Does anyone have any thoughts on this product??
It's really efficient for its price.
Any views on electrolux in general?
Thanks for any help!
Does anyone have any thoughts on this product??
It's really efficient for its price.
Any views on electrolux in general?
Thanks for any help!
That can apparently be caused by not putting a hot wash through it often enough. Online sources suggest to put a cup of vinegar through it on a hot wash.
Some reviews on front load machines from electrolux here… found it using google.…
Personally I would not touch a front loader but we all have our preferences.
Don't forget the $55 dollar delivery fee …same price i guess…unless u pick up (Billy Guyatts)
(you could always try a price match which A.O usually do)
EBAY terms and conditions…
"If you have left us a positive feedback, we will endeavour to post positive feedback for you. If you feedback is not of a positive nature, please contact us via email as soon as possible so that we may endeavour to resolve any issues you may have. Failure to contact us via email regarding your concerns prior to leaving non-positive feedback will render our Return Policy void."
Thanks for that, it is $70 cheaper (i have to pick it up, and remove the old 1 tho :<)
I have an electolux top loader that only takes front loading detergent (it's supposed to be water efficient).
It's a horrible horrible thing. It is maybe 3 years old, maybe a bit more.
If I use washing powder the clothes are always covered with white powder and spots. I can only use a liquid laundry detergent and only one that is clear.
It always has to be on the maximum water rinse cycle, if you leave it on the water saving cycle (default) there will be even more detergent left on the clothes.
It beeps all the time and drives everyone in the house crazy.
It would come up with an error message all the time (more terrible beeping) and eventually discovered it was part that was recalled, so electrolux came out and fix it for free.
I'd never get electrolux again that is for sure.
I had a Fisher and Paykel top loader and it used to be pretty average cleaning with a top loading Hoover before that, was great -but everyone said Hoover had really gone downhill qualitywise so didn't buy again.
(the beeping means your washing is ready on my Electrolux…but i want to know that ;)
(i realise your machine is different tho Voiletmay ie: TOPloader not having a go at you…)
Front loaders have some good points, but there are top loaders now that use less water/power. And top loaders don't need the water heated, or buy special front-loader detergent. Front loaders (in GENERAL for the nitpickers) seem to have a shorter life span too. So any savings in power/water is soon wiped away by replacing it sooner.
We still use an old Hoover top loader. We bought it second hand in 1996/97. A couple of years ago I replaced the water pump and a solenoid (with secondhand parts). So it's about 18-20 years old, still going, and still able to buy parts.
Could you find me a 5 (or even 4) star top loader then please? (i usually prefer actual power, but companies seem to just be releasing stars (or power p.a.)). I guess they are all relative anyway.
Top loaders don't need the water heated
What do you mean by this? front loaders take hot water too.
Sorry, it's a big enough headache doing research for yourself when it comes to things like this, so I'll leave that to you. (It's just too time-consuming finding all the specs.)
Don't be too concerned about the whole star rating thing though. They were supposed to improve that system a few years ago. Perhaps they did, perhaps not. I would just look up the power a machine uses (in watts) and litres of water used per standard washload and compare that between machines.
You might want to also look at the price you pay for electricity, and per megalitre of water (1,000,000 litres)… Because as the fact water is charged in "Mega" litres suggests… water is, er… "dirt" cheap. (My point being, if one machine uses less power but more water, it may still work out cheaper - or vice-versa.)
For a simple example, if you lived on a farm you could have access to free water. So in that case I'd choose a machine that used less electricity over one that used less water.
My heater comment referred to the fact that while front loaders can take cold water in, they then heat it internally to improve cleaning action of the detergent. But top loaders don't need hot water - and don't need a special (usually = more expensive) detergent either.
Good luck. :-)
I asked for a 4 or 5 star top loader, because they dont exist. (well none on AO, and a few other sites, they may exist out there somewhere, but 4/5 star top loaders are common).
And the star system is alright (as a comparison, it is hard to find how they are calculated tho), its hard to find Actual Power.
Top loaders use less power, i dont care about water as much, but they can use about the same.
Yeah, I know… I guess what I'm getting at in it's simplest form is this:
If I had a choice between a front loader and a top loader that both used the same power, water and detergent, I would still take the top loader. Because front loaders generally don't last as long. So if you have to replace it sooner, then it hasn't saved you much (if anything) in the long run.
I think you understood what I meant. But that was just in case others didn't follow what I was saying. Manufacturers sure seem to make it hard to compare on purpose.
about a month too late there…
you may have deleted it, but i saw it…
Have to admit I like the On-Board Diagnotics of the Fisher & Paykel Smart Drive when something goes wrong.
Unless of course it's the computer board for all that that packs up (a week outside of warranty)
I hear you can then use the motor to make your own wind generator though - surely that's a positive… ;-p
It bothers me greatly that my mind started ticking over as soon as I saw your comment. lol
(can you really?)
Apparently, yes. Someone on Freecycle was giving some F&P motors away in my area a few months ago. In his OFFER post, he said:
Dammit, we gave away a F & P washing machine a couple of years ago. It would have been a cool experiment if nothing else.
Little Children - Kate Winslet - Washing Machine?
