Much cheaper than everywhere else, no experience with the site though so shop at your own risk.
For those who aren't into flashlights, 13,000 lumen is basically several cars on high beams.
Much cheaper than everywhere else, no experience with the site though so shop at your own risk.
For those who aren't into flashlights, 13,000 lumen is basically several cars on high beams.
Imagine the heat of that compact casing. My tinymonster at 4000lm almost burn my friend car seat due to its heat when he forgot to turn it off 😅
Overseas stock. If the unit comes with the battery, either the delivery would be pricey (via DHL) or they won't declare. Tried to buy from other overseas sellers and most won't deliver with the batteries.
From a quick google search seems like build quality + QC is pretty bad on these - and lots of people report issues. Turbo mode is also more of a gimmick than anything considering it will step down significantly after only 45 seconds.
Turbo is normally never practical on flashlights. Useful for shits and giggles. Can also be used to kill mozzies painfully.
I don't really agree. Plenty of flashlights have a turbo mode that is far more practical than this, and most have a "high" mode that's far closer to the maximum output.
Down to 2000 lumen after 45 seconds is a joke.
there is nothing that can maintain 2000+ in this size
At that price I'd be looking at the convoy 4x18A with sbt90.2
interested to know what's the tried and true brand or model of powerful flashlight around that price. somewhere between a bat signal searchlight and a high beam.
I did not know this existed. I need it!
Would the cells included be rubbish?…
@Pixie13: LiitoKala is an alright brand and it's 35A so discharge is good enough.
Make sure to buy one in the link as there are other models with different, less throwy and cheaper LEDs.
@Caped Baldy: Thanks for the clarification.
I own a few of their chargers and they've been adequate.
@Pixie13: You're welcome.
I'm looking at getting the same one but buying the batteries separately and when there's a good cashback offer. The one linked is not a CR affiliate seller.
Pretty comprehensive review here…
Olight are pretty good, I have a few different models.
Build quality and performance is excellent.
Olight quality is excellent, but you don't get value/features for money.
Edit, true also performance - sustained output is good.
I would be looking at things from blf personally.
Blf ?
@Tsapena: Budget light forums. Some people who are flashaholics have created torches that all of us would love, for example this is one of the top performing throwers, albeit expensive… but they make some really cost effective lights. I own the Q8…
Edit: once you own something from there, you'll be unlikely to buy olight again.
@Pixie13: 3 Convoy and 4 Sofirn flashlights later, I wholehearted agree with this. I think all of them combined were only marginally more expensive than a mid-size Olight. The Convoy's are beautifully made and the Sofirns I have are BLF designed versions with the amazing Anduril user interface and USB-C charging. BLF truly is a rabbit hole, and will lead to a collection before you know it!
@c1ockwork: Haha, yep, just like me. My L6 is still amazing, sofirn also amazing - the lantern is absolutely worth the money. The sp36 is good too. The astrolux ft03 is one of my favourite throwers though. I have issues, I know. You are completely right, the usb-c and anduril interface is my favourite.
basically several cars on high beams.
so this torch is useful for indicating your annoyance at that driver who insists on turning on their fancy, supercheap auto-special, led light bar just driving down a suburban street?
Probably worth it for that purpose alone then. Lol. Those guys are freakin annoying..
another time, i was two cars in front of an old landcruiser driver who had his roof-mounted spotties on. thankfully it was during the day so not as bad, but i wondered where those extra suns were coming from.
If car-mounted lights are suns for you, this torch would be a supernova
@solidfruit: Tbh I thought my BLF Q8 and Javelot was bright. Brought it camping and test with my friend 24 led bar on how bright they are.
Definitely not sun vs supernova difference.
Further throw with my Javelot and that was it :p
@solidfruit: Yeah. The led bull bar lights are normally around 9000 lumens.
Wont be far off with this MS03. Need to see how the reflectors are designed :)
Very difficult to deal with this mob if there are any issues! They just can't accept that the product is faulty. I have raised the issue with Paypal now. Received a defective flashlight.
13,000 lumens for 45 seconds and then steps down to 2,000 lumens.