • when i select a few of my local stores and refresh the page the add to cart and quantity disappears.

    Are you guys selecting Pickup or Direct to boot?

    • +1

      Pick up. Same location didn’t allow for deliver to boot for me.

  • Unavailable now.

  • +8

    there is a mountain goat 6pack with a similar price error. worked out to be $22 for 4x6pack

  • $57 for me in WA

  • thanks op! need to ensure everyday rewards is linked to your account

  • Worked in melb. Absolute bargain.

  • +1

    Appeared as "rewards offer $54" but dropped down to $30.36 in the cart. Thanks OP

    • Same for me, and got a case for $30.36. Thanks OP!

  • Unavailable for me now in VIC

  • Got one in Fitzroy

  • Thanks OP! Came to $29.90 for me for some reason.

    • Same here

  • Got one $30.36 at watergardens vic

  • Its back online. Get in quick

  • No matter what stores i choose anywhere in Vic, the quantity and add to cart never appears…..WTF

    • that is weird. i could add the little creatures but the mountain goat mentioned here i couldnt

  • Thanks OP. Ordered a slab at $30.36 for tomorrow pick-up. Fingers crossed that it won't get canceled.

  • $29.90 for me in Vic.

    Had to add another item to get over $30 for click and collect.

  • thanks op..lets see how this pans out

  • thats what i see.


    • must not be available your location…try setting a store to a different area?

      • Tried heaps of different one, different browsers, no dice.

        If I look at other stores around me it says in stock though so no idea why it doesn't work.

        • ..bugger. i got nothing …definitely worked here. > se burbs melb

    • Save yo list, then add list to cart

      • +1

        That doesnt even work, list is just empty.

        • have you logged in and linked your everyday rewards card successfully?

          • @[Deactivated]: Yep done all that

            • @oxblood8: …sheee-it. i really want you to get some beer … you deserve it for persistence!

  • Worked for me in Bundoora, thanks!

  • Just bought 2 for $59.80

  • My two stores within 5km don't do pick ups apparently… unlucky. Hastings and Somerville for reference.

    Unfortunately the govt has outlawed OzB Crawls for me to go pick up from every Woolies in Victoria without a mask on.

    • +1

      I got mine delivered. It is 10-15 depending on time you select. Still good if you get 2 cases or more…

      • Wasn't applying for me but I didn't have Everyday Rewards linked - sorted now.

    • Pick delivery to boot. That works there.
      I'm getting the mountain goat slab for $22 delivered to my car at Hastings.

      • Steam, Pale or GOAT?
        edit: None of the above working for me.

        • It was the pale. Let's hope it's honoured.

          • +1

            @Fitzwah: Bugger isn't working for me. Would have done that instead, not that I find much different in quality between the two.

  • +3

    good to see everyone showing restraint…1 or 2 cases & let everyone have a shot

  • Ordered 3 slabs for $91.08, thanks OP

    • +2

      …then you showed up :P

      • +3

        Haha, too good of a deal to just buy 1 or 2!

      • And you thought what you said goes…..

  • Has been nuked in VIC

  • +1

    Good deal, OP. Ordered two cases for pickup

  • +2

    Refreshed the page a few times (after linking Rewards) and managed to order in VIC

  • i got for pick up tomorrow. Wonder if they will honour the price?

    • if they dont cancel youll / we'll all be fine…

    • I’ve done the same and I’ve got a good feeling about it. If the store has stock usually it is honoured.

  • Is it possible to search for items with rewards offers?

  • +3

    dammit …i really didnt mean to buy more cheap booze today considering i just picked some up yesterday from coles
    oh well this lockdown aint going anywhere so…whatever

    • +1

      ln the same vote. Visited DM on Friday for a case but store is being renovated so limited beer choices on the floor - picked up mountain goat but was looking for little creatures (and a few 6 packs of craft) as an easy staple in the fridge. Saw this post, ordered 3 cases!

  • +1

    Ordered. Had to try a few different stores.

  • +1

    Why don't QLD Woolies stock beer :(

    • +2

      QLD licensing things driven by hotel lobby. Unlucky!

    • +1

      You're in the Sunshine state😜

    • +1

      similar to why Aldi can't sell alcohol in the state, stupid licensing laws & politicians in the pocket of those with ulterior motives

  • +4

    For those with woolies code myshop20 you get $20 off extra if you buy four cases. Reach the minimum spend of $120.

    I got 4 for $100.

    • Didn't work for me, I ordered 3 more cases for a friend and tried. Good luck everyone….

      • +2

        dont worry …its a targeted offer only on some accounts (mine wasnt)

  • Has anyone had this beer lately ? Lot's of one star reviews on Dan Murphy's site saying it has changed for the worse? I ordered one anyway. Thanks OP, can't go wrong for $30 surely.

    • +3

      It's an easy staple for the fridge, usually buy a case every few months as a fridge filler between craft beer.

    • +1

      last i had was spring last year…was as good to drink then as ever

    • +4

      It's not like it was 10 years ago when it first came out and was a true craft beer, but it's better than other mainstream craft beers (oxymoron intended) eg Coopers, Squires, Fat Yak. But not as good as the next rung up of more genuinely craft beers.

    • +5

      It depends on your perspective. If you're really into craft beer that produce interesting flavours, super hoppy beers etc then it may taste bland. I used to be like that, but then at some point started disliking craft beer and opting for more simple beers or German beers that aren't particularly hoppy. About two years ago when I was still into craft beers I thought this was bland, but now I find it pleasant. Just depends on what your expectations are, what you are used to, and, most importantly, what you like.

      To your point of people saying it changed, I don't think it has. It was just created when craft beer was new in Australia and the industry has moved on to more experimental and hoppier beers.

      • I'm in the same boat as you…..got into the craft beers a few years ago, then got sick of them and went back to the more basic Euro beers. So this should be a nice change up. We all need a bit of variety to keep things interesting.

  • +1

    I think it is back to 54 per case in VIC now……maybe everywhere else too……

    • +1

      yep….fixed. too many purchases in too short a period
      now the waiting game begins…will they cancel?

      • +1

        Hey Mate, saw your movie at the Melbourne film Festival. You've officially made it now

  • Order didn't go through but my it charged my amex.. anyone had the same issue?

  • yeah, fixed it. I see $54 too.

  • yeah, fixed it. I see $54 too.

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