Good spin speed @ 1000rpm. Only get direct drive - no gear box = less parts to fault. Check times on wash cycles, front loaders often double top loader….. sure they may have a quick wash, not the same as full cycle. Personally, F&P top.…
Cheaper by $56 = 10%… hope you have not bought it yet:}
argh, they dropped the price…. i got it from somewhere in clayton for about $20 more (but pick up rather than delivery)
oh well
Irrelevant to the discussion about Electrolux I know, but I LOVE my Fisher and Paykel top loader.
I conducted intensive market research (ie gathered opinions from another forum I frequent - it was a robust discussion with over 50 users) and by far the majority also loved their F&P.
Let me just say - Dame Washalot is v. happy :)
(although if somebody could do something about this constant rain she'd be happier!)
I've heard nothing but bad from F&P, that includes this forum, my parents, and parents in law, ALL have problems with F&P.
smells like spam to me…
Not spam at all - why assume that a positive comment is deliberately placed to deceive others? I must be the lucky one person for the whole product range whose machine is working fine. Along with the the other users from an entirely unrelated forum (a generic "housewives and toddlers" forum, for the record.)
Anyway, as I said, I recognise that it is irrelevant to your discussion and question, but since my F&P toploader experience has been so good, I thought I'd share it with others who may be searching the discussions for info about washing machines. If all the other reports are bad, then they can make up their own minds about whether to accept this feedback for what it is, or to cast aspersions and call it spam
And to make it Oz-Bargain related, my local Good Guys beat the price of the best on-line competitor that I could find by about $100 bucks, and gave free same day delivery and removal of the old machine. Yes, I was stunned. I guess real cash in hand money does make a difference in a competitive marketplace. Or maybe nobody really does want to buy a F&P and instead they should have paid me to take it away!
First F&P lasted 12 years and gave to mother and went for 3 more years*. Latest has gone for 5 years and not missed a beat, with a family of 5.
Survey of 1 and NOT a F&P employee
Maybe should have said you didn't want a F&P in the beginning, then no one would have wasted their time advising you on this.
I've heard nothing but bad from F&P, that includes this forum, my parents, and parents in law, ALL have problems with F&P.
*She died before it did
My mother had (and still has) a F&P that was (ans is) excellent - we based our buying decision on that machine, figured we couldn't go wrong, bought the exact same model. The computer board died a week outside of manufacturers warranty and it had developed a nasty squeak by the end of about 5 years.
My mother still has hers and its working perfectly. She'd no doubt give it rave reviews - doesn't mean she works for F & P.
We bought the 8kg Electrolux from Appliances Online in Jan. Its a pretty good machine, no probs and we really like it - washes much better than our old top loading simpson. Couldn't fault Appliances Online either. Speedy delivery, quick to install etc etc….
I would say go for it.
We've had an LG Direct Drive Fuzzy Logic 8kg toploader for 15 years or so. It still looks and works perfectly.
It was the top of the line model back then, I got it at a seconds place for $800 (I think) but it was unused but had been on display in Harvey Norman.
Only thing that's died is 3 of the waste pumps. I bought them on ebay for $20 each and replaced them myself.
It really truly has been absolutely fabulous.
3 waste pumps dying and you say its reliable.
Reminds me of my friend who had a Simpson that the waste pump wouldn't work after 6 years, mechanic said it would cost $200+ for repairs.
Very down on the machine, until I found you could easily remove the pump from the unit and found a needle stuck in the pump impeller, which had jammed it, took the needle out, cleaned out the lint and it still goes 5 years later.
So without my help they would be down on it, as an unreliable machine, whereas now they think its fantastic as its "user" repairable.
So much for user assessment of reliability, how much of this is dependent upon service competency … :)
3 waste pumps dying and you say its reliable.
Just checked - the machine was bought June 2002
- The first pump was purchased Feb 2007, failed within a month
- Second pump free of charge April 2007
- Most recent pump April 2011
So that's how long they last - 4 or 5 years.
Pete - virtually ALL washing machines use the exact same waste pumps.
This is the replacement I bought…… … check the description
"This Magnetic pump suits many of the following: Top Loader Washing Machine, Front Loader Washing Machine and Dishwashers
example of makes: LG, NEC, Simpson, Hoover, Samsung, Conia, Dishlex, Bosch, Asko, Daewoo, Eurotech, Elecrolux, Maytag, Hitachi and many, many more makes."
The pump is a German design, made in China. The gland seal eventually leaks, and the bearing rusts and becomes stiff… the pump cannot spin itself up, so the machine chucks an error. It was probably the exact same pump in that the Simpson that you serviced.
good info, very well researched, thanks.
BTW wasnt having a go at you, I was trying to point out that perceptions of reliability, really is a function of truly knowing what has gone wrong, rather than sometimes dodgy opinions of a repairman.
Just found the invoice - it's not 15 years old, it's 10 years old.
LG Model WT-R801
It cost $824 as a "second" in July 2002
Very impressed with the machine we use where i live (5 people) so it gets a workout
very quiet and does a good clean(can't check the exact model number tho as i wont be back till tues)
it is around 1.5 years old i think or maybe even two ?
EDIT: have just remembered too my sister in Sydney has one of a similar age and it has gone mouldy on the rubber door seal(maybe because she is within cooee of the ocean…no idea(used it at Christmas when i went visiting)